Starting from:


Search Solution

In this assignment,  you will search within a very large state-space to find a simple approximation to a given digital  image, using a genetic algorithm  (sect.4.1.4  in Russell & Norvig (R+N)).

Look at Follow his links to get more details,  and  to download  his code.  It’s worth  reading  the  comments

on these and related  pages.  Search in YouTube,  for “evolution  Mona Lisa”.

Roger Alsing’s algorithm  implements  a kind of gradient ascent (“hill-climbing”) along a single path.    Alsing’s code  generates  a  single  random  descendent of the  current specification  for  the triangles  approximating the image.  If the “child”  is superior  to the “parent” (in terms  of distance to the target  image),  then  the  child replaces  the  parent. Otherwise,  the  child is discarded.   Then the loop continues.

You will implement a more general and sophisticated genetic algorithm,  and you will compare its performance  for different parameters.


Genetic Algorithm Search for  Image Approximation


The state  space for the search is the space of images (i.e., arrays of colored pixels).  The goal state  is specified by a given target  image.  An individual  state  in this search has a “genome”, which specifies how its image is generated  from a finite set of basis shapes (e.g., triangles,  polygons, circles, etc.) with given color and transparency.

To compute  the fitness Ft (s) of a state  s with respect to a target  state  t, start by computing  the pixel-wise distance  between  s and  the  target  state  t. Since each pixel has (R, G, B)  components, we can consider a color image with n pixels as a vector with 3n elements.  The Euclidean  distance between s and t is |s − t|.  By the triangle inequality,  we know that |s − t| ≤ |s| + |t|.  Therefore,  we define fitness to increase without  bound  as s gets very close to t.


F (s) = − log  |s − t|

|s| + |t|


Since the quotient must  be in [0, 1], we know that Ft (s)  is in [0, +∞].

The  genetic algorithm  has a population of N  states  in each evolution  step.  K  pairs  of parent states  are  selected  to  have  a child,  with  probability of being  selected  proportional to  fitness.   A state  may  be selected  as a parent zero, one, or multiple  times  in a given generation.  Figure  4.6 illustrates how the genome of a child is derived from the genomes of the parents.

Adding the children  gives a population of N + K  states.  Compute  their  fitnesses and keep the top  N  as the  next  generation. (In this  framework,  Roger Alsing’s algorithm  has N  = K  = 1 and the child has two copies of the same parent.)


Details on  Inheritance, Cross-over, and Mutation


The genome for these individuals  consists of an ordered  list of P  polygons, each of which consists of an  ordered  list  of the  coordinates  of its  vertices  and  the  values  for the  red,  green,  blue,  and alpha  components  of its  color.   In  short,  the  alpha  component  indicates  the  opacity  of a color,



with  1.0 meaning  completely  opaque  and  0.0 meaning  transparent. C++ and  Python have APIs that provide ways to draw shapes with specified values of red, green, blue, and alpha,  and we will provide code that calls these library functions.  You can refer to Alpha_compositing for more information. Python, for example, has a nice and lightweight library called Pygame  that can process images.

The list of polygons is ordered because the order in which the polygons are drawn is significant. For example, drawing an opaque polygon will obscure the polygons that have been drawn previously.

The  individuals  at  generation  0 are generated  randomly,  with  each individual  consisting  of P

triangles  with random  vertices and colors.

For  simplicity,  we make  the  number  of polygons P  = 100 constant  for the  population.  After two parents are selected, we perform cross-over by picking a random  cross-over point C between  0 and P . The child inherits  the first C polygons from one parent and the last P − C polygons from the other  parent. Note that when N = 1, each child has two identical  parents, and cross-over has no effect.

After cross-over, a child can be mutated by having its genome altered  slightly in a random  way. Here is a list of possible mutations:


(1) Replace a polygon with a random  new polygon of the same number  of sides. (2) Swap the positions  of two polygons in its ordered  list.

(3) Slightly alter  a polygon’s color.

