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HW 2 Solution

Problem (40 Points)

Given L = {anb : n ≥ 0} over Σ = {a, b}.

Design an NFA with no more than 3 states to accept L' where L' = L (L ⋃ {λ})

What to Submit

Solve the problem using the provided JFLAP in the Canvas

Save it as: First_Name.Last_Name.List_Num.jff
If your first or last name has more than one part, hyphenate them and

don't use underscore. (e.g.: ahmad.yazdan-khah.1.jff) Also note that my fake list number is written as '1', not '01'.

3. Upload it in the Canvas before the due time.


I'll test your code with 20 random strings. You'll get +2 for every success pass.

You'll get -5 for wrong filename!

General Hints

Always read the requirements at least 10 times! An inaccurate software engineer is unacceptable!

For late submission policy, please refer to the greensheet.
Absolutely no excuse will be accepted.

After submitting your work, always download it and check whether the process of submission was fine.

This is an individual assignment. Therefore, exchanging idea is OK but sharing the answer is NOK!

We are using JFLAP7.1 and it is NOT compatible with other versions such as JFLAP 7.0 or 8.

You can submit multiple times and I'll consider the latest one. Note that Canvas adds a number at the end of your file name in the case of multiple-submission.
I do NOT consider that number as the file name.

If there is any question, ambiguity, or concern, please open a discussion in the Canvas.

© Ahmad Yazdankhah
CS 154: Formal Languages and Computability

SJSU, Department of Computer Science
Fall 2019

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