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Problem Set #3 Solution

Online Algorithm  Comparison - 100  points


In this problem set,  you will implement five online learning algorithms – Perceptron (with and without  margin),  Winnow  (with  and without  margin),  and AdaGrad ; and experiment with them by comparing their performance on synthetic datasets. We provide Python code that  generates the synthetic  dataset, but you do not need to code your algorithms in Python.

In this  problem  set,  you will get  to see the impact  of parameters  on the performance of learning  algorithms  and,  more  importantly, the  di↵erence  in the  behavior  of learning algorithms when the target function is sparse and dense.  You will also assess the e↵ect of noisy training data on the learning algorithms.

First, you  will generate examples  that are  labeled  according  to a  simple  l-of-m-of-n boolean function.  That is, the function  is defined on instance  space {0, 1}n , and there is a set of m attributes such that an example is positive i↵ at least l of these m are active in the example.  l, m and n define the hidden concept that your algorithms will attempt to learn. The instance space is {0, 1}n (that is, there are n boolean features in the domain).  You will run experiments  on several values of l, m, and n.

To make sure you understand the above function, try to write it as a linear threshold function.   This  way,  you will make  sure that Winnow  and  Perceptron can  represent this function (recall these algorithms learn linear separators).  Also, notice that the l-of-m-of-n concept class is a generalization  of monotone  conjunctions  (when l = m) and of monotone disjunctions  (when l = 1).

Your algorithm does not know the target function and does not know which are the rel- evant attributes or how many are relevant.  The goal is to evaluate  these algorithms under

several conditions  and  derive some conclusions on their  relative  advantages  and  disadvan- tages.





You are going to implement five online learning algorithms.  Notice that they are essentially the same algorithm, only that their update rules are di↵erent.

We  will prescribe  the weight initialization and  options for the parameter(s) for each algorithm,  and you should determine  the best parameters for each algorithm  via tuning  on a subset of training data. More details on this in the Parameter Tuning section.

In  all the algorithms  described  below,  labeled  examples  are  denoted  by  (x, y) where


x 2 {0, 1}

and y 2 {   1, 1}. In all cases, your prediction  is given by



y = sign(w| x + ✓)


1. Perceptron:  The simplest  version of the Perceptron  Algorithm.  In this  version, an update will be performed on the example (x, y) if y(w| x + ✓)  0.


There are two things about the Perceptron algorithm that should be noted.


First,  the Perceptron algorithm needs to learn both the bias term ✓  and the  weight vector w. When the Perceptron algorithm makes a mistake on the example (x, y), both w and ✓  will be updated  in the following way:


w + ⌘yx
✓ + ⌘y

where ⌘  is the learning rate. See the lecture notes for more information.


Second (and more suprisingly), if we assume that  the order of the examples presented to the algorithm is fixed, and we initialize ⇥w   ✓⇤   with a zero vector and learn w and

✓  together, then the learning rate ⌘, in fact, does not have any e↵ect1 .

Initialization:  w|  = {0, 0, ·· · , 0}, ✓ = 0

Parameters:  Given the second fact above, we can fix ⌘  = 1. So there are no param- eters to tune.


2. Perceptron with  margin:  This  algorithm  is similar to Perceptron;  but in this  al- gorithm,  an update  will be performed on the example (x, y) if y(w| x + ✓) <  , where is an additional  positive parameter specified by the user.  Note that this algorithm sometimes  updates  the weight  vector  even when the weight  vector  does not  make a

mistake on the current example.

Parameters:  learning rate ⌘  (to tune),  fixed margin parameter  =1.


1 In fact  you can show that, if w1  and  ✓1   is the output of the Perceptron  algorithm  with  learning  rate

⌘1 , then  w1 /⌘1   and  ✓1 /⌘1   will be the result  of the Perceptron  with  learning  rate  1 (note  that these  two

hyperplanes give identical predictions).

Given  that     0, using a di↵erent learning  rate  ⌘   will produce  a di↵erent weight vector.  The best value of    and the best value of ⌘  are closely related  given that  you can scale    and ⌘.

Initialization:  w|  = {0, 0, ·· · , 0}, ✓ = 0

Parameter Recommendation:  Choose ⌘  2 {1.5, 0.25, 0.03, 0.005, 0.001}.


3. Winnow:  The  simplest  version of Winnow.  Notice  that all the target functions  we deal with are monotone functions, so we are simplifying here and using the simplest version of Winnow.

When the Winnow algorithm makes a mistake on the example (x, y), w will be updated in the following way:


wt+1,i          wt,i ↵yxi


where ↵ is promotion/demotion parameter and wt,i is the ith component of the weight vector after t mistakes.

