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Lab 6 Hash Tables (Rehashing) Solution


All input expressions should be read from stdin (scanf) and output should be printed on stdout (printf).

Write code in different header (*.h) and source code (*.c) files. Name them properly, compile each of them using –c flag of gcc and combine all *.o files to create an executable file. You may create a Makefile for the above job as well.


Compilers use a data structure known as Symbol Table to store list of identifiers and their type for each block of code. The symbol table is usually implemented as Hash Table to insure fast lookups. In case of collisions, linear chaining can be used to store the new value at the end of existing linked list with the same index. Performance of a hash table for lookups and optimization of memory required, can be controlled by keeping the load factor of the table within some bounds.

Load factor is defined as the ratio of number of entries in the table with number of buckets. A common approach to maintain load factor between [minLoad, maxLoad] is to rehash the table whenever load factor reaches these limits. Rehashing means creating a new table with larger/smaller bucket size and inserting all entries of old table into new table and in the end freeing up the old one. New bucket size is calculated by multiplying/dividing the existing size by a factor known as resizing factor. For example, if maxLoad is 0.75 and resizing factor is 2, then in case of rehashing the size of (number of buckets in) new table will be twice the old size.


Each identifier symbol can be represented by a key-value pair. Name (key) as well as its type (value) will be string (array of characters). Each identifier should be stored as a structure so that more information can be stored with it later. Let’s call it, symbol. Read given input data in a dynamically allocated array of symbol structure (let’s call

it, symbolList).

Hashing Function:

index = ((sum of ASCII value of characters in key) mod 216) mod size

Hint: Think about a quick way to perform mod 2K operation.

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With a hash table, keep following additional fields:

entries: total number of symbols in the table

size: number of buckets

loadFactor: entries/size

freeSlots: number of empty buckets (should be equal to size in the beginning)

insertionTime: total number of jumps done in any of the lists (chains) to insert the element at the end. Increment only in case of collision.

queryingTime: total number of comparisons done in any of the chains during all lookups.

Note: The nodes of the table should store a pointer to actual symbol in symbolList array i.e. there should be only one copy of each symbol but accessible through different hash tables.

Input Format:

Implement following top-level functions to be called by driver based on given key.

Function readSymbols:

Key: 0


0 N

name1 type1

name2 type2


nameN typeN


“0” shows start of a set of symbols.

“N” represents number of symbols to come.

Next N lines will have a two words (separated by a tab), in each line. First word will be name of the identifier and second word will be its type.

Store all symbols in a dynamic array of size N (symbolist).

Function readQueries:

Key: 1

Format: same as Function readSymbols


Store given symbols in another dynamic array named as queryList

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Function createHashTable:

Key: 2
 Format: 2 size minLoad maxLoad resizeFactor

Description: Use algorithm given below to create a hash table with given parameters and insert all symbols of symbolList

Algorithm createHashTable (size, minLoad, maxLoad resizeFactor)

H = createEmptyHashTable(size)

for (sym in symbolist)

H = insert(H, sym)

if (H.loadFactor maxLoad)

newSize = H.size * resizeFactor

Hnew = createEmptyHashTable(newSize)

Hnew.insertionTime = H.insetionTime

Hnew = reinsert all symbols in H into Hnew delete(H)

H = Hnew i.e. do remaining insertions in Hnew if (H.loadFactor < maxLoad)

newSize = H.size / resizeFactor

Hnew = createEmptyHashTable(newSize)

Hnew.insertionTime = H.insetionTime

Hnew = reinsert all symbols in H into Hnew


H = Hnew

PrintTabSeparated(H.entries, H.size, H.loadFactor, H.freeSlots, H.insertionTime)

Algorithm insert(hashTable H, symbol s)

H.entries = H.entries + 1

index = hashingFunction (s)

if (isSlotEmpty (index))

H.freeSlots = H.freeSlots – 1 t = insertSymbol(index, s) H.insertionTime = H.insertionTime + t H.loadFactor = H.entries / H.size

Function lookupQueries:

Key: 3

Format: 3


Lookup each symbol name of queryList in the last hash table. Keep updating queryingTime parameter of hash table.

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In the end, print number of symbols in queryList and queryingTime of the hash table (tab separated)

Test Case 1:

Sample Input
Sample Output

10 cristian int abbigail char jonathan int abdullah double cristian int adelaide float jonathan char prentice int juliette double kasandra float

jonathan int

cristian int

cristian int

juliette double

kasandra float




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