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Assignment 2 and 3 Solution

Develop a small application that will enable a teacher to enter, analyze and report on the grades of the students in one class based on their marks in different components of the course. It can calculate a student's total grade, letter grade, rank within the group and the class average.

A student can be identified by a name (first name only) and ID (3-digits). For each student, there are 6 grades based on 2 tests (20% each) and 4 assignments (15% each).

Letter grades that correspond to the total score:

87 and above = A

75 to 86 = B

65 to 74 = C

below 65 = F

Assignment 3: (REQUIRES students.txt)

Do assignment 2 with Class and functions while also opening a premade text file with all the student information and reading those info.

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