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Computer Programming HW #2 Solution

1. (45 Pts) Write a complete C program for “Guessing An Integer Number” game. Your program should be as follow

– Generates a random number between 1 to 10 (name the variable as “number”)

– Player has 2 chances to guess (name the variable as guess; each time only one guess should be entered)

– Checking a guess

– If it is smaller or greater than the number

– Calculate the absolute of the difference between the guess and the number

– If the difference is greater than or equal to 5 of the number

– Program should warn the player as “You are too far from the number”

– If the difference is greater than or equal to 3 of the number

– Program should warn the player as “You are far from the number”

– If the difference is smaller than or equal to 2 of the number

– Program should warn the player as “You are close to the number”

– If it is equal to the number print a congratulation for winning.

Your program should contain at least 3 functions

– RNG : To generate the random number

– CalculateTheDifference : To calculate the difference between guess and the number

– WarnThePlayer : To print a warning in order to guide the player.

Hint: 1. Use rand() function to generate a random number that is declared in “stdlib.h”.

2. Each time when the player enter her/his guess update the guess variable.

2. (55 Pts) Write a complete C program that calculates letter grade of 5 students as follows:

– Your program should take student information from an input file called “Students.txt”.

The input file contains 2 initials (for Name and Surname) and 3 integers (Midterm1

Midterm2 Final).

– Midterms has a weight of 30% and Final has a weight of 40%. You are supposed to write a function that calculates and returns the resulting grade as integer.

– Using if statement assign the corresponding letter grade and (using the information in

the table below)

– Write a function takes the grade for a student as input; using switch statement calculates the contribution of the resulting grade to the GPA and prints it to the screen; Assume that each student takes 20 credits in the current term and the course has 3 credits(e.g. assume a student has a grade “A”, therefore, 4 credit; the contribution is


– Write the results with the initials to an output file called “Grades.txt”.

39 and lower

The format of the input file ‘Students.txt’ will be as follows:

< Student Name 1 < Student Surname 1 < Midterm1 Point 1 < Midterm2 Point 1 < Final

Point 1

< Student Name 2 < Student Surname 2 < Midterm1 Point 2 < Midterm2 Point 2 < Final

Point 2

The format of the output file ‘Grades.txt’ will be as follows:

< Student Name 1 < Student Surname 1 < Grade 1 < Contribution 1

< Student Name 2 < Student Surname 2 < Grade 2 < Contribution 2

An example of inputs and outputs are shown below:

Content of ‘Students.txt’:

BT 30 40 50

ES 90 80 90

Content of ‘Grades.txt’:

BT 41

ES 87


1. Obey honor code principles.

2. Read your homework carefully and follow the directives about the I/O format (data file names, file formats, etc.) and submission format strictly. Violating any of these directives will be penalized.

3. Obey coding convention.

4. Your submission should include the following files and NOTHING MORE (no data files, object files, etc):

HW02_<student_name_<studentSirname_<student number_part1.c

HW02_<student_name_<studentSirname_<student number_part2.c

5. Do not use non-English characters in any part of your homework (in body, file name, etc.).

6. Deliver the printout of your work until the last submission date.