Starting from:


Project 1: Designing a Phone Bill Application Solution

In this project you will create the fundamental PhoneBill and PhoneCall classes that you will work with for the duration of the course.

Goals: Extend classes that you did not write and perform more complex command line parsing

The edu.pdx.cs410J package contains two abstract classes, AbstractPhoneBill and Abstract-PhoneCall. For this project you will write two concrete classes in your edu.pdx.cs410J.login package: PhoneBill that extends AbstractPhoneBill and PhoneCall that extends Abstract-PhoneCall2. Each of your classes must implement all of the abstract methods of its superclass.

A PhoneBill has a customer name3 and consists of multiple PhoneCalls. A PhoneCall is initiated by a person with a given phone number at a given time4, is received by a person with a given phone number, and terminates at a given time. For this assignment, all of this data should be modeled with Strings. Additionally, you may ignore the getStartTime and getEndTime methods.

You should also create a Project1 class that contains a main method that parses the command line, creates an PhoneBill and a PhoneCall as specified by the command line, adds the PhoneCall to the PhoneBill, and optionally prints a description of the PhoneCall returned by its toString method5. Your Project1 class should have the following command line interface6:

usage: java edu.pdx.cs410J.<login-id.Project1 [options] <args args are (in this order):

bill we’re modeling
Phone number
of caller
Phone number
of person who was called
Date and
began (24-hour time)
Date and
ended (24-hour time)
options are (options may appear
in any
description of the new phone call
README for this project and exits

Date and time should be in the format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm

Note that multi-word arguments should be delimited by double quotes. For instance the customer argument could be "Brian Griffin". However, dates and times should not be quoted. (they are two separate command line arguments) The following dates and times are valid: 1/15/2018 19:39 and 01/2/2018 1:037. Phone numbers have the form nnn-nnn-nnnn where n is a number 0-9.

6 for code, 1 for POA

Be aware that you should not modify any of my code. When I test your code I will use my version of the code, not yours. In fact, the Submit program will not allow you to submit my code. Remember that the Submit program can submit more than one file at a time.

3Customer names can contain any character include numbers.

4Your program should accept times and dates that have already occurred as well as ones that occur in the future.

5Note that PhoneCall’s toString method is inherited from AbstractPhoneCall. You do not need to override it.

6You can learn more about the README option in the “Documenting Your Code for CS410J” handout on the course’s website. 7That is, the month and the day can be expressed as either 1 or 2 digits. The year should always be four digits.


Error handling: Your program should exit “gracefully” with a user-friendly error message under all reason-able error conditions. Examples of such conditions include

Something is missing from the command line or there are extraneous command line arguments

The format of the day or time is incorrect or the phone number contains characters other than - that are non-numeric

The class files for classes in the edu.pdx.cs410J package can be found in /u/whitlock/jars/cs410J.jar

You should submit,, and using the submit program. You can learn more about the Submit program in the “Instructions for submitting projects for CS410J” handout on the course’s website.

To get you started with the project, there is a Maven archetype for the Phonebill project.

Before you can generate the archetype, however, you must configure Maven to look for archetypes hosted in my Maven repository. This is done by adding the following in your settings.xml file in the .m2 directory in your home directory.

<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""
























$ mvn archetype:generate \


-DarchetypeGroupId=edu.pdx.cs410J \


Define value for groupId: : edu.pdx.cs410J.<login-id

Define value for artifactId: : phonebill

Define value for version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT: :

Define value for package: edu.pdx.cs410J.<login-id: :

Confirm properties configuration:

groupId: edu.pdx.cs410J.<login-id

artifactId: phonebill

version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT

package: edu.pdx.cs410J.<login-id


The archetype creates the Project1 class and a class for testing it, Project1Test

+- phonebill/

+- pom.xml (Dependencies and reporting configuration)

+- src/

+- main/ (program source code)

+- java/

+- edu/pdx/cs410J/login-id/



+- javadoc/ (files for JavaDoc)

+- edu/pdx/cs410J/login-id/

+- package.html

+- test/ (unit tests)

+- java/

+- edu/pdx/cs410J/login-id/


+- javadoc/ (files for test JavaDoc)

+- edu/pdx/cs410J/login-id/

+- package.html

+- it/ (integration tests)

+- java/

+- edu/pdx/cs410J/login-id/


The project should compile and run out-of-the-box. The ‘verify‘ phase compiles all of the source code, runs the unit tests, creates the jar file, and runs the integration tests.

$ mvn verify

The archetype configures a bunch of cool reports to run against your project.

$ mvn site

Open target/site/index.html and view the reports generated for your project.

The jar file created by the archetype is an “executable jar” that runs your Project1 main class.


$ java -jar target/phonebill-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -README

Last updated April 28, 2018


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