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Bus Simulation Solution

• Submission: Submit a zip or tar archive on Moodle containing  all your java source files, as well as your writeup  and readme  files. You are allowed to change or modify your submission prior  to  the  deadline,  so submit  early  and  often,  and  verify that  all your  files are  in  the submission.  If you are working with a partner, exactly  one of you should submit.

Failure  to  submit  the  correct  files will result  in a score of zero for all missing  parts.   Late submissions  and submissions  in an abnormal format  (such  as .rar) will be penalized.  Only submissions  made via Moodle are acceptable.

• Writeup format: The writeup  should be submitted as a pdf file, which can be exported  to by all common word processors and generated  from LATEX  files. If you have questions  about creating  a pdf file, please ask for help before the deadline.


• Readme format: The readme may be submitted as either  a pdf file, a Markdown  (md) file, or as a text  file.

• Partners: You may  work alone or with  one  partner.  Please  place you and  your  partner’s name,  student ID, and x500 in a comment in each .java file you submit.  Do not share code with students other  than  your partner.

• Code Sharing: If you use online resources  to share  code with  your partner, please ensure the  code is private.   Public  repositories  containing  your  code are  prohibited because  other students may copy your work.  As always, make sure that you credit  any sources of ideas or code (including  code from the course website).

• Java Version: The TAs will grade your code using Java  8. Please ensure your code works in Java  8, which is the version installed  on the cselabs computers. Java  6 and Java  7 will work with Java  8 (at  least for the purposes  of this course).

• Grading: We  will not  be  using  unit  tests  to  grade  this  project.    You  are  free to  make any design decisions you want,  but  your code must  be reasonably  clean,  well-designed,  and commented  thoroughly.  Your code may receive a penalty  if it is confusing or demonstrates poor knowledge of Java.

Grading  will be done by the TAs; please address  grading  problems  to them  privately.


• Questions: Please  post  questions  related  to  this  project  on the  Moodle forum.   Do  not e-mail the TAs or  the class email unless you  have private questions. All questions about  how to code Java  or questions  about  understanding this instruction document belong on Moodle.   However,  please  avoid  posting  your  answer  code on Moodle,  even  if it  is not working.




Code  Style



Part of your grade will be decided based on the “code style”  demonstrated by your programming. In general,  all projects  will involve a style component.   This  should  not  be intimidating, but  it is fundamentally important. The following items represent “good” coding style:



• Use effective comments  to  document  what  important variables,  functions,  and  sections  of the  code are  for.  In general,  the  TA  should  be able to  understand your  logic through  the comments  left in the code.

Try to leave comments  as you program,  rather than  adding them all in at the end.  Comments should not feel like arbitrary busy work - they should be written  assuming the reader is fluent in Java,  yet has no idea how your program  works or why you chose certain  solutions.

• Use effective and standard indentation.


• Use descriptive  names  for variables.   Use standard Java  style for your names:  ClassName, functionName, variableName for structures in your code, and for the file names.



Try  to avoid the following stylistic  problems:



• Missing or highly redundant, useless comments.  int a = 5; //Set a to be 5 is not help- ful.

• Disorganized  and messy files. Poor indentation of braces ({ and }).


• Incoherent  variable  names.   Names  such  as  m and  numberOfIndicesToCount are  not  use- ful.  The  former is too short  to be descriptive,  while the  latter is much  too descriptive  and redundant.

• Slow functions.    While  some algorithms  are  more  efficient than  others,  functions  that are aggressively  inefficient could  be  penalized  even  if they  are  otherwise  correct.    In  general, functions  ought to terminate in under  5 seconds for any reasonable  input.



Your  submission  for the  project  will be  evaluated for code style.   This  will not  be  strict  – for example,  one bad  indent or one subjective  variable  name are hardly  a problem.  However, if your code seems careless or confusing, or if no significant effort was made to document the code, points will be deducted.


If you are confused about  the style guide, please talk  with a TA.



Formatting Tip: IntelliJ  IDEA can be used to auto-indent your code! This option is available under  the ‘Code Reformat  Code’ menu item.







Decision making requires data  which often can be obtained  from observation. For example,  deter- mining when a restaurant is busy is possible by collecting data  on the times that people arrive and depart. Based on this  information,  the  owner of the  restaurant can determine  how many  workers should be scheduled  at different times during  the day.


