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TDT4205 Problem Set 6 Solution

1    Theory


1.1     12%


Create  control  flow graphs  for the following program  fragments:


1.  for ( a ; b ; c ) d ; e ;


2.  a ; while ( b ) {  d ; c ; }  e ;


3.  a ; do {  d ; c ; }  while ( b ); e ;


1.2     18%


Consider  the following program  fragment:


1.  a=1


2.  b=2


3.  c=3


4.  d=a+x


5.  e=b+c


6.  f=e


7.  g=f


8.  g=d+y


9.  a=b+c


Identify  the lines impacted  by the optimizations


1.  Copy propagation


2.  Common  subexpression  elimination


3.  Constant propagation


and rewrite them appropriately (start with the original program  for each case).


2    Programming (70%)


Complete the VSL compiler (from your own code, or starting from ps6 skeleton.tgz), by implementing the following constructs in generator.c:


1.  Local variables  (20%)


2.  Function calls (20%)


3.  Conditionals (IF  and relations) (15%)


4.  While loops (10%)


5.  Continue (null  statement) (5%)

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