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Program Design & Testing Document for Program 2 Lyell C Read Solution

Problem Statement

This problem/assignment is asking me to construct a C++ program that:

Allows the user to play Go Fish

Uses classes to implement that game as follows:

Using a card class

Using a deck class that has an array of cards

Using a hand cards that has some cards

Using a player class that has a hand of cards

Using a Game class that has a deck and some players.

The program should, to this end, construct a deck of 52 cards, shuffle said deck to ensure random order, deal cards into a player’s hand, and play the game of GoFish.
The game should offer a play again option

The game should not leak any memory, or segfault.

The game should be factored into a .cpp file for each class used, as well as a header file and a gofish.cpp for the main() function. This will be compiled with a makefile.

Dat makefile must compile on


NOTHING! I will check every input, so nothing is assumed. This I will achieve by:

A program that uses classes to provide the user a fine game of Go Fish

Deallocating memory when done.

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