(4) Slightly alter  the position  of a polygon’s vertices. (5) Add a vertex  to a polygon

(6) Remove a vertex  from a polygon


Hint:  If these mutations are very large with high probability, most children will be deformed and die (i.e., their  fitness will be less than  their  parents).  If these  mutations are very small with  high probability, the  children  will be more likely to live, but  fitness may increase quite  slowly.  Expect a certain  amount of tweaking of the mutation rates  and amounts  of mutation to help the program produce  good results  in a reasonable  amount of time.   (But see one of the  Further Investigation topics.)

You will quickly notice that computation time is dominated by the fitness measure.  To compute the fitness of a state,  you must  render  its image from its genome, and then  compute  the pixel-wise distance  between  that image  and  the  target   image.   Hint:   Computation of the  fitness  measure depends  on the  size of the  image,  so do your  algorithm  development and  debugging  with  small images.


Evaluating search performance


Here are two possible ways to evaluate  the algorithm’s  performance:


1.  The total  number  of states  created  (and  the total  number  of times the fitness function  must be computed) to reach  a certain  tolerance  of distance  from the  target  image.  If it takes  T generations  after the initial  population N , the search effort will be E = N + T ∗ K .


2.  The fitness (or distance  to target) reached  after  a certain  number  of states  have been gener- ated.  We will use this metric  in our assignment.


Provided code


We will provide code that uses library  functions  for:



reading  the image from a file,

rendering  a polygon onto an image buffer,

computing  the Euclidean  distance  of pixel colors between  two images, and writing  images to an animated PNG  (APNG) file.


All of these  are  library  functions  in  Pygame  (for  Python  programmers) except  for the  APNG

routines.  “pngmerge”, a third-party library  for APNG  routines,  will be provided. pngmerge is also available  at

In C++, there  are good image processing  libraries  such as OpenGL,  OpenCV,  and  OpenIm-

ageIO.  We’re  in  the  process  of selecting  library  functions  for the  above  tasks  in  C++.  In  the meantime,  please feel free to explore on your own.




(1)     Implement  this  genetic  search  algorithm  for image approximation, parameterized by P , N ,

K  and E.  Emphasize  clarity,  modularity, and modifiability  in your code.

Select five target  images of different sizes and  contents. Two should be the  portraits of Mona

Lisa and Charles  Darwin.  The other  three  are of your selection.



(2)     Tune  the  parameters N and  K. Set P=100.  Evaluate the  fitness reached  after  search  effort N + T K  = 25, 000, for all values of N  and  K  from {1, 2, 4, 8}.  Provide  a graph,  showing fitness achieved as a function  of (N, K ).  You may display  fitness as a function  of (N, K ) as a 3D terrain plot,  as a color-coded 2D plot,  or any other  way that conveys the information  clearly.  For each of your five images, what  is the best value for (N, K )?  What  is the best overall value for (N, K )?

What  mutations do you allow in your  algorithm?  We  have  provided  six possible  mutations before, but  you may choose not to use all of them  or add others.

What  is your method  for selecting parents? One option is to let the probability of being selected proportional to fitness.  You are free to use others.



(3)     Create  an HTML page to demonstrate your genetic algorithm  search.  For each target  image, show the image, an APNG animation showing the evolution of the highest-fitness  state,  and a graph of its fitness as a function  of generation  T.

An example  is provided  at   (It  appears that Firefox  is necessary  to  view the  APNG  animations properly.)    The  animation should  start with the initial  random  state,  and then  display the highest-fitness  image after  every 1000 children

have been created,  at  15 frames per second.  For  example,  if K  = 10, this  will give a frame every

100 generations,   or 1500 generations  per  second.   This  is intended  to  make  your  demonstration animations relatively  brief.  Display a counter  for the generation  number.  You may want to modify these parameters for your own debugging  purposes.



What to submit:


A zipped  directory  with  two subdirectories:  html and  code.   Name  your  directory “A1-unique”, where “unique” is replaced by your own uniquename. For example, since my uniquename  is kuipers, I would name this directory  A1-kuipers.

The html subdirectory contains  your HTML page with associated  image files. Your HTML page should have the following contents:



– Images and animations related  to Assignment (1)

– The graph  of Assignment (2)

– Answers to Assignment (2)


The  code subdirectory contains  the  C++/Python code for your  program.    Please  provide  a README  file with enough information  to run your code. Specifically, your program  should take 3 parameters, N , K , E, where N , K  are as defined previously,  and E is the search effort, defined as E = N + K ∗ T (T is number  of generations). Your program  should terminate after T generations of evolution  and output the highest  fitness value in the last generation.

