Starting from:


Homework #2 Solution

Your first assignment will be to write a Lisp program for solving of

n-Queens/tokens problem. The objective is to place n queens/tokens on a nxn

board: no two queens/tokens are allowed to be in the same row, column, or a


You can represent a board configuration with a simple n element list

(c1 c2 c3 c4 ... cn), ci corresponds to the column position of i-th

queen in the i-th row. For example, (1 3 2 4) would correspond to the

4 queens in positions (1,1) (row 1, column 1), (2,3) (row 2, column

3), (3,2) (row 3, column 2), and (4,4) (row 4, column 4). Note that in

our representation we do not use double indexes: the i-th queen is

placed in the i-th row and its column index is ci. Note: If you want

to write a faster program you can use a vector (or array) to represent

your board position. You should worry about faster implementation only

after you are absolutely sure that you can solve the problem using a

(easier to write and debug) list implementation.

Your homework will have three parts. In the first part you will write

A function for checking whether an arbitrary permutation of n numbers

solves n-queens problem. In the second part you will write a program to

generate all solutions of n-queens for (n=4,5, …,10). You should only

display solution for n<6 and report how many solutions there are for n=6.

In the third part you will write a more efficient implementation that will

search for a single placement of n-queens on the board. A detailed

description of the problem follows.

Part 1. (5p)

You can write a function that checks if a board is

legal. A legal board configuration cannot have two queens in

the same column or diagonal. Two queens ci and cj (in rows i and j)

share a column if ci=cj; they share a diagonal if |ci-cj|=|i-j|,

where i,j=1,2,3,4 and |x| is the absolute value of x. Note that if you use

permutations as potential board configurations then you only need to check

if queens share a diagonal.

Part 2: (10p)

Generate configurations that correspond to permutations of 1..n.

For example, (1,2,3,4) would have 24 permutations, 1..5 would have 120,

1..n would have n! (=1*2*3*...*n). You can generate all permutations of

numbers 1..2 by starting from ((1)) and inserting 2 in all possible

positions to obtain ((2 1) (1 2)). Similarly, you obtain all permutations

of 1..3 by starting from ((2 1) (1 2)) and inserting 3 in all possible

positions in each of the length-two lists to obtain ((3 2 1) (2 3 1)

(2 1 3) (3 1 2) (1 3 2) (1 2 3)). Similarly, given all permutations of

1..n-1 you can create all permutations of 1..n. Hint: Use 'subseq' lisp

function. Can you solve n-queens for n=4 . . .,10? How about n10? How many

solutions to n-queens are there for n=4?

Part 3: (10p) In this part you will generate random permutations of n queens and

check if they correspond to legal boards. You can stop as soon as you find a legal

position. You will start by writing a function 'shuffle' that takes a list

(1 2 3 ... n) and returns a list with the same elements in a random order (5p for

this part). To generate a random shuffle you pick one number from (1…n) at random and

move it to a new list, then you pick another number randomly from the shortened list and

add it to the new list. Continue until you have moved all numbers from the old

list to the new one. You will then run this list for increasing values of n to obtain solutions

of the n-queens problem. How many times do you need to shuffle to obtain solutions for

n=4,...,10? Do you get the same answer for different runs?

Can your program handle n=11,12,13,14,15,...? How large n can your program handle?

Hints: See the slide show attached with the homework if you wish to learn more about permutations

and/or want to make an efficient implementation of the permutation generation method.

Instructions for submission:


(1) Using script or dribble, you are to capture the output of a Lisp session

in which you successfully load and execute your code, showing sufficient

testing of your function(s). of execution of each of your functions. You

will attach these results in your email (see next step) as “output.txt”

(2) Send a SINGLE email to formatted in the following way:


- the subject field of the email should read: CS480:HW2


- Please attach your lisp file in the email. The file should be called “yourNetIDHW2.lisp” where your netID is the first part of your GMU email (mine would be “zduricHW2.lisp”. The body should include:


Your GMU net id

Your name

Homework #2

As a safety precaution, always CC yourself when you submit homework

this way and keep it around until it has been graded and


FINAL NOTE: we will test all code using MOSS.