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Homework 06 Solution


Use HuffmanCode class which described in the text book add encode method which gets string and return its Huffman codes sequences.

Your prototype should be :


Method to encode string message into Huffman encodes.
@param message The input message as a String
which is composed on the specified alphabet in the book
@param huffmanTree It’s created huffman code for the alphabet
@return The encoded message as a String zero and ones.

public String encode(String message, BinaryTree huffmanTree)

Note : Don’t use table, traverse table for each character in string.


Implement iterator class which iterate binarySearchTree which implemented in the book. Your iterator traverse tree ascending order.


Use given priority queue interface and implement your priority queue class. Your priority queue stores any type data. To use priority property for priority queue use and implement compareto function/class which described comparable interface in java.

A priority queue can be implementing using a variety of data structures, each with different tradeoffs between memory required, runtime performance, complexity of code, etc. In this homework, you will consider four different implementations; unsorted vector, array list, linked list which implemented in java and binary search tree which implemented in the book.

Create a test class which create random data sequences (sequence size like 10, 100, 1000, 10.000, 100.000, 1.000.000) and test your four priority queue implementation running time performance. Create a table and give comparable benchmark table. (The table is important)


Preparing object oriented design for the problem

Creating interfaces

Applying polymorphism

Applying method overriding

Applying error handling

Applying inheritance

Applying code documentation

Applying clean code standards

Creating javadoc documentation


Use maven standard Project template

Use only arrayList, LinkedList, Vector, Binary Search Tree data structure

Can be only one main class in project

Don’t use any other third part library


For any question firstly use course news forum in moodle, and then the contact TA.

Use maven project management tool. And upload maven project into moodle.

Code the Project in Java programming language. Java must be 1.8.* or bigger version.

Any java IDE can be used in coding process.

Implement all interfaces class

Add all javadoc documentations for classes, methods, variables …etc. All explanation must be meaningful and understandable.

Implement clean code standarts in your code;

Classes, methods and variables names must be meaningful and related with the


Your functions and classes must be simple, general, reusable and focus on one topic.

Use standart java code name conventions.

Register github student pack and create private project and upload your projects into github.

Your appeals are considered over your github project process.

You can submitting assignment one day late and will be evaluated over forty percent (%40).

Create report which include;

Your name, surname, studentid

Detailed system requirements

The Project usecase diagrams (extra points) o Class diagrams

o Problem solutions approach o Test cases

o Running command and results


No OOP design
: -100
No maven Project
: -100
No banchmar table
: -100
No interface
: -95
No method overriding
: -95
No error handling
: -95
No inheritance
: -95
No polymorphism
: -95
No javadoc documentation
: -95
- No clean code standard
: -95
No report
: -90
Disobey restrictions
: -98

Your solution is evaluated over 100 as your performance. Don’t forget this is performance project.


Teacher Assistant : Necmeddin Çarkacı

Information and Security Lab – 122 –

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