Your source code must  compile and run under g++ 4.6 or Python 2.7 on a specified image file, for specified values of the parameters N , K , and E.

Submit  on CTools,  through  the Assignments  tool.  If for any reason that doesn’t work, submit it to the Drop Box, and send email.



Scoring details


(20 points)  Code compiles and runs.

(30 points)  = 5 × [ animation (4 points)  + fitness curve (2 points)  ]

(30 points)  = 6 × [ fitness(N,K)  plots (3 points)  + best values (2 points)  ] (5 points)  Answer to mutation question

(5 points)  Answer to parent selection question

(10 points)  Overall clarity  and quality,  of both  code and presentation.


Extra  credit  (amount to be determined on a case-by-case basis) for impressive results  on one or more of the following additional questions.


For further investigation:


Here are some interesting questions  you may want to investigate, once you have your assignment done.  They are optional.  If you choose to do them,  put your answers to each question in a separate file. Name the file by the label of corresponding  question,  e.g. a.txt, b.html.  If your work has image to present,  use an html  file, otherwise  you can use txt.



(a)   Are there better  choices for a distance  metric than  ones based on the Euclidean  norm ||x||2 =


 Pi x2

 1/2 , such as ||x||1 = P

|xi | (the  l1  norm),  or ||x||∞

= maxi

|xi |?


(b)   Suppose  your  target  image is a large,  high-resolution image.   Since it  is easier  to  compute the  fitness  measure  for small  low-resolution  images,  can  you define a more  efficient hierarchical search  using a “pyramid” of lower-resolution  versions  of the  original  target  image?   Find  a good approximation to the  lowest-resolution image, then  use that image to initialize  the  search  at  the next  higher-resolution level of the pyramid,  and so on.



(c)     Compare  different basis sets of shapes:  triangles,  polygons, ellipses, etc.  How much difference does the choice of basis make?



(d)   Try  starting with  two “Adam”  and  “Eve”  states  and  let the  population grow, culling low- fitness states  so the population is no greater  than  N at the beginning of each generation.



(e)   Can  you  measure  the  “diversity” of the  population of states?    Does diversity  increase  or decrease with  time?  How important is it?  (The  research  literature in genetic algorithms  suggests that decreased  diversity  is important for effective search.  Can you observe this?)



(f )   Is sex a good idea?   In asexual  reproduction, there  is only one parent, and  mutation is the only source of change.   In sexual reproduction, the  genomes of the  two parents cross over before mutation takes  place, which is an additional source of change from one generation  to the next.

You should be able to compare the speed of convergence with and without  sexual reproduction in your model.  Actually,  there  are two models for asexual reproduction that should be compared. Suppose  our base case is denoted  sexual(N, K ), meaning  that we have sexual reproduction with a population of N  and  K  children  each  generation  (from  2K  parents, not  necessarily  distinct). The obvious comparison  is with asexual(N, K ), with no cross-over and only K  parents. However, one might argue that this under-samples the population for parents at each generation, so we also compare  with asexual(N, 2K ).

Prior  to running  the  experiment, what  is your hypothesis  about  the  relative  speeds of conver- gence of the three  reproduction modes?  What  is your justification  for that prediction?

Then,  run the experiment, and see how this changes your conclusion.



(g)     Adaptive  simulation.   We have discussed the  observation that the  result  will depend  on the mutation rates  and amounts. Rather than  tuning  those rates  by hand,  can we use the evolutionary process to identify  good rates.

Suppose  we start with  a certain  choice of values  for the  parameters defining those  mutation rates  and amounts. Instead  of keeping this parameters as global variables,  we will associate  them with each individual in the population, so they become part  of the genome.  When a child is created, it inherits  these values from its parent(s), corrupted with a certain  amount of Gaussian  noise. (For the initial  state,  the individuals  are randomly  perturbed from the given values.)

My hypothesis  is that these parameters, like the others  in the search,  will converge to the best values.

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