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Programming Assignment #1: Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data Solution

Twitter has emerged as a fundamentally new instrument to obtain social measurements. For example, researchers have shown that the "mood" of communication on twitter can be used to predict the stock market.

In this programming assignment you will:

Load and prepare a collected set of twitter data for analysis

You will estimate the sentiment associated with individual tweets

You will estimate the sentiment of a particular term

Please keep in mind the following points:

This assignment is open-ended in several ways. You will need to make some decisions about how to best solve each of the problems mentioned above.

It is absolutely fine to discuss your solutions with your classmates (either in person or in Piazza) but you are not allowed to share code.

Each student must submit their own solution via CANVAS.

You will have unlimited number of uploads to CANVAS.

Formatting of Twitter Data

Strings in the twitter data prefixed with the letter "u" are unicode strings. For example: u"This is a string".

Unicode is a standard for representing a mach larger variety of characters beyond the roma alphabet (greek, russian, mathematical symbols, logograms from non-phonetic writing systems, etc.).

In most circumstances, you will be able to use a unicode object just like a string.

If you encounter an error involving printing unicode, you can use the encode ( method to properly print the international characters. You can find more information about UNICODE and Python 3 here (

Question 1: Loading and Cleaning Twitter Data [20 points]

In this first part, you will neeed to load a sample of tweets in memory and prepare them for analysis. The tweets are stored in the file tweets.json. This file follows the JSON format. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a simple format for representing nested structres of data --- lists of lists of dictionaries of lists of ... you get the idea.

Each line in of tweets.json represents a message. It is straightforward to convert a JSON string into a Python data structure; there is a library to do so called json. Below we will show you how to load the data and how to parse the first line in the tweets.json file.

In [ ]: import json

# Open the input file

input_file = open('tweets.json','r')

Load the first few lines line_count = 10
for line in input_file: tweet = json.loads(line) print(tweet) line_count -= 1

if line_count < 0: break

Close the input file input_file.close()

Each entry in tweets.json, i.e., each tweet, corresponds to a dictionary that contains lots of information about the tweet, the user, the activity related to the tweet (i.e., if it was retweeted or not), the timestamp of the tweet, entities mentioned in the tweet, hashtags used, etc.

You can treat the tweet variable from above as a dicitonary and use the .keys() command to see the fields associated with the dictionary.

In [ ]: for k in tweet.keys():


We can select any of the aforemented values of Variable tweet by treating it as a dictionary. For example let's select the text body of the tweet, the time it was created_at, and the hashtags it contains.

In [ ]: body = tweet['text']

tweet_time = tweet['created_at']

tweet['entities'] is itself a dictionary with more entries. Hashtags is one of them.
htags = tweet['entities']['hashtags']

print('Tweet body: ', body)

print('Creation Time:', tweet_time)

print('Hastags: ', htags)

As you can see this tweet contains no hashtags. The body of the tweet contains several information that is not necesary for our sentiment analysis task. For example, it contains a comma, a reference to a twitter user and a link to an external website.

Since this information is not necessary we can remove it. In other words we need to clean our input in order to prepare it for analysis. Next, we show you some basic cleaning operations using regular expressions. You can find more information on regular expressions here (

In [ ]: # Basic steps for cleaning process.

import re

Step 1: Convert tweet to lower case body = body.lower()

Step 2: Find URLs and replace them with an empty string

body = re.sub(r'((www\.[\S]+)|(https?://[\S]+))', '', body)

Step 3: Find @<user mentions and replace them with an empty string body = re.sub(r'@[\S]+', '', body)

print('Clean tweet body:', body)

We are providing you with a Python script named The script accepts one argument on the command line: a JSON file with tweets (i.e., tweets.json). You can run the program like this:

$ python3 tweets.json

There are some parts specified in this script that you need to implement. The goal of this script is to

clean all the tweets in tweets.json. Running will generate an output file named

clean_tweets.txt containing one string per line containing a clean tweet. The order of the clean tweets

in your output file should follow the order of the lines in the original tweets.json. Basically, the first line in

clean_tweets.txt should correspond to the first raw tweet in tweets.json, the second line should

correspond to the second tweet, and so on. If you perform any sorting or you put the processed data in a

dictionary the order will not be preserved. Once again: The n-th line of clean_tweets.txt (the file you

will submit) should be a string that represent the clean version of the n-the line in the tweets.json

(the input file).

