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Programming Project 1: The Sorting and the Searching Techniques Solution

Reference: chapter sections 8.3 and 8.4 (sorting)

Chapter sections 8.1 and 8.2 (Searching)

a. Create three array of 12+ students records including ID’s, student names, and

the corresponding e-mail addresses,– student ID’s not sorted in order.

b. Sort the above data by student ID’s using bubble sorting.

c. Sequential Search five ID’s which are from the sorted array and a 6th ID which is not from the array.

d. Binary Search five ID’s which are from the sorted array and a 6th ID which is not from the array.

e. Execution and output:

Display the original unsorted array of student records.
Display the sorted array result of student records.

Display the sequential search result of student records.
Display the binary search result of student records.

Turn in source programs and the outputs of item (e)

The following should apply to all assignments during the semester.
Turn in with hard copy and must be professional and the turn in should include the source Program, and the displayed outputs as described above. Proper messages in the output are required to indicate the execution and different outputs. Turn in all assignments in class. It will have late penalty 10% if your turn in 30 minutes after class begins and before next class.

Anything not mentioned in this assignment, you are free to do whatever you desire. No need to ask questions.

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