Starting from:


Bounding Volume Hierarchy Solution

Please  read  and  understand these  expectations thoroughly.   Failure  to  follow these  instructions could negatively  impact  your grade.  Rules detailed  in the  course syllabus  also apply  but  will not necessarily be repeated  here.


• Due: The project  is due on Friday, May 4th by 11:55 PM.


• Identification: Place you and your partner’s  x500 in a comment in all files you submit.  For example,  //Written by over0219 and brow2327.

• Submission: Submit  a zip or tar archive on Moodle containing  all your java files.


You are allowed to change or modify your submission,  so submit  early and often, and verify that  all your files are  in the submission.

Failure to submit the correct files will result in a score of zero for all missing parts.  Submissions with  or incorrect  format  (e.g., .rar, .7z, .java) will be penalized.  Only submissions  made via Moodle are acceptable.

• Partners: You  may  work  alone  or with  one  partner. Failure to tell us  who   is  your partner is indistinguishable from cheating and you  will  both receive a zero. Ensure all code shared  with your partner is private.

• Code: You must  use the exact  class and method  signatures  we ask for.


We use unit  tests  to  evaluate  your  code.   Code  that doesn’t  compile will receive a signifi- cant penalty.   Code should  be compatible  with  Java  8, which is installed  on the  CSE Labs computers.

• Questions: Questions  related  to the  project  can be discussed  on Moodle in abstract. Do not post any code or  solutions on  the forum.

• Grading: Grading  will be done  by the  TAs,  so please address  grading  problems  to  them





Code  Style



Part of your grade will be decided based on the “code style”  demonstrated by your programming. In general,  all projects  will involve a style component.   This  should  not  be intimidating, but  it is fundamentally important. The following items represent “good” coding style:


• Use effective comments  to  document  what  important variables,  functions,  and  sections  of the  code are  for.  In general,  the  TA  should  be able to  understand your  logic through  the comments  left in the code.

Try to leave comments  as you program,  rather than  adding them all in at the end.  Comments should not feel like arbitrary busy work - they should be written  assuming the reader is fluent in Java,  yet has no idea how your program  works or why you chose certain  solutions.

• Use effective and standard indentation.


• Use descriptive  names  for variables.   Use standard Java  style for your names:  ClassName, functionName, variableName for structures in your code, and for the file names.


Try  to avoid the following stylistic  problems:



• Missing or highly redundant, useless comments.  int a = 5; //Set a to be 5 is not help- ful.

• Disorganized  and messy files. Poor indentation of braces ({ and }).


• Incoherent variable  names without  context.

• Slow functions.    While  some algorithms  are  more  efficient  than  others,  functions  that are aggressively inefficient could be penalized  even if they are otherwise  correct.


IMPORTANT: For  this  project,  slow functions  are  indicative  of an  incorrect  imple- mentation.



The  programming exercises detailed  in the  following pages will both  be evaluated for code style. This will not be strict  – for example,  one bad indent or one subjective  variable  name are hardly  a problem.  However, if your code seems careless or confusing, or if no significant effort was made to document the code, then  points  will be deducted.


In further  projects  we will continue  to expect a reasonable  attempt at documentation and style as detailed  in this section.  If you are confused about the style guide, please talk  with a TA.



Note: This is a brand  new project.  If you notice any errors or have suggestions  for improve- ments,  please let us know.




Bounding Volume Hierarchy



A bounding  volume hierarchy  (BVH)  is an essential  tool in computer  graphics.   It’s used in ren- dering,  collision detection, and  much  more.   There  are  different  kinds  of acceleration  structures, but  the  one you’re required  to  implement  is an  Axis-Aligned  Bounding  Box (AABB)  tree,  with top-down  construction.


The fun thing about  acceleration  structures is that they make use of several fundamental techniques in Computer Science, such as trees,  recursion,  queues/stacks,  polymorphism, and  more.   This  is a good opportunity to  make  use of the  skills and  knowledge  you’ve acquired  in this  course in a (hopefully)  fun and interesting final project.



AABB  Tree



Geometric  objects  in space are grouped  together  in overlapping  boxes.  Boxes with  one object  in them  are the  leaf nodes of a tree.   Larger  boxes that enclose smaller  ones are parent nodes.  The image below (left) shows various shapes in world space being partioned into a tree (right). Although its leaf nodes have two objects each, it illustrates the general idea.

See this Wiki page for more details.




How can we use this tree?  Let’s say there  was a screen open with the geometry of the above figure and  the  user  wants  to  select  the circle with  a mouse  by clicking on it.   To  see if the  circle was selected,  we start at  the  root  node (A).  Then,  based  on the  coordinates  of the  mouse,  we check which  of its  children  the  pointer  is hovering  over (B).  We traverse  to  the  (B)  node,  traverse  its children  (and  so forth),  until  we reach a leaf and see if the click was in bounds  of the shape.


Why not just  loop over all of the geometry  and test  them  directly?  Consider  what  happens  when we have  one million  shapes  instead  of six.   What  about  ten  million?   Checking  if the  cursor  is within  the bounds  of a box is a lot less expensive to compute  than  a 15-pointed  star.  Using a tree to  process the  selection  of the  click will cull millions of these  expensive  point-in-geometry tests, making the run time of your interface  significantly  faster.


This day and age, having to wait a few seconds to process a mouse click ends up with angry users and 1-star  app ratings.  We can’t have that...