You must provide a line for every tweet. If the clean tweet is the empty string then just provide a line with the empty string.

If you have implemented everything correctly, the first 6 lines of the generated output should be exactly the same as the next lines:

any shots

a cancer may act shy and quiet but will adamantly defend a loved one again st outsiders

The first 4 lines will be empty and the last 2 will have the string shown above.

Note: This is real-world data, and it can be messy! For example, not all json lines may contain valid tweets (i.e., a text field). Ask for help on Piazza if you get stuck!

What to turn in: The file clean_tweets.txt output by after you have implemented the missing parts in

Question 2: Derive the sentiment of each tweet [40 points]

For this part, you will compute the sentiment of each clean tweet in clean_tweets.txt based on the sentiment scores of the terms in the tweet. The sentiment of a tweet is equivalent to the sum of the sentiment scores for each term in the clean tweet.

You are provided with a skeleton file which accepts two arguments on the command line: a sentiment file and a tweet file like the one you generated in Question 1. You can run the skeleton program like this:

$ python3 AFINN-111.txt clean_tweets.txt

The file AFINN-111.txt contains a list of pre-computed sentiment scores. Each line in the file contains a word or phrase phollowed by a sentiment score. Each word or phrase that is found in a tweet but not found in AFINN-111.txt should be given a sentiment score of 0. See the file AFINN-README.txt for more information.

To use the data in the AFINN-111.txt file, you may find it useful to build a dictionary. Note that the AFINN-111.txt file format is tab-delimited, meaning that the term and the score are separated by a tab character. A tab character corresponds to the string "\t". The following snipped of code may be useful:

In [ ]: import sys

afinnfile_name = open(sys.argv[1])

afinnfile = open(afinnfile_name, 'r')

scores = {} # initialize an empty dictionary

for line in afinnfile:

term, score = line.split("\t") # The file is tab-delimited and "\t " means tab character

scores[term] = int(score) # Conver the score to an integer. It was parsed as a string.


print(scores.items( )) # Print every (term, score) pair in the diction ary

Your script should output a file named sentiment.txt containing the sentiment of each tweet in the file clean_tweets.txt, one numeric sentiment score per line. The first score should correspond to the first tweet, the second score should correspond to the second tweet, and so on. In other words, the n-th line of the file you submit should contain only a single number that represents teh score of the n-th tweet in the input file.

After you have implemented everything the first 10 lines of the generated output of your script should be exactly the same as the next lines:











What to turn in: The file sentiment.txt after you have verified that it returns the correct answers

Question 3: Derive the sentiment of new terms [40 points]

In this part you will create a script that computes the sentiment for terms that do not appear in the file AFINN-111.txt.

You can think about this problem as follows: We know wwe can use the sentiment-carrying words in AFINN-111.txt to deduce the overall sentiment of a tweet. Once you deduce the sentiment of a tweet, you can work backwards to deduce the sentiment of the non-sentiment carrying words that do not appear in AFINN-111.txt. For example, if the word football always appears in proximity with positive words like great and fun, then we can deduce that the term football itself carried a positive sentiment.

You are provided with a skeleton file which accepts the same two arguments as and can be executed using the following command:

$ python3 AFINN-111.txt clean_tweets.txt

Your script should print its output to stdout. Each line of the output should contain a term, followed by a space, followed by a sentiment. That is, each line should be in the format term:string (term:string) sentiment:float (sentiment:float). For example if you have the pair ("foo", 54.2) in Python, it should appear in the output as: foo 54.2.

The order of your output does not matter.

What to turn in: The file after you have implemented the missing parts.

To grade your submission we will run your script on a file that contains strongly positive and strong negative tweets and verify that the terms in the strongly positive tweets are assigned a higher score than the terms in the negative tweets. Your score need not exactly match any specific solution.

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