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Programming II (java) Solution Assignment 2

Q1: Briefly define the term Waterfall model? And list the phases of the development process in order they are done? (5 points)


Q2: Fill in the table below by drawing the correct arrow that represent the relationship between classes? And Indicate Type of relationship: if it is an “IS-A” or “HAS-A”, or “USES” relationship if applicable(5 points)


Type of relationship
Interface Implementation
Q3: Given Question 5 from the previous Assignment1.   ( 10 points )


Draw the correct UML diagram to represent the relationships between all classes.

Add an Interface called Measurable and indicate in the diagram that the Employee class implements Measurable interface.


For each class in your diagram do the CRC card for each to indicate responsibilities and collaborators.


Q4: Write and run the java program that computes the Factorial of a given number using a Recursive method.   ( 20 points )


Submit your program files as .java file that can be run. And submit in the document sample run for example given the value 4 the factorial is 24


Q5. What is the advantage and disadvantage of using recursion? ( 5 points )


Q6. Briefly explain what is infinite recursion, and what causes it to happen? ( 5 points )



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