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P2: One Player Solution


To build a second simple class that will interact with the other classes in the future. To implement and use an enumeration type.

To use the extern storage class.

The Player Class

This class represents one player. We are ready to implement some of its functions; more functions will be added later.

Data members. A player has

A name like RedWolf or RubyMan (no spaces)

A color: a constant from the color enumeration, colorEnum. (See below.)

A integer score, the number of columns this player has captured in this game, initially 0.

A personal scoreboard for the current game (an array of 3 integers), containing the numbers of the columns that have been captured. When the third column is captured, the player wins the game.


A constructor with two parameters: name and color.

Appropriate destructor, print, and operator<< functions. colorEnum color()

An accessor function. Return the player’s color.

int score()

An accessor function. Return the number of columns that have been captured in this game.

bool wonColumn( int colNum)

Store the column number in the next available slot in the scoreboard and increment the counter. Return true if the player has won 3 columns, false otherwise. Eventually, this will be called by Column::stop() to register the fact that the speci ed column has been captured. For this stage of the program, call it from the Player-unit-test function.

Using Enumerations

To use enum types e ectively, you need a civilized way to input an enum constant and to output it. Numeric codes are not civilized. The problem is that several parts of a program typically need to use the enumeration, so it cannot be put into a single class.

Enum input. Supply a menu of possible color choices and ask the player to input a single character as the selection. Use the char in a switch statement to select which enum variable to store in the Player object.

2: One Player CSCI 6626 /4526

Output. To output an enum constant, you should create an array of output strings that is parallel to your enum list. This array cannot go into an .hpp le with the enum declaration since, if that

.hpp le were included in more than one compile module, the array object will be compiled more than once and be part of two .o les. The linker will then be unable to link the application because it will see two objects with the same name.

The solution to this linking problem is to use the extern storage class. Identical extern dec-larations can be included by several les, but this does not cause a linking problem because an extern declaration does not create an object. (It instructs the linker to look for an object that was created elsewhere.) One copy of the extern declaration with an initializer is written in the .cpp le that matches the .hpp le containing the enum declaration. This creates the object that all other modules can and will link to.

3.1 De ne the enumerations.

Create a le called enums.hpp

Into it, put an enum declaration for ColorEnum, and list the ve colors you need: white, orange, yellow, green, blue. Some people may wish to add a sixth constant, for errors.

For each enum declaration, you need an array of strings for civilized output. (See \The de ning declaration", below.)

#include enums.hpp in the .hpp le for every class that needs to use the colors. For output, use an enum constant to subscript this array of words:

cout <<Color: <<" " <<words[playerColor];

The de ning declaration. One cpp le must declare the array of color names, with an initializer.

This is the \de ning declaration" for the extern variable. The declarations have this general form:

extern const char* words[3] = f"Andy","Bob","Carla"g;

Put the de nition for this string array in enums.cpp. Later, more enums will be added to the list.

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