Parameters:  Promotion/demotion parameter ↵

Initialization:  w|  = {1, 1, ·· · , 1}, ✓  =   n (✓ is fixed here, we do  not update  it)

Parameter Recommendation:  Choose ↵ 2 {1.1, 1.01, 1.005, 1.0005, 1.0001}.


4. Winnow with  margin:  This algorithm is similar to Winnow; but in this algorithm, an update  will be performed on the example (x, y) if y(w| x + ✓) <  , where     is an additional  positive parameter  specified by the user.  Note  that, just like perceptron with margin, this algorithm sometimes updates the weight vector even when the weight vector does not make a mistake on the current  example.

Parameters:  Promotion/demotion parameter ↵, margin parameter    . Initialization:  w|  = {1, 1, ·· · , 1}, ✓  =   n (✓ is fixed here, we do  not update  it) Parameter Recommendation:   Choose  ↵ 2  {1.1, 1.01, 1.005, 1.0005, 1.0001} and

2 {2.0, 0.3, 0.04, 0.006, 0.001}.


5. AdaGrad: AdaGrad  adapts the learning rate based on historical information, so that frequently changing features get smaller learning rates and stable features get higher ones. Note that here we have di↵erent learning rates for di↵erent features.  We will use the hinge loss:


Q((x, y), w) = max(0, 1    y(w| x + ✓)).


Since we update both w and  ✓,  we use gt   to denote  the  gradient  vector  of Q on the

(n + 1) dimensional vector (w, ✓) at iteration t.


The per-feature notation  at  iteration t is: gt,j   denotes the jth  component of gt  (with respect to w) for j = 1, ·· · ,n and gt,n+1  denotes the gradient with respect to ✓.

In order to write down the update  rule we first take the gradient of Q with respect to the weight vector (wt , ✓t ),



gt  =

(0                if y(w| x + ✓)  1

y(x, 1)    otherwise


That is, for the first n features, that gradient is    yx, and for ✓, it is always    y.


Then,  for each feature j (j = 1, ..., n + 1) we keep the sum of the gradients’ squares:



Gt,j  = X g2



and the update  rule is





wt+1,j          wt,j        ⌘gt,j /(Gt,j )1/2


By substituting gt  into the update  rule above, we get the final update rule:

(wt,j                                             if y(w| x + ✓)  1

wt+1,j  =                                    t

wt,j  + ⌘yxj /(Gt,j ) 2         otherwise



where for all t we have xn+1 = 1.

We can see that AdaGrad  with hinge loss updates the weight vector only when y(w| x +

✓)  1. The learning rate,  though,  is changing over time, since Gt,j  is time-varying.

You may wonder why there is no AdaGrad  with Margin:  note that AdaGrad  updates w and ✓  only when y(w| x + ✓)  1 which is already a version of the Perceptron with Margin 1.

Parameters:  ⌘

Initialization:  w|  = {0, 0, ·· · , 0}, ✓ = 0

Parameter Recommendation:  Choose ⌘  2 {1.5, 0.25, 0.03, 0.005, 0.001}.


Warning:  If you implement AdaGrad  in MATLAB, make sure that your denominator is non-zero.  MATLAB may not give special warning on this.


Important:  Note  that some of the above  algorithms  update the weight  vector  even when the weight vector  does not  make a mistake  on the current example.  In some of the following experiments, you are asked to calculate  how many  mistakes  an online algorithm makes during  learning.  In this problem set, the definition of the number  of mistakes  is as follows: for every new example (x, y), if y(w| x + ✓)   0, the  number  of mistakes  will be increased  by 1.  So, the number  of mistakes  an algorithm  makes does not necessary equal the number  of updates it makes.

Data generation


This section explains how the data  to be used is generated.  We recommend that you use the python file to generate each of the data sets you will need.  The input parameters of this data generator include l,m,n,  the number  of instances,  and a {T rue, F alse} variable noise.  When noise is set F alse, it will produce clean data. Otherwise it will produce noisy data. (Make sure you place add with in the same workspace.  See Problem

3 for more details.)  Given values of l, m, n and noise set F alse, the following call generates a clean data set of 50,000 labeled examples of dimensionality n in the following way (y and x are Numpy arrays)


from gen import gen

(y, x) = gen(l, m, n, 50000, False)


For each set of examples generated, half will be positive and half will be negative.  Without loss of generality, we can assume that the first m attributes are the relevant attributes, and generate  the data this  way.  (Important:  Your learning  algorithm  does NOT  know that.) Each example is generated  as follows:


• For  each  positive  example,  pick  randomly  and  uniformly  l  attributes from  among x1,. .., xm   and  set them  to  1.  Set the  other  m     l attributes to  0.  Set the  rest  of the n     m attributes to 1 uniformly with a probability  of 0.5.


