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Lab 11 Solution


Learn how to work with pointers in class

Learn how to allocate and deallocate dynamic memory

Learn how to write copy constructor function


Download lab11.cpp. Construct a class named Car containing these four data members: a double variable named engineSize, a character variable named bodyStyle, an integer variable named colorCode, and a character pointer named vinPtr to a vehicle ID.

Your class should include four member functions as follows:

Car(double eng, char style, int cd, char *pt) // The constructor function

A constructor function must initialize all the private variables according to the given data. In order to store the vehicle ID, you must dynamically allocate memory. Hint: Use strlen() to get the length of the vehicle ID code.

Car(const Car&) // The copy constructor

A copy constructor that performs a memberwise assignment between two Car objects and handles the pointer member correctly.

A display function named showData () that prints the engine size, body style, color code, and vehicle ID code

A destructor that delete the pointer member correctly

Please don’t modify the given driver program. Submit just one cpp file. Your program should provide the following output:

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