You are  required  to  implement the  primary  function  of building  and  traversing the  AABB  tree. Code that generates  geometry,  rendering,  and  handling  mouse input  is provided.   The  following files are on moodle:


• Contains  the  code for generating  geometry  and  processing  graphics.   You won’t have to change this file, but  it might be helpful to look at and understand it.

• The class for an axis-aligned  bounding  box.  You’ll need to implement this.


• The  class for a cicle, containing  geometry-intersection  tests  and  rendering.

You won’t have to change this.


• The class that makes up our tree!  Most of the work you will be doing is here.


• A base class for geometry.  You won’t have to change this.


• The class for points  in space.  You won’t have to change this.



When  running  the  program,  a window should  pop up containing  a bunch  of circles.  Once you’ve finished your BVH implementation, clicking a circle should  make it turn  red.  Clicking again  will make it turn  back to gray.  For this project,  you can assume that no shapes will overlap.


If your tree  traversal is correct,  this  should  run  in real time.  That is, you won’t have to wait  for the object to change colors.


Hint:  It’s highly recommended  to test  your methods  with fewer geometry  than  the  default. In there is an int max_shapes variable  in main. Start by setting  this to one or two when implementing  your tree for the first time.




1    Axis-Aligned Bounding Box



The  first step  is to  implement  the  Axis-Aligned  Bounding  Box (AABB),  found in Be sure to fully test  your methods.   Methods  marked  with  “TODO” are for you to complete.   To get full points  for this section you must implement


• boolean isOutside(double x, double y): Returns true  if the  point  (x, y) is outside  the bounds  of the box, false otherwise.

• void extend(double x, double y): Grows the  box (increases  max,  decreases min) to en- close the point.

• void extend(Bounds b): Grows the box to enclose another  box.


• double exteriorDistance(double x, double y):  Distance  between  the  AABB’s surface and a point in space.  If the point is inside the bounds,  return 0.



2    Node  Constructor



Node(Stack<Shape stack, int axis)




The  node  constructor takes  a stack  of shapes,  a splitting  plane  axis,  and  initializes  itself.   The splitting  plane axis is a number (0 or 1) that describes what axis on which we will do the partitioning. See §3 for more details.


To get full points  for this section, implement the following:



• Extend  the AABB to contain  all shapes in the stack.


• If stack  size is 1, become a leaf node.


• If stack size 1, partition the stack  using the splitStack method,  increment the axis, and create  children  recursively.


3    Splitting the Stack



void splitStack(Stack<Shape stack, int axis, Stack<Shape leftStack, Stack<Shape rightStack)




The  role of this  method  is to  partition the  stack  into  two  new stacks  (though  not  necessarily  in half ).  The  metric  we’re using to  decide the  partion  is the  spatial median.  This  is simply  the average centroid  of all objects in the stack  (for a given axis).


For example,  let’s say the  splitting  axis was 0 (x-axis)  and  you had  two shapes,  centered  at  (1,2) and  (2,3).  The  spatial  median  is 1.5.  And so, the  former shape  (1,2) goes on the  left stack,  and the latter (2,3) on the right.


Do not create  new shapes  with  the  same location/radius.  Make sure you are moving around  the same shape object since their  references are used internally by the renderer.


To get full points  for this section, you must:



• Compute  the spatial  median.


• Partition the stack  into leftStack  and rightStack based on the spatial  median.



4    Shape Selection



boolean select(double x, double y, int[] counter)




On  a  left-click,  the  select method  is used  to  traverse   the  tree  and  identify  the  shape  whose boundary includes the point (x,y).  It returns true  if an object was selected, false otherwise.


Here you will take advantage of the tree data  structure to accelerate  the search.  That is, if the point (x,y)  is outside  the  bounds  of the  node’s AABB, the  point is also outside  the  bounds  of children nodes, thus  we can simply return false. Otherwise,  continue  searching  down the tree.


To get full points  for this section, implement the following:



• Early  exiting  if the point (x,y)  is outside  the bounds  of the node.


• If on a leaf, check to see if (x,y)  is physically within  the bounds  of the shape.


• Recursive  traversal of the left and right children.




5    Honors



boolean nearest(double x, double y,

double[] currentMin, Shape[] shapeRef, int[] counter)




The  nearest method  is very similar  to the  select method  from §4. Instead  of selecting  a shape when the (x,y)  coordinate  is above it, however, nearest will select the nearest  shape with respect to the input  point.  It returns true if it found a shape closer to the point (x,y), false otherwise.  This happens  on a right-click.


There are two more arguments to set.  Note that both  currentMin and shapeRef are single-element arrays.   When  you’ve found a candidate nearest  object,  in that its exterior  distance  to the  point is the  current minimum,  set both  currentMin[0] and  shapeRef[0]. The  former is that exterior distance,  while the latter is a reference to shape itself.  Remember  that exterior  distance  is zero if the point is inside the shape.


The other  major difference between nearest and select is that you should traverse  the node that is closer to the point (x,y) first.  This is because it’s more likely to contain  the actual  nearest  shape, and possibly cull future  traversals!


To get full points  for this section, implement the following:



• Early  exiting  if the node’s boundary is further  away than  the candidate nearest  shape.


• If on a leaf, check to see if the node holds a closer shape.  If so, set the necessary references.


• Recursive  traversal of the left and right children.