PROGRAM 1: Write a C program to implement the solution to Dining-Philosophers problem.
PROGRAM 2: Write a C program to implement FCFS disk scheduling.
PROGRAM 1: Write a C program that simulates the Dining-Philosophers problem. The main program should create 5 threads, one for each philosopher and initialize their states to THINKING. Your program should print the philosopher id (number), what they are currently doing (THINKING, HUNGRY or EATING) in a sequence as shown in the sample output below.
There is a dining room containing a circular table with five chairs. At each chair is a plate, and between each plate is a single chopstick (or fork). In the middle of the table is a bowl of spaghetti. Sitting at the table, are five philosophers who spend most of their time thinking, but occasionally get hungry and eat so they can think some more.
In order to eat, a philosopher must pick up the two chopsticks to the left and right of his/her plate, then serve and eat the spaghetti from the plate. Thus, each philosopher is represented by the following pseudocode:
process P[i]
while true do
A philosopher may THINK indefinitely. Every philosopher who EATs will eventually finish. Philosophers may PICKUP and PUTDOWN their chopsticks in either order, or non-deterministically, but these are atomic actions, and, of course, two philosophers cannot use a single/same CHOPSTICK at the same time.
EXPECTED OUTPUT: [You can use fork or chopstick variable name]
Your output can slightly vary depending upon your implementation and the manner in which you are taking input and how the threads are scheduled on your system.
Philosopher 1 is thinking
Philosopher 2 is thinking
Philosopher 3 is thinking
Philosopher 4 is thinking
Philosopher 5 is thinking
Philosopher 1 is Hungry
Philosopher 1 takes fork 5 and 1
Philosopher 1 is Eating
Philosopher 2 is Hungry
Philosopher 4 is Hungry
Philosopher 4 takes fork 3 and 4
Philosopher 4 is Eating
Philosopher 3 is Hungry
Philosopher 5 is Hungry
Philosopher 1 putting fork 5 and 1 down
Philosopher 1 is thinking
Philosopher 2 takes fork 1 and 2
Philosopher 2 is Eating
Philosopher 4 putting fork 3 and 4 down
Philosopher 4 is thinking
Philosopher 5 takes fork 4 and 5
Philosopher 5 is Eating
Philosopher 2 putting fork 1 and 2 down
PROGRAM 2: Write a C program to implement FCFS disk scheduling and calculate Total Seek time and Average seek time as shown in the output below.
Your output can slightly vary depending upon your implementation and the manner in which you take input values