However,  there  are  situations where information  gathering like this  may  be very  difficult or im- practical.  To assist  in these  kinds of decisions, computer modeling can be used.  Using an object oriented  language  (like Java)  together  with  basic data  structures that we have  covered  so far in class, we will be applying  a technique  known as discrete  event simulation  to gather  data  and create a report.   Discrete  event simulation  is based  on the  creation  of objects  that represent each of the components  in the  system.   Time  is modeled  using  an  agenda  (or  priority  queue)  where  future events are scheduled  in chronological order.  Only time steps where an event occurs are considered by the simulation  program,  which is quite efficient.






Suppose the popularity of a bus route  has increased and now the customers  are complaining  about longer waits  and  full buses.   In order  to keep ridership  up,  the  bus  company  has decided  to  run a simulation  to help figure out  whether  they  should add more buses along this route or buy larger buses for  the route.


The  company  wants  to minimize the  average  travel  time  (wait  time  + ride time).   However, they also want to  maximize  the  Passenger Miles Per  Gallon  (PMPG). The  PMPG   is calculated  by multiplying  the  Miles Per  Gallon  of the  bus  by the  Average  Occupancy  of the  vehicle.   Normal Buses  run  at  6MPG  and  hold  40 passengers,  while Extended Buses  run  at  4MPG  and  hold  60 passengers.   In the  case that both  these  buses are run  at  full capacity  all the  time  they  have the same PMPG;  however, in practice  they may not be run at full capacity  (to reduce wait time).  You are tasked  to create  the simulation  and return a report  with your findings.


The Car Wash example that we “acted out”  in lecture has many parallels  to this project.  You may find it helpful to use some of the  code for the  Car  Wash  example in your simulation  project,  and that is O.K. Specifically, you should use the  priority  queue ( as-is.  Be sure to credit  any code “borrowed”  from the posted  lecture  examples.






We will assume the following adjustable system parameters:



• A variable  number  of buses.


• Bus lengths,  i.e. you may have a mix of larger and normal  sized buses.




• A variable  average inter-arrival rate  of passengers at each stop (this  will be referred to as the

load ).



We will assume the following constraints:



• Passengers  will be passive, but  they  will contain  data  such as:


–  Time they  arrived  at the stop

–  Destination/stop they  want to go to

–  Direction  of the stop they  want to go to (eastbound or westbound)


• Arrival of a passenger at a stop will be provided  by an arrival  class that will generate  arrivals for all the stops (determined statistically, see below)

• Wait/travel time will be determined by arrival  time and passenger  count (see below)


• If a passenger cannot  get onto the bus (when the bus is full) they must  wait for the next one



Simulation  of the system is achieved by creating  classes to model the behavior of each element of the  system  as well as each activity  (event)  that  occurs in the  system.   There  is NOT  an overall controller  that calls for actions  to happen  at particular times except for a main driver loop that runs queued events  until  time runs out.  Each element in the system  models its own behavior and interactions with other  elements in the system.  Each NON-passive element class has an Event class associated  with it.  The associated  event defines a run() method  (as discussed in lecture)  that simulates  the specific behavior  of that event.


Some of the classes that we will want are:



• Bus Stops (Stop) - contains  Passenger queues


• Agenda (PQ)


• Event - an interface  for all our events


• BusEvent - occurs each time a Bus arrives at a stop


• PassengerEvent - one occurs for each Passenger arriving  at a stop



Let’s look at  each of these  components,  and  see what  they  should  contain.   Please  note  that you may need to include other  information,  but  what  is given here is considered  fundamental.






This is instantiable once for each Passenger creation  event.  One PassengerEvent will be made for each stop, allowing you to have some stops that are more popular  than  others.  This will implement the  Event interface  similar  to  how the  CarMaker class was implemented as described  in lecture. PassengerEvent will reschedule  itself (using the  agenda),  create  a Passenger, decide where they want to go on the route,  which direction  that is from the current stop, and place the Passenger in the appropriate queue at the current stop.






This  is instantiable once for each stop  on the  route.   Each  Stop will have  two  queues  associated with it (one for eastbound passengers and one for westbound  passengers),  and a name to designate which stop it is on the route.



Info:  University Ave and 27th Street SE and  Union Depot each only need to have one queue, since passengers who arrive at those stops cannot  go further  east or west, respectively.




