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Lab 9: Keyboard (Calculator) Solution


Implement keyboard function.


Fundamentals of logic gates.

Logic modeling in Verilog HDL.

Keyboard control procedure


Implement Key Board

1.1 Press 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 and show them in the seven-segment display. When a new number is pressed, the previous number is refreshed and over written.

1.2 Press a/s/m (addition/subtraction/multiplication) and show them in the seven-segment display as your own defined A/S/M pattern. When you press “Enter”, refresh (turn off) the seven-segment display.

Implement a single digit decimal adder using the key board as the input and display the results on the 14-segment display (The first two digit are the addend/augend, and the last two digits are the sum).

Implement a two-digit decimal adder/subtractor/multiplier using the right-hand-side keyboard (inside the red block). You don’t need to show all inputs and outputs at the same time in the 7-segment display. You just need to show inputs when they are pressed and show the results after “Enter” is pressed.

Implement the “Caps” control in the keyboard. When you press A-Z and a-z in the keyboard, the ASCII code of the pressed key (letter) is shown on 7-bit LEDs.
4.1 Press “Caps Lock” key to change the status of capital/lower case on the keyboard. Use a led to indicate the status of capital/lowercase in the keyboard and show the ASSCII code of the pressed key one 7-bit LEDS.

4.2 Implement the combinational keys. When you press “Shift” and the letter keys at the

same time. The 7-bit LEDs will show the ASCII code of the uppercase/lowercase of the pressed letter when the “Caps Lock” is at the lowercase/uppercase status.

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