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Computer laboratory 2 MATLAB version SOlution

Objectives of the session

This computer laboratory session involves using the forward-difference (Euler) method for the numerical solution of a partial differential equation. It is assumed that you are familiar with the material introduced in Computer laboratory sheet 1 on ordinary differential equations.

The main objectives of the session are:

to illustrate the basis of a simple ‘time-stepping’ numerical method for determining an approximate solution of the ‘heat equation’;

to illustrate how the time and second-order spatial derivatives are approximated when seeking a numerical solution of a partial differential equation;

to calculate some numerical solutions at a grid of time and spatial points;

to compare the numerical solution with a known exact solution (and calculate the errors);

to illustrate some of the common procedures (including numerical calculations using formulas, plotting and printing two-dimensional solutions) that will be used for all of the numerical techniques in later sessions.

Specifically, we will use the forward-difference method in time and centred-difference method in space to determine an approximate solution of the ‘heat equation’:

 K
over 0
 x 1
for t  0 , where K  0 ,

using the initial condition u ( x, 0)  sin( x) and boundary conditions u (0, t)  0 and u (1, t)  0 . This approximate numerical solution will also be compared with the exact solution for this problem, which can be determined using the ‘separation of variables’ method to be

u (x, t )  sin( x )exp(K  2t) .

Forward-difference method

As on Computer laboratory sheet 1, the forward-difference method in time for the partial differential equation above is based on approximating the time derivative on the left-hand side by a formula that involves the approximate values of u at t k  k t and t k 1  ( k  1)t , similar to that used for Euler’s method for the solution of an ordinary differential equation. This gives that

u (xi , tk )  uik 1  uik .

t t

Similarly, the spatial derivative on the right-hand side of the differential equation is approximated by the centred spatial difference formula

 2 u (xi , tk )  uik1  2uik  uik1 .

x 2 (x)2

Combining these two approximations then gives that an approximate solution uik for the exact solution u ( xi , tk ) , at xi  i x and t k  k t , will satisfy the ‘difference equation’

u k 1
 u k
 u k
 2u k
 uk

 K 
i 1

 .

( x)

This equation can then be rearranged into the ‘recurrence relation’ that gives the uik 1 values at each point xi in terms of some of the approximate values at tk , using

 u k
 2u k
 uk

uik 1  uik  K t 
i 1

 for
i  1, 2,3,...,(nx 1) and
k  0,1, 2, 3,... ,

( x)

starting from the given initial condition u 0
 u ( x , 0)  sin( x )
and using the boundary conditions uk
 0
and uk

 0 .


Another convenient way to represent this process is to recognise that all of the uk 1 values at the next time

step tk 1 are obtained through a linear operation on all of the (known) uik

values. Based on the recurrence

relation above, this process can be written in the form of a linear operation

u k 1
 su k
 (1  2 s )u k  suk
for i  1, 2,3,...,(n 1)
and k  0,1, 2, 3,... ,

i 1

in terms of the fixed parameter s  K t / (x)2 . As noted above, the remaining two values uk 1 and
uk 1


are determined by the specified boundary conditions.

In this class, this problem will be solved when
K  0.1 using  x  0.2
with a variety of values of
t .

Class exercise (to be completed during the laboratory session for assessment)

This version of this sheet describes how the numerical calculations and plotting can be performed using the MATLAB package. It is assumed that students using this version of the sheet are already familiar with the key commands in MATLAB so the basics of using the package will not be covered – all other students are advised to use the Excel version.

Download the sample template file for this week

Log in to the portal using your favourite browser, start Moodle and then go to the

‘Teaching materials/Computer laboratory 2 sheets/MATLAB version’ sub-section for this unit.

Click on the link for ‘’ and then click ‘Open’ to reveal the file labsheet2.m in Winzip. Double-click on this to open the file in MATLAB and then immediately save the file as labsheet2.m in your MTH3011 directory.

Familiarise yourself with the grid of space and time values at which the approximate solution will be found

The value nx  5 will be used initially for this problem, so the linspace command (and the transpose operator ‘) is used in lines 6-8 to create a column vector x containing 6 equally-spaced values of x over [0,1] , with a spatial step dx of  x  0.2 .

The value nt  25 will be used initially for this problem, so the linspace command is used in lines 10-12 to create a row vector t containing 26 equally-spaced values of t over [0, 2.5] , with a time step dt of  t  0.1.