There  are exactly  10 bus stops:



• University  Ave and 27th Street  SE


• Raymond  Ave Station


• University  Ave and Fairview  Ave


• University  Ave and Snelling Ave


• University  Ave and Lexington  Parkway


• University  Ave and Dale Street


• University  Ave and Marion Street


• Cedar  Street  and 5th Street


• Minnesota  Street  and 4th Street


• Union Depot






This  implements  the  Event interface.   A BusEvent is created  for every arrival  of a bus at  a stop. When a bus arrives at a stop, the BusEvent causes the bus associated with it to look at its passenger list  to  see if there  are  passengers  that wish to  exit  the  bus.   If there  are,  the  bus  removes those passengers.  The BusEvent will then  look at  passengers  at  the  Stop that want to go the  direction the  bus is going and  put  as many  of them  as possible on itself.  Finally,  the  BusEvent will create a new BusEvent and schedule it (via the agenda)  for the  arrival  at  the next  stop at  a time in the future  depending  on the number  of passengers  that got off and got on.  If the Bus has reached  the last  stop  on either  side, it will start going the  other  direction.   For  example,  if an eastbound bus arrives at the Union Depot Stop, it will then  leave the Union Depot Stop going westbound.






This is the priority  queue (likely to be called the agenda  within your code).  This code is provided. You will need  one instance  of it.   This  one instance  will be used  to  schedule  all events  for your simulation.







You will want to keep track  of relevant Statistics such as:



• How full each bus is


• The maximum  time a passenger  spends waiting  at a stop


• The maximum  queue length  at a stop


• etc.






You will need to use a random  distribution to model the  arrival  of Passengers  at  each stop.  This is determined by method  calls made in the run() method  for the PassengerEvent.  You will also need to randomly  generate  which stop each Passenger wants  to go to.


For  the  arrival  of passengers  at  a stop,  you should  start with  an  average  inter-arrival rate  of 1

Passenger  every 120 seconds.  But,  you will want to run  your  model with  both  higher  and  lower demand  by decreasing  and  increasing  this  inter-arrival time.   To  more realistically  represent the pattern of arrival  of Passengers,  we will introduce  some randomness  according  to the  table  below (calculations shown using a 120 second inter-arrival time as an example):



• 10% of the time:  75% above average arrival  interval  (120 + 0.75 × 120)


• 15% of the time:  50% above average arrival  interval  (120 + 0.50 × 120)


• 20% of the time:  20% above average arrival  interval  (120 + 0.20 × 120)


• 10% of the time:  right at average arrival  interval  (120)


• 20% of the time:  20% below average arrival  interval  (120 − 0.20 × 120)


• 15% of the time:  50% below average arrival  interval  (120 − 0.50 × 120)


• 10% of the time:  75% below average arrival  interval  (120 − 0.75 × 120)



Downtown  stops (listed  below) are more popular  than  others,  therefore,  at  these stops passengers should arrive 50 percent more frequently  than  at normal stops.  They are also *two* times as likely to be a destination for a passenger  than  another  stop.


Of the  10 stops,  there  are 3 downtown  stops  (Cedar  Street and  5th  Street,  Minnesota  Street  and

4th Street,  and Union Depot),  and 7 normal  stops (those  not listed in the downtown  category).  If we sum the weight (likelihood) of each stop, we get 13 (2 × 3 + 1 × 7). This means each downtown stop has a 2/13  chance of being chosen, and each other  stop has a 1/13  chance of being chosen.



Determining processing time



To determine  the amount of time a bus will take  between  stops, we use these rules:




• A bus will take  3 minutes  (180 seconds) between  each stop


• A bus will wait for at least 15 seconds at each stop


• It takes  a passenger  2 seconds to get off and 3 second to get on



Therefore,  a bus will take  at  least  3 minutes  and  15 seconds to get from one stop  to another.  If the time it takes  passengers  to get on and get off is larger than  15 seconds, it will take  3 minutes plus the amount of time it took for passengers  to get on and off. Even though  each stop isn’t the same  distance  from the  next  one,  the  times  between each  stop  has  been  simplified  to  make  the calculation  easier.






• Assume  that passenger  arrival  distribution and  destination stop  will use the  distributions given.

