Starting from:


Homework #3 Solution

First thing

●  Go the the textbook website and donwload and

install Virtual Box and the Linux Virtual Machine

●  Plus anything else you want, including the book slide

Once you run a command shell within Linux, you have the C compiler gcc

and you’re set for the 1st homework

Even if you do have a C compiler, still download the Linux Virtual Machine,

you’ll need it for later.



And now the first hw

(programming project): Part 1

¦  Implement in C

¦  Singly linked list

data data data null


¦  Doubly linked list

data null null


circular linked list


data data data data


For all 3 types of linked list, you must implement

¦  A function that will add a node to the linked list as first node

¦  A function that will add a node to the linked list as last node

¦  A function that searches for a node with a given data and return true if

the node exists, false otherwise

¦  A function that takes as input a value “data” and deletes the first or all

the nodes with that value from the linked list

¦  A function that counts the number of nodes in the linked list



Part 2

●  Balanced binary search tree is O(lg n)


For the BST, implement

Operating System Concepts – 9



Part 2

■  A function that will add a node with a given value to the BST

■  A function that will delete a node with a given value from the BST

■  A function that searches for a node with a given value and return true

if the node exists, false otherwise

■  A function that counts the number of nodes in the BST




■  A priority queue

Operating System Concepts – 9th Edition



Part 3

●  Each element has two fields: [id, priority] both


●  Each element of the tree has a priority

!  Not greater than its parent

!  Not smaller than the biggest of its children

●  Therefore the element with the highest priority is

the root of the tree

A priority queue

●  Is a heap

Operating System Concepts – 9



Part 3

●  Therefore a binary tree complete up to the next to

last level

●  The last level is filled up from left to right

A PQ is easy to implement

●  Is easy to implement

●  We can do it just using an array.

●  How ?


Functions to be implemented:

given a priority queue Q

●  Insert(Q,[x,p])

●  ExtractMax(Q)

●  Increase(Q,[x,p],a)

●  Change(Q,[x,p],b)

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