A Recipe API
For this lab, you will create a simple server that provides an API for someone to Create, Read, Update, and Delete recipes.
These recipes will be stored in a database named lab7-recipes.
The recipe object
_id: "A uuid",
title: "Recipe title",
ingredients: [
name: "Ingredient name",
amount: "portion amount"
steps: [
"First step",
"Second step",
"Third step"
For example, a fried egg recipe:
_id: "bd8fa389-3a7a-4478-8845-e36a02de1b7b",
title: "Fried Eggs",
ingredients: [
name: "Egg",
amount: "2 eggs"
name: "Olive Oil",
amount: "2 tbsp"
steps: [
"First, heat a non-stick pan on medium-high until hot",
"Add the oil to the pan and allow oil to warm; it is ready the oil immediately sizzles upon contact
with a drop of water.",
"Crack the egg and place the egg and yolk in a small prep bowl; do not crack the yolk!",
"Gently pour the egg from the bowl onto the oil",
"Wait for egg white to turn bubbly and completely opaque (approx 2 min)",
"Using a spatula, flip the egg onto its uncooked side until it is completely cooked (approx 2 min)",
"Remove from oil and plate",
"Repeat for second egg"
Packages you will use:
You will use the express package as your server.
You can read up on express (http://expressjs.com/) on its home page. Specifically, you may find the API Guide section
on requests (http://expressjs.com/en/4x/api.html#req) useful.
You will use the node-uuid package in order to generate unique id's to use as your identifiers. You can read up on node-
uuid (https://github.com/broofa/node-uuid) on the Github project page.
You will also use the mongodb
(http://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/3.0/) package.
You may use the lecture 4 code (https://github.com/Stevens-CS546/CS-546/tree/master/Lecture%20Code/lecture_04) and
the lecture 6 code (https://github.com/Stevens-CS546/CS-546/tree/master/Lecture%20Code/lecture_06) as a guide.
You must save all dependencies to your package.json file
Your Routes
Responds with an array of all recipes in the format of
GET /recipes GET /recipes/:id Responds with the full content of the specified recipe
POST /recipes Creates a recipe with the supplied data in the request body, and returns the new
PUT /recipes/:id PATCH /recipes/:id Updates the specified recipe with only the supplied changes, and returns the updated
DELETE /recipes/:id Deletes the recipe and returns nothing.
Updates the specified recipe with by replacing the recipe with the new recipe
content, and returns the updated recipe
Any issues should result in a properly failed status code and a description of the error in JSON.
1. You must not submit your node_modules folder
2. You must remember to save your dependencies to your package.json folder
3. You must do basic error checking in each function
1. Check for arguments existing and of proper type.
2. Throw if anything is out of bounds (ie, trying to perform an incalculable math operation or accessing data that
does not exist)
3. If a function should return a promise, you should mark the method as an async function and return the
value. Any promises you use inside of that, you should await to get their result values. If the promise should
reject, ten you should throw inside of that promise in order to return a rejected promise automatically. Thrown
exceptions will bubble up from any awaited call that throws as well, unless they are caught in the async
4. You must remember to update your package.json file to set app.js as your starting script!
5. You must submit a zip file,named: LastName_FirstName_CS546_SECTION.zip .