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Week 5 Weighted Average Solution


This hands-on lab allows you to follow and experiment with the critical steps of developing a program including the program description, analysis, test plan, design (using pseudocode), and implementation with C code. The example provided uses sequential, selection and repetition statements.

Program Description

This program will calculate the weighted average of 5 numbers. The program will ask the user to enter 5 numbers treated as weights and 5 numbers to be averaged. The program will use a loop to input the data.


I will use sequential, selection and repetition programming statements.

I will define one integer number: count

count will store how many times valid weights and values have been entered. I will define a variety of doubles: weight, value, sum, sumw, avg

value will store the input value

weight will store the input weight for that value sum will store the running sum of values and weights sumw will store the running of the weights

avg will store the weighted average of the 5 numbers and 5 weights input.

The running sum will be calculated by this formula:

sum = sum + value * weight

For example, if the first value and weight pair entered is 4, 1 and second pair is 10, 3:

sum = sum + value*weight = 0 + 4*1

sum = 4 + 10*3 = 34

sumw = 1 + 3 = 4

Values and sum are to be input and calculated within a repetition loop:

while count < 5

Input value, weight

sumw = sumw + weight

sum = sum + value

count = count + 1

End while

Avg is calculated by:

avg = sum / sumw

A selection statement can be used inside the loop to make sure the input weight is positive.

If weight = 0 then

sumw = sumw + weight

sum = sum + value * weight

count = count + 1


report error

End If

Test Plan

This program is complex enough to require a variety of test cases – here are a few telling ones:

Test Case
Input: value weight pairs
Expected Output

Average = 2
Average 0 and 4

Values 3, 4, 5 just help keep input

easier to follow - since weights are 0,

those values are ignored.

Average = 2.5
Average of 0 and 5, even weights

Values 1, 2, 3 are ignored

Average = 15
Weighted average of 0 and 20,

with ¼ to 0 and ¾ to 20

Average = 3.4
Even weights, so 17/5 = 3.4

85 .1 88 .1 93 .2 87 .3 96 .3
Average = 90.8
Weighted average of grades, using


85 10 88 10 93 20 87 30 96 30
Average = 90.8
Same using percentages


This program will calculate the average of value-weight pairs of doubles

Declare variables

Declare count as Integer

Declare avg, value, weight, sum, sumw as doubles

//Initialize values

Set count=0

Set sum = 0.0

Set sumw = 0.0

Set avg = 0.0;

Loop through 5 value-weight pairs as doubles While count < 5

Print “Enter a value and its weight: ”

Input value, weight if (weight =0)

sum = sum + value*weight sumw = sumw + weight count=count+1


Print (“Weight must be positive”);

End if End While

Calculate average

avg = sum/sumw

// Print results

Print “Average is “ + avg


C Code

The following is the C Code that will compile to execute in the online compilers.

C code

This program will calculate

the weighted average of 5 numbers.

Developer: Faculty CMIS102

Date: Jan 31, XXXX

#include <stdio.h

int main () {

/* variable definition: */

int count;

double avg, value, weight, sum, sumw; /* Initialize */

count = 0;

sum = 0;

sumw = 0;

avg = 0.0;

Loop through to input values while (count < 5) {

printf("Enter a value and its weight: ");

use %lf for double, %f for float scanf("%lf %lf", &value, &weight); if (weight = 0) {

sumw = sumw + weight;

sum = sum + value * weight; count = count + 1;


else {

printf("Weight must be positive\n"); } // end if weight ok

} // end reading input values and weights

Calculate avg if sumw is not 0 avg = sum / sumw; printf("average is %lf\n " , avg ); return 0;

} // end main


Setting up the code and the input parameters in

This screen shot shows the program running with the input values of 2 1 2 1 3 1 5 1 5 1, with the resulting weighted average of 3.4. In this case, since all the weights are equal, the result is the simple average of the numbers {2, 2, 3, 5, 5} = 17/5.


Learning Exercises for you to complete

Demonstrate you successfully followed the steps in this lab by preparing screen captures of you running the lab as specified in the Instructions above.

Change the code to average 10 value-weight pairs of doubles as opposed to 5. Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the new code.

Prepare a new test table with at least 3 distinct test cases listing input and expected output for the new code you created averaging 10 doubles.

What happens if you entered a value other than a double? (For example a string). Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the code.

Modify the code to allow the user to enter any number of pairs and calculate the average. In other words, the user could enter any number of pairs as long as the weight is positive. (Hint: You can prompt the user for how many they want to enter. Or; you could use a sentinel value to trigger when the user has completed entering values). Prepare a new test table with at least 3 distinct test cases listing input and expected output for the code you created. Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the new code.


Grading guidelines


Demonstrates the successful execution of this Lab within an
online compiler. Provides supporting screen captures.

Modifies the C code average 10 doubles as opposed to 5.
Support your experimentation with screen captures of

executing the new code.

Prepares a new test table with at least 3 distinct test cases
listing input and expected output for the new code you

created averaging 10 doubles.

Describes what happens if you entered a value other than a
double? Support your experimentation with screen captures

of executing the code.

Modifies the C code to allow the user to enter any number of
positive doubles and calculate the average. Provides a new

test table with at least 3 distinct test cases listing input and

expected output for the code you created. Support your

experimentation with screen captures of executing the new


Document is well-organized, and contains minimal spelling
and grammatical errors.
