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Lab 1 Solution

Write a sequence of instructions for SIC/XE machine that does the following:

Set ALPHA equal to the integer portion of BETA / GAMMA.

Set ALPHA equal to 4 * BETA + 3 * GAMMA

Clear a 100-byte string to all blanks

SET elements of a 100-word array to 0

Read a string from device F3, calculate its length and store it in register A

Read a two-digit number from device F3, convert this string to a number and store the number in register A


Use the assembler and simulator to assemble and run your programs.

Test your programs properly and submit a report that contains your source code and sample runs. Also, state your assumptions clearly (if any).

The sample runs should be clear and cover several cases in each question.

There will be no discussion for this lab. Instead, the lab period will be for taking questions about SIC tools, SIC instructions, lab problems … etc.

Since there is no discussion, the grade will depend totally on your report. So make sure you prepare a good report.


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