This lab will create a class, University Member (UnivMember), which will contain and use the ID and Name classes you built previously, adding a Role.
Create the UnivMember class holding at least:
Role (Prof, Student or Admin). For now, Role is a string
Each person’s name will be read from a file
The format is the same as before: last,first
Note: The first name is everything to the right of the comma
Please build and use a helper function inside of Name that will remove any trailing blank chars at the end of the first name.
Note: You can most easily generate the name for a UnivMember with:
UnivName = Name(fullname);
Read the file: CSProfNames.txt Find this file and the one below on Blackboard
Create a vector of University Member references, where the Role is set to “Prof”.
Read the file StudentNames.txt
Add these to the University Member references, where the only difference is that Role is set to “Student”.
Finally, print all the University Members, with their Role, Name (first then last) and ID on the next line. Be sure to create a function inside UnivMember for this.
Strategy: You might consider testing the format of the output from the CSProfNames before building the StudentNames version.
Be sure to build all constructors, destructors, getters and setters (accessors and mutators).
Note: This lab does not yet use inheritance, but we will be soon! Feel free to start creating it after this is working.
Example Output:
Prof: Abdullah Al Hayajneh
ID: A10000000
Prof: Robert Alpert
ID: A10000001
Prof: Tamer Aly
ID: A10000002
Prof: Mohammad Ruhul Amin
ID: A10000003
Prof: Silvio Balzano
ID: A10000004
Prof: Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan
ID: A10000005
Prof: Sharang Biswas
ID: A10000006
… other profs here…
Prof: Yijun Zhao
ID: A10000043
Prof: Martine M. Zilversmit
ID: A10000044
Student: Miley Cyrus
ID: A10000045
Student: Lady Gaga
ID: A10000046
Student: Ariana Grande
ID: A10000047
Student: Alicia Keys
ID: A10000048
Student: Bruno Mars
ID: A10000049
Student: Ed Sheeran
ID: A10000050
Student: Harry Stiles
ID: A10000051
Student: Taylor Swift
ID: A10000052