Starting from:


Programming SVD Collaborative Filtering Solution

In this assignment, you will create a simple matrix factorization recommender.  This will be a collaborative filter, computing the SVD over the rating matrix.  You will use a third-party linear algebra package ([Apache `commons-math`][commons-math]) to compute the SVD.




There are two deliverables in this assignment:


- Your SVD collaborative filtering implementation

- A short quiz on evaluation results


Start by downloading the project template. This is a Gradle project; you can import it into your IDE directly (IntelliJ users can open the build.gradle file as a project). This contains files for all the code you need to implement, along with the Gradle files needed to build, run, and evaluate.


## Resources


- Project template (from Coursera)

- [LensKit for Learning website](

- [LensKit evaluator documentation](

- [Project code JavaDoc](

- [commons-math API documentation](


## Implementing SVD CF


The primary component of this assignment is your implementation of SVD-based collaborative

filtering.  The class `SVDModel` stores decomposed rating matrix.  Your

task is to write the missing pieces of the following classes:



:   Builds the item-item model from the rating data



:   Scores items with item-item collaborative filtering


Your SVD CF implementation will compute the decomposition of the *normalized* (mean-centered) data.  This means that missing data is represented in the matrix as a 0, which means no deviation from the mean (user, item, or personalized user-item) that is subtracted.  The particular mean to subtract will be configurable, and you will experiment with different options.


### SVD Layout


As we discussed in the lectures, the singular value decomposition factors the ratings matrix $R$ so that $R \approx U \Sigma V^{\mathrm{T}}$.  We work with $V^{\mathrm{T}}$ (the transpose of $V$) so that both the user-feature matrix ($U$) and item-feature matrix ($V$) have users (or items) along their *rows* and latent features along their *columns*.


Apache commons-math refers to the singular value matrix $\Sigma$ as `S`.


### Computing the SVD


The biggest piece of building the SVD recommender is setting up and computing the singular

value decomposition.  For this assignment, you'll be using an external library to do the

decomposition itself, but need to set up the rating matrix and process the SVD results.


[Apache Commons Math][commons-math] has a few key classes that you will need to use:


- [RealMatrix][] is the core API for commons-math matrices.

- [MatrixUtils][] provides factory methods for building matrices.

- [SingularValueDecomposition][SVD] computes and stores a singular value decomposition of a  matrix.






The job of `SVDModelBuilder` is to build the SVD model by doing the following:


1.  Normalize the ratings data.  We want to normalize the rating values so that items have a negative or positive rating based on how the user's rating compares to the baseline bias model (mean ratings).  Because this is a sparse matrix, we'll leave unrated items with their default normalized rating of 0. As we will see below, we parameterize the bias model so that we can test different mean values for normalizing our ratings.

2.  Populate a `RealMatrix` with the rating data.  This matrix will have users along the rows and  items along the columns, so a user's rating goes at `setEntry(u, i, v)`, where `u` is the user's  index, `i` the item's index, and `v` the rating.  We've set up `KeyIndex` objects for you to use to get user and item indexes; these provide mappings between IDs and 0-based  indexes suitable for use as matrix row/column numbers.

3.  Compute the SVD of the matrix.

4.  Construct an `SVDModel` containing the results (and user/item index mappings, as they are  necessary to interpret the matrices).


The `SVDModelBuilder` class contains TODO comments where you need to write code.  Besides the DAO, it takes two important configurable parameters:


- A feature count (`@LatentFeatureCount`); if 0, to indicate the SVD should not be truncated.

- A _bias model_ (`BiasModel`) to provide mean ratings


We want to experiment with different means for computing the SVD, so your `SVDModelBuilder` will need to .  Therefore, your `SVDModelBuilder` will be configurable.  It takes a bias model as a constructor parameter; this scorer will provide the baseline scores that you are to subtract.


When populating the matrix, subtract the appropriate bias from each rating.  The `BiasModel` stores the data needed for a user-item bias of the form $b_ui = b + b_u + b_i$, where $b$ is obtained with the `getIntercept()` method, $b_i$ from `getItemBias(i)`, and $b_u$ from `getUserBias(u)`.  User and item biases will be 0 when no data is available for that entity, so you can just request them and add them without handling missing-data cases.


