Lab 2 is an opportunity to use a number of UNIX/Linux tools to search subdirectories, report the nature of files found and produce a summary report.
There is a bit less hand-holding in this lab than in the previous lab. Refer back to the Lab 1 writeup if you have forgotten anything important.
Your script shall be named srpt and be marked executable. Here is how you execute your script:
./srpt PATH
./srpt ./testfolder
Your script shall inspect the file names of every file and directory in the folder represented by PATH and accumulate a count of each of the following file system objects:
Every file
Every subdirectory (excluding "PATH" itself)
Every symbolic link
Every file that is 365 days old or older (old files)
Every file that is larger than 500,000 bytes (large files)
Every graphics file (any file with suffix of .jpg, .gif or .bmp)
Every temporary file (any file with a suffix of ".o")
Every executable file (any file executable by the user)
Total byte count of each file
Your srpt script shall produce a report in this format in this order (note the exact spelling of the labels, the spacing and the commas in the numbers):
SearchReport host path date
Execution time nnn
Directories n,nnn,nnn
Files n,nnn,nnn
Sym links n,nnn,nnn
Old files n,nnn,nnn
Large files n,nnn,nnn
Graphics files n,nnn,nnn
Temporary files n,nnn,nnn
Executable files n,nnn,nnn
TotalFileSize n,nnn,nnn
Your srpt script should exit with return code 0 (zero) after producing its report unless the path was not specified on the commandline. If your script is executed without a PATH, issue this usage statement and exit with return code 1:
Usage: srpt PATH
Additional Requirements
You are free to use whatever tools that are available in order to produce the requested output. Please note the following:
You may only make one pass over the files per execution of your script (meaning no multiple file system searches). The find command is the best utility to obtains all of the required information in a single execution of find . Search the Internet for examples on how to use find to search and count files of a given name or type and save that information in a temporary file.
You may not modify any file or directory in the requested path. If you create any temporary files, do so only in a unique folder you create, in /tmp . I recommend creating a folder in /tmp with your icarus userID IN YOUR SCRIPT so that its name is unique.
mkdir /tmp/$USER at the top of your script will create a folder named /tmp/dj45678 if my icarus userID happened to be dj45678 . The $USER variable is always set to the current userID. Create all of your temporary files in this folder.
At the end of your script, delete your /tmp folder with all of your temporary files. Be a good computer citizen, and do not expect that any files or folders in /tmp will still be there the next day. This is why it is called /tmp .
CS 3030 Cowan 01-04-2019 08:43 PM 2
Do not "prompt" the user to enter any information. Supply only the name of the folder on the commandline.
Use self-documenting variables to hold the counts.
Format counts with commas for readability. Look up the printf command, which can output numbers with commas.
Output the date in the report header as produced by the date utility. Use the BASH variable $HOSTNAME to print the hostname in the report header. Here is an example output from date:
Thu Dec 25 07:00:00 MST 2014
Execution time is calculated from invocation and ends just before printing the summary report.
Use whitespace and indenting to make your script readable.
Add comments to your script to document your logic.
Clone your private repo on github.com
In the assignment module in Canvas, find the link to the Canvas page entitled "Clone your Lab 2 Repo", click on it and follow the instructions.
Use git to clone (download) a copy of your private repo to your local machine
To obtain a copy of your private repo to icarus, log into icarus and enter these commands:
git clone https://cowancs3030spring19/lab2-YOURGITHUBUSERNAME
Write and test srpt
Fire up your favorite text editor, and begin with your header:
(Your name)
Lab 2 - Search and Report
CS 3030 - Scripting Languages
(Add your great code here)
Be sure to save your script as srpt .
CS 3030 Cowan 01-04-2019 08:43 PM 3
As you add features, test your script with a folder of file system objects, provided on icarus for your convenience:
./srpt /var/classes/cs3030/lab2/testfiles
Your script must successfully complete scanning the testfiles folder in 5 seconds or less.
Here is an EXAMPLE of what your script might produce (the date of course will be different).
Test your program using Cucumber
./cucumber -s
Cucumber for this lab generates a random set of file system objects to fully test your program.
Submit your assignment code for grading
Remember, you must push your script in your private repo to github.com to receive any points, for all assignments in this course.
git add srpt
git commit -m"COMMIT MESSAGE"
git push origin master
Files created for this lab: srpt
Here is how you earn points for this assignment:
CS 3030 Cowan 01-04-2019 08:43 PM 4
Must-Have Features
Script is named correctly and found in its proper place in your repo
Script is executable
Required Features
Report header is in the correct format
Execution time is reported in seconds
Execution time is < 5 seconds for ./testfiles
Directory count is correct
File count is correct
Sym link count is correct
Old file count is correct
Large file count is correct
Graphics file count is correct
Temporary file count is correct
Executable file count is correct
Total file size is correct
Exit code is zero for normal execution
Exit code is 1 if the PATH is not specified on the commandline
A “Usage” statement is printed if the PATH is not specified on the commandine
Grand Total
CS 3030 Cowan 01-04-2019 08:43 PM