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Project 5–Functions Solution


Submit four Python 3 programs

Your programs are worth a total of 25 points

Test your programs -- did they work right? -- before uploading to Canvas.

Your programs should contain code that tests your functions.

Explore how to call a function of one "argument"

Local variables - the variables created by your function Are they available to the main program?

Some "utility functions" - functions to simplify common error–prone tasks

Build them, test them, use them in any project from this point on.

Also functions to simplify your turtle graphics.

jump(distance ) # for example

Add some functions to simplify pleasant display of numbers and text. Without these functions:

6 John
19 Joan 7624.95
216 Jo

Using the functions you get instead:


Convert dollars to euros, euros to dollars.

Convert temperatures in degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, and degrees F to degrees C. 5 points:

Learning objective

Practice making your own functions.

Work with local variables (variables created within a function). Are those local variables available to your main program?

What happens if a main program has a variable with the same name as a variable in your function? Is that legal? Does it cause problems?

Look at a little function (items in blue are required)

def xray(volts): # Define function xray

Returns volts * dirac_number

dirac_number = 137.00006

result = volts * dirac_number return result

# Call the function

z = 22

gestalt = xray(z) # Python copies argument

# volts = z

bongo = 3

chorus = xray(bongo) # copies volts = bongo

Short functions

easy to understand

easy to test

easy to re–use

Short functions

do just one thing

Avoid "Swiss Army Knife" functions that do many things

Define first, then call

Define once, call many times

Like a recipe for apple pie; you can use the recipe to bake a pie; then later, use the same recipe to bake another pie.

5 points for

Define an ask_for_int(hint) function, test features of functions

It asks for input from user using the hint, converts input string to int and returns the int value.

2 points define and test ask_for_int function def ask_for_int(hint):

""" Return int value of calling input"""

temp = input(hint)

value = int(temp)

return value

# test ask_for_int

height_hint = "Type your height in inches " height = ask_for_int(height_hint) print("Height", height, "inches")

Since Python copies each argument such as height_hint to the

names between ( ) in the function def hint = height_hint

you can use any name you want to when calling


1 point

What happens if you try to print value ?

# print a description such as

print("Trying to print value gets an error") or

print("Trying to print value shows value from the ask_for_int")

Comment out the call to print(value) if it caused an error.

2 points

When both your main program and your function assign a value to a variable name, does the function change the value of a variable in your main program?

temp = 27

print("temp", temp)

hint2 = "Lucky number (1-10): "

lucky = ask_for_int(hint2)

print("temp", temp)

Did the call to the function change temp?

print("temp was changed / unchanged by call to ask_for_int")

def ask_for_int(hint):

""" Return int value of calling input"""

temp = input(hint)

value = int(temp)

return value

Here hint, temp and value are all local variables

defined only while the function is running.

1 points 5 points

Some "utility functions" - functions to simplify common error–prone tasks

Build them, test them, use them in any project from this point on.

Also functions to simplify your turtle graphics.

draw_triangle(size ) # for example

0 point (you already have this)

def ask_for_int(hint):

Displays hint, returns input from user converted to int (whole number)

1 point

def ask_for_float(hint):

Displays hint, returns input from user converted to float (decimal number)

1 point

def ask_for_str(hint):

Displays hint, returns string input from user

1 point bonus

Each of the "ask_for" functions makes sure hint ends in a blank.

1 point

def make_money(amount):

Accepts numeric amount and returns amount rounded to 2 decimal places.

1 point

def jump(distance):

Move turtle forward without leaving a mark.

Turtle should be set to mark after leaving the function.

1 point

def jump_to(x,y):

Move turtle to location (x,y) without leaving a mark.

Turtle should be set to mark after leaving the function.

Hint: t.goto(x, y) will be useful here.

Your main program should call each of these functions at least once, somewhat like this (with user typing shown in blue)

Enter number 7

You entered 7, next number is 8

Enter a decimal number with 3 decimals 6.789 Type your first name: Morgan

Convert the decimal number to money with your make_money function.

Morgan -- money value of 6.789 is 6.79 6 points

Functions to make nice reports that let data line up in readable columns.

A few items to note.

x = 12345

show_x = format(x, '8,d')

#' 12,345' # show_x is a string length 8 # ========

money = 123456.78

show_money = format(money, '12,.2f')

To form a string like '12,.2f' given width w and decimals d my_format = str(w) + ",." +str(d) + "f" show_money = format(money, my_format)

2 points

def nice_int(number, width):

Returns a string showing number value with commas that fits in an area of width spaces


show_number = nice_int(3025, 6)

returns ' 3,025'

2 points

def nice_float(number, width, decimals):

Returns a string show a number value with commas that fits in an area of width spaces a decimal point and requested number of decimals.


sales = 13034.76

show_sales = nice_float(sales,12,2)

returns ' 13,034.76'

To left justify a string s in a field of width w, your function can do this

show_str = s.ljust(w) # l as in "left"

def nice_left_str(string, width):

Returns a string left justified in a string of width characters, padded on right with blanks.


state = "Oregon"

show_state = nice_left_str(state, 16)

returns 'Oregon '

state = "Mississippi"

show_state = nice_left_str(state, 16)

returns 'Mississippi '

Taken together, these allow nice looking reports:

Instead of

2 Oregon 2475 45678.0

12 Utah 3450 12956.2

48 North Carolina 178 4567.33

You get something like this
North Carolina
3 1 point Print a similar short report lining up strings and numbers 9 points

For the next two functions assume a conversion rate for euros and dollars

rate = 1.09 dollars per 1.00 euros

If you have e euros mulitply by 1.09 dollars


1.00 euros

If you have d dollars mulitply by 1.00 euros


1.09 dollars

Notice how euros cancel out in the first formula; dollars cancel out in the 2nd formula.

2 points

def euros_to_dollars(euros):

put code here to convert to dollars return dollars
2 points

def dollars_to_euros(dollars):

put code here to convert to euros return euros

1 point

Call your functions to test your formulas.

Roughly, 13 dollars gets a little more than 10 euros.

Roughly, 10 euros gives a little more than 12 dollars.

Temperature facts

Freeze ice
0C ==
32 F
Boil water
100 C ==
212 F
100 C
180 F

If you have c degrees C multiply by 180F



The C's cancel out leaving F degrees above freezing, then add the F freezing temperature + 32 F

2 points

def fahr_to_celsius(f_temp):

put code here to convert to c_temp return c_temp

If you have f degrees:

Start by getting the F temps to a same starting point as Celsius Subtract 32 F from the f degrees

Then convert F degrees above freezing to C degrees above freezing f degrees F above freezing multiply by 100C



The F's cancel out leaving C degrees above freezing,

2 points

def fahr_to_celsius(f_temp):

put code here to convert to c_temp return c_temp

Test your functions.

0 C should give 32 F

32F should give 0 C

100 C should give 212 F

212 F should give 100 C