• For each negative example, pick randomly  and uniformly l    2 attributes from among x1,. .., xm   and set them  to 1. Set the other  m     l +2  attributes to 0. Set the rest of the n     m attributes to 1 uniformly with a probability  of 0.5.


Of course, you should not  incorporate  this  knowledge of the target  function  into  your learning algorithms. Note that in this experiment, all of the positive examples have l active attributes among the  first m attributes and all of the  negative  examples have l     2 active attributes among the first m attributes.



Parameter Tuning


One of the  goals of this  this  homework is understanding the importance  of parameters in the success of a machine learning algorithm.  We will ask you to tune and report the best parameter set you chose for each setting.  Lets assume you have the training  data set and the algorithm.  We now describe the procedure you will run to tune the parameters.  As will be clear below, you will run  this  procedure  and  tune the parameters  for each training  set you will use in the experiments below.



Parameter Tuning Procedure


• Generate  two distinct  subsamples  of the training data,  each consisting of 10% of the data set;  denote these data sets D1   and  D2   respectively.   For  each set of parameter values  that we provided  along  with the algorithm,  train your  algorithm on  D1   by running  the algorithm  20 times over the data.  Then,  evaluate  the resulting  model on D2  and record the accuracy.

• Choose the set of parameters that results in the highest accuracy on D2 .


Note  that if you have two  parameters,  a and  b, each with  5 options  for values,  you have

5 ⇥ 5 = 25 sets of parameters to experiment with.





Note:  For the following experiments, you will generate data sets for multiple configurations of l, m, and n parameters. For each configuration, make sure to use the same training  data and the same testing data across all learning algorithms so that the results can be compared across algorithms.


1. [20 points] Number of examples versus number of mistakes

First you  will evaluate  the online  learning  algorithms  with  two  concept  parameter configurations:  (a) l = 10, m = 100, n = 500, and (b) l = 10, m = 100, n = 1000.

Your experiments should consist of the following steps:


(a)  You should generate a clean data set of 50,000 examples for each of the two given l, m, and n configuration.

(b)  In each case run the tuning procedure  described above and record your optimal parameters.







(c)  For each of the five algorithms, run it with the best parameter setting over each training set once. Keep track of the number of mistakes (W) the algorithm makes.

(d)  Plot the cumulative number of mistakes made (W) on N examples ( 50, 000) as a function of N (i.e. x-axis is N and y-axis is W)2


For each of the two datasets (n=500  and n=1000), plot the curves of all five algorithms in one graph.  Therefore, you should have two graphs (one for each dataset) with five curves on each.  Be sure to label your graphs clearly!

Comment: If you are getting results that seem to be unexpected after tweaking the algorithm  parameters, try increasing the number  of examples.  If you choose to do so, don’t forget to document the attempt as well. It is alright to have an additional graph or two as a part  of the documentation.


2 If you are running  out of memory, you may consider plotting the cumulative error at every 100 examples seen instead.

2. [35 points] Learning curves of online learning algorithms


The  second experiment  is a  learning  curve  experiment  for all the algorithms.   Fix l = 10, m = 20. You will vary n, the number  of variables,  from n = 40 to n = 200 in increments of 40. Notice that by increasing the value of n, you are making the function sparse.  For each of the 5 di↵erent functions,  you first generate  a dataset with 50, 000 examples.   Tune  the parameters of each algorithm following the instructions in the previous section.  Note that you have five di↵erent training sets (for di↵erent values of n), so you need to tune each algorithm for each of these separately.  Like before, record the chosen parameters  in the following table:







Then,  run each algorithm in the following fashion:


(a)  Present an example to the learning algorithm.


(b)  Update  the hypothesis  if needed;  keep track of the number  W  of mistakes  the algorithm  makes.


Keep doing this, until you get a sequence of R examples on which the algorithm makes no mistakes.  Record W at this point and stop.


For each algorithm, plot a curve of W (the number of mistakes you have made before the  algorithm  stops)  as  a  function  of n  on one graph.    Try  this  with  convergence criterion R = 1000. It is possible that it will take many examples to converge3  ; you can do it by cycling through  the training  data you generated  multiple  times.  If you are running  into convergence problems (e.g., no convergence after cycling through  the data more than 10 times), try to reduce R, but also think analytically about the choice of parameters and initialization  for the algorithms.  Comment on the various learning curves you see as part of your report.