• Assume that the maximum  number  of buses is 18 (one for each stop going each direction)


–  Buses at  University Ave and 27th Street SE and  Union Depot cannot  go any fur- ther east and west respectively.  Consequently, there can only be at most 18 buses running at a given time.

• Use the rules above for calculating  the amount of time between  each stop for a train.






• Load:  the average inter-arrival rate  of passengers


• Number  of buses (1-18, this can also be considered  the frequency of buses)


• Bus Size



What to  do



First,   get  the  simulation   system  to  work,  but  start small  and  verify  each  feature  works  before proceeding  to the  next  one.  Then,  produce  a detailed  report  that gives a convincing presentation for what the bus company needs to do to satisfy its customers  while maximizing their fuel economy. In order  to  provide  a convincing  argument, you will need to  collect good statistics, verify them, and present them  in a clear manner.


Something  to watch  for and correct  when you run your simulations....If left unchecked,  the busses will tend  to  clump  together  and  even pass  each  other  in situations where there  are  not  a lot  of busses in the  system.   This  is a problem  because  busses that are clumped  together  will not  serve evenly the  potential riders at  some stops.  You should check to see if clumping  is happening.   If it is, try  to incorporate something  into  the  Bus class to keep a bus from getting to close to the  bus in front  of it.   In the  real world,  a bus will hang  out  at  a stop  if the  driver  can see another  bus




ahead  of it less than  two stops  away.  We recommend  that you first determine  whether  clumping is happening  and  prove it with  some output from your simulator.  Then,  build  in some code into your Bus class to slow down busses that are getting  too close to the bus ahead of it.  Note that this will only make sense when the number  of busses is fewer than  about  one half the number  of stops in each direction.


The  problem  is purposely  vague  so that you can  decide  what  statistics you need  to  gather  and what  simulation  tests  you should  run.   But,  you need to present  enough  information  so that the bus company  can decide how many  buses and  what  bus size it needs for various  loads.  (Keep in mind that the bus company  will want statistics for the busy times (lunch  and rush hour)  and well as off-peak times such as weekends and nights.  A significant portion  of the grading will be based on the write-up  of your results  which will include your simulation  results  presented  in a useful format, conclusions and recommendations.  This means that you will need to have a working simulator  in order to have results  to write about.


The  Write-up



The write-up  must  be submitted as a .pdf document along with the rest of your source code. 25% of your project  grade will be somehow connected  to the  write-up.   When  deciding on statistics to maintain and  the  simulations  to  run,  think  about  the  need  to  support your  conclusions  in your write-up.   The  write-up  should  be in the  form of a report–such as a consulting  report–that you might  submit  to  the  bus company.   The  report  should  include  data  (such  as average  travel  time and  passenger  miles per gallon)  summarized  in a concise and  readable  fashion along with  specific data  that proves that the simulation  results  are correct.  Please be sure that the report  is concise.


For  example,  do the  numbers  make  sense?   Are your  simulation  runs  at  equilibrium?   (That  is, as you run  the  same model with  the  same parameters for longer times,  do the  stats  tend  to stay constant?) Certainly, some statistics are more difficult to properly  calculate  than  others.  So, don’t try  to do it all at once.  Get some stats  going, and verify them,  before moving on.


In order for this to be a successful project,  you need to start NOW, and have your simulator  working about  5-7 days before the project  is due.  That will give you enough time to run all the tests,  make modifications and produce the report.  Remember,  the bus company will be interested in how many buses and  what  size buses they  will need for various  loads, average  number  of passengers  at  each stop,  the  average  and  maximum  passenger  wait  times,  and  average  travel  time.  You will need to run your simulation  multiple  times.  It will take some thinking  to know what  runs to make, how to effectively present your findings and deal with, or account for, bus clumping  and passing.




The  Readme



A common expectation of large software  projects  is that they  provide  a readme  file to familiarize the  user  with  the  project.   You must  provide  a readme  file along  with  your  project;  it  needs  to contain  (at-least) the following items,  which are often included  in readme  files for other  projects:



• The project  name and author information.


• Instructions for running  your project  on a new machine.


• An overview of the project  organization and hierarchy.


• The data  structures and algorithms  used in the project,  and why they  are a good choice.


• Any known bugs or issues associated  with the project.



As this  project  is largely left up to student design,  the  intent of this  readme  file is to familiarize your TAs with  your project.   A good readme  file will make grading  the  project  easier, and  be the capstone  on your submission.

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