Notice also that s  K t / (x)2 for this problem is stored at line 17 of the template file because, as noted above, that value simplifies some of the formulae to be used.

Set up the initial and boundary conditions for the solution of the PDE

In line 21 of the template file, remove the % sign and then modify this line so that it stores the initial

values  sin( xi1 ) for i 1, ,(nx 1) .



In lines 23 and 24 of the template file, remove the %

store the boundary values u_approx(1,k)  0 for

sign and then modify those lines so that they k  1, ,(nt 1) .

Save these additional commands in your file labsheet2.m.

Use the forward-difference formula to generate the approximate solutions at every time step

At line 30 of the template file, remove the % sign and value of i and k it stores the approximate values of relation given on page 2 of this sheet.

then modify this line so that at each appropriate

based on the recurrence

Graph the approximate solution as a surface plot

Modify the mesh command at line 39 so that it plots all of the values of u_approx as a surface plot over the entire (x,t) domain. Note that some initial labelling of the plot has been done in the template file, but you can modify or enhance it if you wish.

Save your edited m-file as labsheet2.m in your MTH3011 directory then type labsheet2 in the Command Window to run the commands in the file. Type Ctrl-C to stop the file at the first pause statement in line 49 and then inspect the plotted values of u_approx to see whether they seem to be sensible (bearing in mind the properties of the given exact solution).

Once your results look reasonable, proceed to the next step below – otherwise check your file to make sure that steps 6, 7 and 9 have been implemented correctly. Note that the values of u_approx are stored in an Excel file at lines 47-48 in case you want to inspect them in that manner instead.

Calculate the exact solution at the same times and positions, and then graph those values

Modify line 53 of the template file so that it calculates the exact solution at all of the points in the domain, and then modify line 56 (as in step 10 above) so that it is plotted as a separate figure.

Save these additional commands in your file labsheet2.m and then run the additional commands by typing labsheet2 in the Command Window. Type a space when the first pause statement is reached at line 49, and then type Ctrl-C to stop the file at the second pause statement in line 64.

Calculate and graph the errors in the approximate solution

Modify line 68 of the template file so that it uses the exact solution to identify the errors (‘approximate-exact’) in the approximate solution u_approx at all of the points in the domain. If everything else is correct, this should be able to be done by a single command which subtracts two matrices.

Modify line 71 (in a similar manner to above) so that the errors plotted as a separate figure.

Save these additional commands in your file labsheet2.m and again run the additional commands by typing labsheet2 in the Command Window. Type a space each time the first two pause statements at lines 49 and 64 are reached.

Once your results look reasonable, comment on the distribution of the errors across the domain and then proceed to the next step below – otherwise type Ctrl-C to stop the file and then make sure that steps 13-16 have been implemented correctly.

Repeat the calculations for a larger value of the time step  t  0.2

At lines 80-82 of the template file, a new row vector t2 is stored containing 26 equally-spaced values of t over [0,5] , with a time step dt2 of  t  0.2

At line 86, define the new scalar variable s2 that corresponds to s  K t / ( x)2 for the same spatial grid x as previously but uses this new value  t  0.2 .
In a similar manner to steps 6-10 above, store the initial and boundary conditions for this case into the matrix u_approx2 (lines 90-92), add the recurrence relation (by writing line 98 in terms of s2) to calculate the approximate solution over the domain and then display those results as a surface plot (by modifying line 107).

Save these additional commands in your file labsheet2.m and then run the additional commands by typing labsheet2 in the Command Window. Type a space three times to get to the fourth pause statement at line 112.

Once you are satisfied that your calculations are correct, compare them to those obtained earlier for  t  0.1 and then proceed to the next step below.

Repeat the calculations for an even larger value of the time step  t  0.5

Copy your modified commands from lines 80-112 and paste them into the file just before end, at line 116 of the template.

25. Use nt3=30 in a new row vector t3 which contains 31 equally-spaced values of t over [0,15] , with a time step dt3 of  t  0.5 . Also calculate the scalar variable s3 that corresponds to the value of

 K t / ( x)2 for this case.

Also modify the initial and boundary conditions appropriately to store them into the matrix u_approx3 for this number of time steps nt3=30. Modify the recurrence relation (in terms of s3) to calculate the approximate solution over the domain and then display those results as a surface plot in the same manner as previously.

Comment upon the features of the numerical solutions in this case. Are they what you expected?