3. [45 points] Use  online learning algorithms as  batch learning algorithms


The  third experiment  involves running  all learning  algorithms  in the batch  setting with noisy training data.  In the batch  setting, you will still make weight updates  per mistake,  but will loop over the entire training data  for multiple training cycles.  The steps of this experiment are as follows:


3 If you are running  into memory problems,  make sure you are not storing extraneous information, like a cumulative count of errors for each example seen.

(a)  [Data Generation] For each configuration (l, m, and n), generate a noisy train- ing data set with 50,000 examples and a clean test data set with 10,000 examples.


(train_y,train_x) = gen(l,m,n,50000,True); (test_y,test_x) = gen(l,m,n,10000,False);


In the noisy data set, the label y is flipped with probability 0.05 and each attribute is flipped with probability 0.001. The parameters 0.05 and 0.001 are fixed in this experiment.  We do  not add any noise in the test  data.

You will run the experiment with the following three di↵erent configurations.


• P1:  l = 10, m = 100, n = 1000.

• P2:  l = 10, m = 500, n = 1000.

• P3:  l = 10, m = 1000, n = 1000.


(b)  [Parameter  Tuning] Use the Tuning  Procedure  defined earlier  on the noisy training  data  generated.   Record the  best  parameters  (three  sets of parameters for each algorithm, one for each training set).

Since we are running  the online algorithms in a batch process, there should be, in principle,  another tunable parameter:  the number  of training  cycles over the data that an algorithm needs to reach a certain performance.  We will not do it here, and  just  assume that in all the experiments  below you will cycle through the data  20 times.


(c)  [Training] For each algorithm, train the model using 100% of the noisy training data with the best parameters selected in the previous step. As suggested above, run through  the training  data  20 times.  (If you think  that  this number  of cycles is not enough to learn a good model you can cycle through the data more times; in this case, record the number  of cycles you used and report it.)


(d)  [Evaluation] Evaluate  your model on the test data.   Report the accuracy  pro- duced by all the online learning algorithms. (That is, report the number  of mis- takes made on the test data,  divided by 10,000).


Recall that,  for each configuration  (l, m, n),  you have generated  a training  set  (with noise) and a corresponding  the test set (without noise), that you will use to evaluate the performance  of the learned  model.   Note also that, for each configuration, you should use the same training  data  and  the  same test data  for all the  five learning algorithms.   You may want  to use the and  numpy.load commands  to save the datasets you have created to disk and load them back.

Use the table below to report your tuned parameters and resulting accuracy.



Perceptron w/margin
Winnow w/margin


Write down your observations about the resulting performance of the algorithms.  Be sure to discuss how the results vary from the previous experiments?


4. [10 points] Bonus: In our experiments so far, we have been plotting the misclassifi- cation error (0-1 loss) for each of the algorithms.  Consider the AdaGrad  algorithm, where we learn a linear separator  by minimizing a surrogate  loss function – Hinge loss instead of directly minimizing the 0-1 loss. In this problem, we explore the relationship between the 0-1 loss and the surrogate  loss function.


We will use the AdaGrad  update rule which was derived using Hinge Loss  as our loss function.   Run  the algorithm for 50 training rounds  using the batch setting of Problem  3. At the end of each round, record the misclassification error and the Hinge loss over the dataset for that round.  Generate two plots:  misclassification error as a function of the number  of training rounds, Hinge loss (over the dataset) as a function of the number of training  rounds.


We will use a noisy dataset consisting of 10000 instances.  Use the configuration where l = 10, m = 20 and n = 40 (from Problem  2).  Use the procedure to generate the training  data  as follows:



(data_y,data_x) = gen(l,m,n,10000,True);



Recall  that,   once you generate  the  data,  run  the  training  procedure  for 50 rounds and obtain the required plots for misclassification error against the number of training rounds and risk (loss over the dataset) against the number of training rounds.  You can re-use the parameters  obtained  in Problem 2. Write down your observations about the two  plots  obtained.  Feel free to experiment  with  other  values of n and plot them  in the same graphs.

What to submit


• A detailed  report.  Discuss di↵erences you see in the performance  of the algorithms across target  functions  and  try  to  explain  why.   Make sure you discuss each of the plots, your observations, and conclusions.


• Three  graphs  in total, two from the first experiment (2 di↵erent concept parameter configurations) and one from the second experiment (changing the number of variables n, but keeping l and m fixed), each clearly labeled.  Include the graphs in the report. If you attempt the bonus problem, you should have two additional graphs to submit.


• One table for each of the first two experiments;  three tables for the third  experiment, from P1 through P3.  Include the tables in the report.


• Your  source code.   This  should  include  the algorithm implementation and  the code that  runs the experiments.  You must include a README, documenting how someone should run your code.


Comment: You are highly encouraged to start on this early because the experiments and graphs may take some time to generate.

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