Starting from:


Project 1: Facility Management System Design and Implementation Solution

Project Description:

In this project, we will start providing an object domain model for Facility Management System by addressing the design and implementation using OOP. The aim is to have a domain model that is designed using OOP that will be used to study Object relationship and Dependency.

Based on the specification provided for a Facility Management System:

Identify the main entitles of the problem domain.
Identify their attributes.
Identify their relationships.
Identify their roles and responsibilities.
Discover other objects that facilitate implementing responsibilities.
Make available all client interfaces/services specified in the specification document (Facility, Facility Use, and Facility Maintenance Client Interfaces).

Supporting documents:

Requirement – Facility Management System Specification Document.
Object Modeling (
A UML Modeling Tool for documentation

Project Expectation:

Group (only two students in a group) executed project
Submission of Design and Code
Submission of your DB table structure/model

Project Submission and Grading:

15% of total grade
Submit the UML model of the Domain Model
Submit the location of your solution for the implementation
Submit both to TA and Instructor
Project Due Date:

Submission of Design and Implementation - EOD 02/23/2020

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