# Introduction: Goals for this lab
+ Get more comfortable with the `expr` data type we've been designing
in class for representing simple programs
+ See some examples of writing functions to manipulate values of this
Writing simple programs as `expr` values
The file `program.ml` contains a declaration of the type `expr` for
representing programs that we've been discussing in class. It also
includes the definition of the `eval` function that evaluates an
`expr` given a lexical environment binding names to values (called
initially with `[]`) and a type-checking function, `typeof`, that
infers the type of a program, raising an exception if the expression
is not well-typed. Take a look at these definitions and see if you
understand how they work.
Once you've convinced yourself that you understand them, add bindings for two
programs, `prog1` and `prog2,` that are well-typed. Your programs should
involve control flow (`If`) and use let bindings, but otherwise they can compute
anything you like. Evaluate these programs in `utop` to see if they behave as
you expect, and check their types using `typeof`. Then add two more program
values, `err1`, `err2`, but make these values correspond to programs with type errors. Confirm that calling `typeof` on these programs results in an exception.
Computing on `expr` values: finding constants
Add a definition for a function `find_constants : expr -
expr list` that traverses a program `expr` and assembles a list of all
of the boolean and integer constants present in the expression. So for
example, evaluating `find_constants e1` should result in the list
`[Const 3; Const 7; BConst true; BConst false]`, and evaluating
`find_constants badtype1` should result in the list
`[Const 7; BConst true; Const 1; Const 3; BConst false]`.
Manipulating `expr` values: removing variables
Now add a definition for a function `rm_vars: expr - expr` that
creates a copy of its argument with all of the `Name` sub expressions
replaced by constants. Your program will need to keep track of the
_types_ of names: a name that is bound to an integer value should
be replaced by `Const 0` and a name that is bound to a boolean value
should be replaced by `BConst false`. Some sample evaluations:
+ `rm_vars e1` should evaluate to
`Let ("x", Const 3, Let( "y", Const 7, If (Gt(Const 0, Const 0), Print
(BConst true), Print (BConst false))))`
+ `rm_vars (Let("artoo", Const 42, Name "artoo"))` should evaluate to
`Let ("artoo", Const 42, Const 0)`.
+ `rm_vars (Let("z", BConst true, If(Name "z", Name "z", Not(Name
"z"))))` should evaluate to `Let("z", BConst true, If(BConst false,
BConst false, Not(BConst false)))`.
# Commit and push so that everything is up on GitHub
Now you need to just turn in your work. Commit your changes and push
them up to your central GitHub repository.
Verify that this worked, by using your browser to see the changes on
If you do not properly push your changes to the repository we
cannot give you credit for the lab, so please remember to do this
Note that any required changes must exist in your repository on
github.umn.edu. Doing the work but failing to push those changes
to your central repository will mean that we cannot see your work
and hence can't grade it.