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Assignment-3: Logic Programming Solution

(Read all the instructions carefully & adhere to them.)

A, B and C belong to the Himalayan Club. Every member in the club is either a mountain climber or a skier or both. A likes whatever B dislikes and dislikes whatever B likes. A likes rain and snow. No mountain climber likes the rain. Every skier likes snow. Write a Prolog program to implement the above facts and verify if there is a member who is a mountain climber and not a skier?

Write a Prolog program to implement a 2-bit full adder and then verify if

the circuit meets the specifications?

there are faults?

they are locatable?

Consider the following functions and predicates:

● type(X) : takes values AND, OR NOT and XOR, where X is a


● in(n, X) : the value of signal at the nth input of gate X

● out(X) : output of gate X

● signal(t) : state at terminal t = 1/0

● connected(t​,t​): true, if terminal t​ and t​ are connected

1​ 2​ 1​ 2​


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