[100 points]
Teams: Form groups of 4 each. Email Chi with the team name and members.
Using the ARM simulator (ARMSim), write code that computes sinh(x), cosh(x), and ex of 32 bit IEEE-754 floating point numbers without using ARM multiplier. There will be extra credit for any additional functions you generate.
Proposed steps:
Read a number from memory (store any constants in memory)
Computer sinh(x)
Computer cosh(x)
Computer ex
Store result (and anything else interesting) in memory
Determine how may computer cycles it took.
Sunday, 7 May, 11.59pm: Assembly code due on Blackboard
Monday, 9 May, 11.59pm: No changes allowed after submission
Documentation due on Blackboard as PDF
Tuesday-Friday 9-12 May: 10 min demonstration, in Chi’s office
Source code: 30%
Oral presentation & demonstration: 30%
10 minutes
Approach, Code discussion, Issues and solutions, Your Results, and Demonstration with Chi’s numbers
Final report: 30%
A Total Computer Cycles for each function.
Total Processing time assuming a 32kHz clock, a 1MHz clock, and a 1 GHz clock for each function
CPI for each function
All implemented algorithms must be described.
Show sample input and output data
Peer review: 10%