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Week 4 homework problems Solution

    1. Do problem 2.6. Skip part 2.6.4.

    2. For the data set in problem 2.6, do the following.

        (a) Calculate a 95% confidence interval for the model intercept

        (b) Produce an effect plot for the effect of fall on the mean of winter

        (c) What are the values of the largest and smallest residuals?

        (d) Interpret the residual plot shown below in terms of the appropriateness of the linear model:

    3. Do problem 2.13.

    4. For the data set in problem 2.13, do the following.

        (a) Calculate the value of the correlation coefficient r

        (b) If the intercept-only model is fit to the data, what is its estimated intercept ˆ ?
        (c) Produce the ANOVA table for this model. Be sure to include a “Total” row in your table.

        (d) If the predictor mheight is standardized before fitting the model, the resulting fitted model becomes
Eˆ(Y ) = 63.75 + 0.54 ∗ x. Interpret the slope and intercept in this model.