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Assignment 1 Solution

(10 points) Complete the attached C program to find the first nonrepeated, last nonrepeated, first repeated, last repeated digit respectively in an array of single-digit or double-digit non-negative numbers (i.e. 0 through 99 inclusively). Find in the following four screenshots for sample outputs from this program.

-/Documents/workspace/3335/assignments/al/solution $ ./repeated_nonrepeated In the array of 2 25 0 26 30 13 25 30 13 0

The first non-repeated digit is 2. The last non-repeated digit is 26. The first repeated digit is 25. The last repeated digit is 0. -/Documents/workspace/3335/assignments/al/solution $ D

-/Documents/workspace/3335/assignments/al/solution $ ./repeated_nonrepeated In the array of 26 25 0 26 30 13 25 30 13 0

There isn't any non-repeated digit. The first repeated digit is 26. The last repeated digit is 0. -/Documents/workspace/3335/assignments/al/solution $ D

-/Documents/workspace/3335/assignments/al/solution $ ./repeated_nonrepeated In the array of 1 21 0 21 4 21

The first non-repeated digit is 1. The last non-repeated digit is 4. The first repeated digit is 21. The last repeated digit is 21. -/Documents/workspace/3335/assignments/al/solution $ D

7 hash

—/Documents/workspace/3335/assignments/al/solution (master) $ repeated_nonrepeated In the array of 1 2 0 4

The first non-repeated digit is 1. The last non-repeated digit is 4. There isn't any repeated digit. —/Documents/workspace/3335/assignments/a1/solution (master) $

What to turn in?

Create a tarball file by the name of cs3335_a1_yourlastname.tar that includes

The completed source code file repeated_nonrepeated.c

A PDF file by the name of output.pdf that contains one screenshot of your terminal (Linux/OS X/Google Cloud Shell/ssh gargamel) that shows the commands to compile and run your program as well as their respective outputs.

(The command to create the tar ball is

tar cvf cs3335_a1_yourlastname.tar repeated_nonrepeated.c output.pdf)

Submit the tarball file through BlazeVIEW by the due time.

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