Computing the SVD itself is just a matter of instantiating a [SingularValueDecomposition][SVD]

class from the rating matrix; we have provided this code for you.


The commons-math SVD class computes a complete SVD.  For recommenders, we usually want to truncate the SVD to only include the top *N* latent features.  Truncate the matrices from the SVD before you create the `SVDModel`.  The SVD class has `getU()`, `getV()`, and `getS()` methods to get the left, right, and singular value matrices, respectively.  You will need to truncate each of these matrices. The `getSubMatrix` method of [RealMatrix][] is good for this.  Truncate them to the specified latent feature count.


### Scoring Items


Fill out the `SVDItemScorer` class to use the `SVDModel` to score items for a user.  It will

need to consult the bias model to get the initial values, and then

add the scores computed from the SVD matrices to these base scores.


The model exposes `getItemVector` and `getUserVector` methods to access item and user data.  These methods return `RealVector` *row vectors* --- matrices with a single row.  The

`RealMatrix` class provides transposition, multiplication, and many other matrix operations.


There are no configurable parameters to the item scorer, it just uses the model and user event DAO to compute user-personalized scores.


## Running the Code


Run the recommender and predictor as you have done in previous assignments, using the `predict`and `recommend` Gradle tasks.


The `predict` (and `recommend`) tasks in this assignment take an additional property, `biasModel`. There are several values for this property:


- `global`

- `item`

- `user`

- `user-item` (default)


Note that the singular value decomposition takes some time! Following are some expected model build times on different processors; this is the time required to build a single model, so the evaluator will take significantly longer.


| Processor | JVM | Build time |

| :---      | :--: | :--: |

| 2.4GHz Core i5-6300U | Oracle Java 1.8.0_92 | 2m10s |

| 2.13GHz Atom D2701 | OpenJDK 1.8.0_122 | 31 min |

| 2.16GHz Pentium N3540 | Java 1.8.0_102 | 6m45s |

| 4GHz Core i7-6700K | Java 1.8.0_102 | 1m45s |


### Example Predict Output




    ./gradlew predict -PuserId=320 -PitemIds=260,153,527,588 -PbiasModel=user-item




    predictions for user 320:

      153 (Batman Forever (1995)): 2.659

      260 (Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)): 4.189

      527 (Schindler's List (1993)): 4.064

      588 (Aladdin (1992)): 3.558


### Example Recommend Output




    ./gradlew recommend -PuserId=320 -PbiasModel=item




    recommendations for user 320:

      858 (Godfather, The (1972)): 4.365

      318 (Shawshank Redemption, The (1994)): 4.337

      4973 (Amelie (Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le) (2001)): 4.271

      7502 (Band of Brothers (2001)): 4.266

      1221 (Godfather: Part II, The (1974)): 4.263

      1248 (Touch of Evil (1958)): 4.252

      1203 (12 Angry Men (1957)): 4.246

      2859 (Stop Making Sense (1984)): 4.227

      2019 (Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai) (1954)): 4.205

      1939 (Best Years of Our Lives, The (1946)): 4.197


## Running the Evaluator


Now that you have your recommender working, let's evaluate it.  The `evaluate` task runs your

evaluation as before.  It runs your SVD recommender with a range of feature counts.  Note that

a feature count of 0 tells your algorithm to use all features.  It also runs the raw personalized mean

recommender and LensKit's item-item implementation with a moderate neighborhood size, so you can

compare performance.


Run the evaluator as follows:


    ./gradlew evaluate


In the output (`build/eval-results.csv`), you will see the metrics over the two algorithms, and several feature counts.


Plot and examine the results; consider the mean of each metric over all partitions of a particular data set (so you'll have one number for each combination of algorithm, feature count, and data set).  Use these results to answer the following questions:


1. What is the best variant of SVD for per-user RMSE?

2. What is the best variant of SVD for top-N nDCG?

3. When is SVD better than item-item?

4. On what metric is SVD with global mean the best algorithm (for reasonably large feature counts)?

5. What is generally the best feature count to use for this data set (looking at multiple metrics)?


## Submitting


1.  Create a submission `jar` file with `./gradlew prepareSubmission`


2.  Submit the compiled `jar` to the Coursera grader


3.  Answer the Coursera quiz about the evaluation results

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