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Assignment #5 File I/O and 1D Arrays Solution


Submit your java file name EXACTLY as specified ( using the ‘Assignments’ link of the course conneX site. ** Don’t forget to follow the Style Guidelines posted – this is part of the requirements of every assignment.

It is OK to talk about your assignment with your classmates, and you are encouraged to design solutions together, but each student must implement their own solution. We will be using plagiarism detection software on your assignment submissions.

Learning Outcomes:

When you have completed this assignment, you should understand:

How to receive input from a file

How to design and use indefinite loops to handle invalid inputs.

How to handle File IO exceptions.

How to print to an output file.
How to create a one dimensional array.

How to access and change values in an array.

How to iterate through an array using a loop.

Assignment Description:

The teaching team needs some help calculating grades for CSC 110 at the end of term. This assignment requires you to implement a Grade Calculator that will take a raw set of student marks from the term and generate a final grade report.

The input file contains a unknown number of lines, where each line is a single student’s set of marks.

Each line is comprised of the student’s marks for the term (separated by white space) formatted as follows:

Labs A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 Midterm1 Midterm2 FinalExam

The corresponding max grade of each component of the course is:

5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 35 110

The corresponding weight of each component of the course as a percentage is:

5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 15 15 37


the following sample line entry…


would calculate the following weighted values:

5.0 4.0 4.0 3.6 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.2 15.1875 14.785714285714286 35.31818181818182

and the sum of those weighted values would be:

if we cast this total sum to be an int (which will take the floor of the final result) the final grade percentage for this sample line would be: 99

The final grade percentage is 89 and therefore converts to: A+

NOTE: follow letter grade breakdown on your CSC110 course outline

Programming Problem Description:

Your program must include the methods outlined on Page 4 of this document and your algorithm should include the following steps…

Prompt the user to input the name of their file at the command line

If they enter the name of a file that does not exist you should keep prompting them until they enter the name of a file that exists.
Find out how many grade entries are in the file (see required method list on page 4)
Calculate the grade percentage for each line in the input file and store the final grades of each student into a one dimensional array of integers
Generate a report into a file named gradeReport.txt which will contain:

The maximum grade percentage (see required method list on page 4)
The minimum grade percentage (see required method list on page 4) o The average grade percentage (see required method list on page 4) o Output of calculated percentage with corresponding Letter Grades

(see required method list on page 4)

A count of Letter Grades occurrences (see required method list on page 4)

A Sample Run is provided on the following page.

Sample input and output files are also provided as attachments to the assignment in grades.txt and corresponding gradeReport.txt

Output file opened in plain text editor:

Required Methods

You may and SHOULD add additional methods to the following but your implementation MUST include the following method signatures EXACTLY in order to be graded.


PURPOSE:gets the number of line entries in a file
File fIn, file
returns number
of lines in the file as an integer

public static int getNumEntries(File


PURPOSE:prints an array of integers to the console





int[] values, array of integers none


public static void print(int[] values)


PURPOSE:identifies the min value in an array of integers





int[] values, array of integers returns the min value as an integer

public static int min(int[] values)


PURPOSE:identifies the max value of an array of integers





int[] values, array of integers returns the max value as an integer

public static int max(int[] values)


PURPOSE:calculates the average of an array of integers
* INPUT: int[] values, array of integers

OUTPUT:returns the average as an integer

public static int avg(int[] values)


PURPOSE:gets the corresponding letter grades
for an array of integers
int[] grades, array of grades as integers
returns the letter grades in a String array

public static String[] getLetterGrades(int[] grades)


PURPOSE: counts the number grades matching each letter grade
in the array of Strings passed in as a parameter.
The counts will be stored in an array of 10 integers where,

index 0 holds the number of "A+"'s in grades array
index 1 holds the number of "A"'s in grades array
index 9 holds the number of "F"'s in grades array
INPUT: String[] grades, array of letter grades as Strings
OUTPUT: returns an integer array holding the letter grade counts

public static int[] countGrades(String[] grades )

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