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Project 5 Solution

turnin code: cs_p5

Write a program that provides a sequential server listening for

connections on a port which is specified as the only cmd-line argument.

The server should sequentially handle one client at a time.

The server should receive messages from clients of this form:

put key val

get key

The server should print each command that it receives.

For put commands, the server should store the key and associated value

as character strings. You may assume that no key or value will be more

than 32 bytes. The value of a key put by one client may be used in a get

command by some subsequent client. In addition to printing a get command,

the server should print another message for each get command:

key val ## where key and val are replaced by the appropriate values

To test, I will run your server this way:

./p5 NNNN ## where NNNN is some port number that I will choose at run time

Then, in a separate window, I will run a client something like this:

nc -q 1 -i 2 system64 NNNN < some_input_file

TURNIN info:

You should submit a tar file of a directory which contains all of the

required files (makefile, C source files, header files, etc).

Sample tar command to create a tar file from a dir named p5dir:

tar cvf p5.tar ./p5dir ## do *NOT* use full pathname of the dir

After un-tarring your project, I will cd to the dir containing

it and type:

rm -rf p5

rm -f *.o


It should build an executable named p5 as described above.

Sample un-tar, build, and simple execution will be provided in the script

p5testfiles/ which must execute correctly to be graded further.

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