1. Write a program that includes a `SavingsAccount` class.
Data members:
- `firstName` (string)
- `lastName` (string)
- `savingBalance`
- `annualInterestRate` (static)
- `objectnumber` (1,2,3...) const
Function members:
- Default constructor - allows objects to be created without arguments. Set the names to the empty string and the balance to zero
- Constructor that allows an object to be created with name arguments only.
- Set the balance to zero.
- Constructor that allows an object to be created with name arguments and a beginning balance
- All constructs will provide a serial number to each object.
- `setName`
- `getName const`
- `setBalance`
- `getBalance const`
- `setInterestRate static`
- `getInterestRate static`
- `getNumber const`
- `display` - displays all account information
- `calculateNewBalance` (monthly rate = `annualInterestRate / 12`)
- Destructor - Display message to indicate that the object no longer exist
2. Write a *driver* program to test the class. Perform the following tasks in this order:
- Declare at least 3 objects:
- Saver1: `Margaret Olson` with a balance of `$2,000`
- Saver2: `Debra Baxter` with no balance
- Saver3: object without name or balance
- Set Baxter's balance to `$5,000`
- Set Saver3's name to `Arturo Ortiz` and the balance to `$10,000`
- Calculate the new monthly balance for each customer
- new balance = old balance + monthly interest earned
- Display all the data for all of the objects
- Set the annual interest rate to `10.0%`
- Calculate the new monthly balance for each customer again
- Display all the data for all of the objects
3. A header file will be used to declare the class. Other header files may be used if you wish. A separate .cpp file will be used to implement the class member functions. Hence, your program will consist of at least one header file and at least 2 .cpp files.
4. Turn in:
- A printed copy of the 3 source files
- A printed copy of the output produced by the program
- A USB device containing the header file and the 2 source (.cpp) files