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Homework 01 Solution

This assignment asks you to apply the A search algorithm to the processing of propositional Prolog knowledge bases such as

q:- a,b.

q:- c.

a:- f.

c:- b.

c:- d,e,f.

d:- e.


f:- e,d.

(call it example) which we can represent as the list

[[q,a,b], [q,c], [a,f], [c,b], [c,d,e,f], [d,e], [e], [f,e,d]]

and use in the clauses

arc([H|T],Node,Cost,KB) :- member([H|B],KB), append(B,T,Node), length(B,L), Cost is L+1.

heuristic(Node,H) :- length(Node,H).


A le incomplete is supplied below, de ning a predicate initKB/1 that ini-tilizes a dynamic predicate kb/1 to a list represeting a le, so that consulting this code, we have

| ?- initKB(’example’), kb(KB).

KB = [[q,a,b],[q,c],[a,f],[c,b],[c,d,e,f],[d,e],[e],[f,e,d]]

Your task is to de ne the predicate


that implements A , returning a path to the goal node [] with minimal cost, given Node and KB. Among the clauses in incomplete is

astar(Node,Path,Cost) :- kb(KB), astar(Node,Path,Cost,KB).

allowing you to test your code with queries such as

?- initKB(’example’), astar([q],Path,Cost).

Path = [[],[e],[d],[e,d],[f],[e,f],[e,e,f],[d,e,f],[c],[q]], Cost = 17.

See hw-graph.pdf.

Hint Modify the skeletal search algorithm

search([Node|_]) :- goal(Node).

search([Node|More]) :- findall(X,arc(Node,X),Children), add-to-frontier(Children,More,New), search(New).

so that the head of the list New obtained in add-to-frontier has f-value no larger than any in New’s tail, where

f(node) = cost(node) + h(node):

Let the frontier be a list of path-cost pairs (instead of just nodes), being careful to update path cost, and to bring in the heuristic function in forming the frontier New.

less-than([[Node1|_],Cost1],[[Node2|_],Cost2]) :-heuristic(Node1,Hvalue1), heuristic(Node2,Hvalue2), F1 is Cost1+Hvalue1, F2 is Cost2+Hvalue2,

F1 =< F2.

The le incomplete

:- dynamic(kb/1).

makeKB(File):- open(File,read,Str),





readK(Stream,[]):- at_end_of_stream(Stream),!.

readK(Stream,[X|L]):- read(Stream,X),



reformat([end_of_file],[]) :- !.

reformat([:-(H,B)|L],[[H|BL]|R]) :- !,



reformat([A|L],[[A]|R]) :- reformat(L,R).

mkList((X,T),[X|R]) :- !, mkList(T,R).


initKB(File) :- retractall(kb(_)), makeKB(File).

astar(Node,Path,Cost) :- kb(KB), astar(Node,Path,Cost,KB).

% astar(Node,Path,Cost,KB) :- ???

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