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Homework #1 Solution

Task 1 (40 points): Code a method that admits as input a grayscale image f, two positive doubles sx and sy greater than 1.0, that represent the scaling factors of f and an angle theta in radians. The method should return a new image object containing f scaled horizontally by a factor of sx and vertically by a factor of sy using bilinear interpolation strategy and rotated counter-clockwise by an angle of theta with respect to the image’s center (not with respect to the origin!)

Example: let’s say input represents an image of width 100 pixels and height 50 pixels; in that case the call:

Image output = scale(input, 2.0, 3.0, 1.5707);

should return an Image object containing the contents of input, but scaled to a width of 200 and height of 150 pixels and rotated by approximately 90 degrees (use the image valve.png to test it).

Task 2 (30 points): Create a method that admits as input a grayscale image f and applies adaptive histogram equalization to it (use the image valve.png to test it).

Image output = equalize(input);

Task 3 (30 points): You are given the binary image abdomen.png. Code a method that first removes all unwanted artifacts and then counts the numbers of connected components in the foreground (you can use any method you like; bonus points if you implement the union-find based method).


In case you go with Java, just create a new java project and include the jars provided during week 1 as external libraries. In this library an image is represented through the class vpt.Image.

Loading an image from your drive:

Image img = Load.invoke(“path/to/file/myImage.png”); // supports jpg, png

Saving an image to your drive:

Save.invoke(img, “path/to/save/filename.png”);

Copy constructor (creates a black image “copy” of the same dimension as “img”):

Image copy = img.newInstance(false);

Create a new grayscale image of width w, and height h with int valued pixels in [0,255]

Image newImg = new ByteImage(w, h, 1);

Get the width and height of an image object

int width = img.getXDim(); int height = img.getYDim();

Display an Image object “img”

Display2D.invoke(img, “windowTitle”);

Reading the pixel intensity of image “img” at row 300 and column 200 (assuming 0,0 as the origin):

int p = img.getXYByte(200, 300);

Setting the pixel intensity of image “img” at row 300 and column 200 to a new value 128.

img.setXYByte(200, 300, 128); // the new pixel value is of type int

Good luck.