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Machine Problem 1 Solution


The goal of this machine problem is to familiarize you with the basics of maintaining information with dynamic memory allocations and pointers. This assignment provides a simple example of data abstraction for organizing information in a list. We will develop a simple abstraction with a few key interfaces and a simple underlying implementation using sequential arrays. In a subsequent programming assignment, we will expand upon the interfaces and explore alternative implementations. We will refer to this abstract data type (ADT) as a sequential list.

Problem Statement

Modern computers from your cellphone to the largest supercomputers are capable of running tens to thou-sands of processes by sharing the system's resources. These processes can be single threaded in which a single worker executes the code or multi-threaded where portions of the code are partitioned into tasks and are scheduled to run in parallel. Each of these parallel tasks has its associated input data and produces an output. In the context of parallel applications, the output of one task is often the input for another.

In order to run tasks or processes on current systems, they must be scheduled by the operating system or a parallel runtime system for execution on the CPU. Because there are many more tasks and processes than CPU cores, each task and core is only able to run for a short window of time. After this time window expires the task/process is blocked and a new task/process is scheduled to run. Cycling though all the tasks/processes running on the system increases the responsiveness and throughput of the system. Central to scheduling the processes/tasks running on the system is e‑cient management of the available tasks along with their current executing states. You will learn more information about tasks and processes and scheduling in future ECE courses: ECE 3220, ECE 4730, ECE 4780, etc.

For this project, we will write the ADT to store and operate on an array of tasks in a similar fashion to a parallel runtime system. Each task contains its own input arguments and information about its current state. Each task can exist in one of the following states: QUEUED, BLOCKED, RUNNING, or FINISHED. Figure 1 shows the relation between these states. All tasks start in the QUEUED state. After being scheduled they transition into the RUNNING state. During this state, program code is executed and data is read/written to memory. When the task yields the CPU core on which it is executing to another task, it transitions to the BLOCKED state. When that task is scheduled again it will return to the RUNNING state. Once the task completes, it enters the FINISHED state.

You are to write a C program that must consist of the following two les:

task_list.c § contains the ADT code for our sequential list. The interface functions must be exactly dened as described below.

task_list.h § contains the interface declarations for the ADT (e.g., constants, structure denitions, and prototypes). This le is provided and no changes can be made to it.

We provide a driver to test these codes. DO NOT modify the functionality of this le.




Figure 1: Task state transition diagram for MP1 tasks.

lab1.c § contains the main() function, menu code for handling simple input and output used to test our ADT, and any other functions that are not part of the ADT.

Your program must use an array of pointers to C structures that contain information for each task. The task information that is stored is represented with a C structure. The details are provided in the task_list.h le, and no changes to this le are permitted. The data structure for the list is dened as follows:

struct task_list_t {

int task_count;

int list_size;

struct task_t **task_ptr;

// current number of records in list

// size of the list

// array of task pointers


struct task_t {

int task_id;

int priority;

enum state state;

double wallclocktime;

int nargs;

int *args;

int output;

// unique task id

// scheduling priority

// scheduling state

// task runtime in seconds

// number of input arguments

// input argument array

// task result


The sequential list ADT must have the following interface:

struct task_list_t *task_list_construct(int size);

void task_list_destruct(struct task_list_t *);

int task_list_number_entries(struct task_list_t *);

int task_list_add(struct task_list_t *, struct task_t *);

struct task_t *task_list_access(struct task_list_t *, int idx);

struct task_t *task_list_remove(struct task_list_t *, int idx);

int task_list_lookup_first_priority(struct task_list_t *, int priority);

int task_list_lookup_id(struct task_list_t *, int id);

struct task_t *task_list_access_priority(struct task_list_t *, int priority);

struct task_t *task_list_remove_priority(struct task_list_t *, int priority);

struct task_t *task_list_access_id(struct task_list_t *, int id);

struct task_t *task_list_remove_id(struct task_list_t *, int id);


task_list_determine_runable(struct task_list_t *,
int nargs, int*args);
task_list_set_state(struct task_list_t *, int id,
enum state state);
task_list_t* task_list_remove_finished(struct
task_list_t *);
task_t* task_list_schedule(struct task_list_t
*, int priority, int id);

task_list_construct should return a pointer to the header block for the data structure. The data structure includes an array of pointers where the size of the array is equal to the value passed in to the function (the size is a command line parameter as shown in lab1.c. See list_size in lab1.c). Each element in the array is dened as a pointer to a structure of type task_t. Each pointer in the array should be initialized to NULL. The caller should eventually free the task list with task_list_destruct().

task_list_destruct should free the array of type task_t* (do not delete the tasks as they will be freed in main since it allocated them), and nally free the memory block of type task_list_t.

task_list_number_entries returns the current length of the task list

task_list_add should take a task_t memory block (that is already populated with input information) and insert it at the end of the list such that the list is sequential with no empty gaps between entries in the list. That is, the rst record must be found at index position 0, the next ordered record at index position 1, etc. The function should return 1 if you inserted the new record into the list, or it should return -1 if the list is full and the insertion fails.

task_list_access should return a pointer to the task_t memory block that is found in the list index position specied as a parameter. If the index is out of bounds or if no task record is found at the index position, the function returns NULL and the list is not modied. The caller must not free the returned task.

task_list_remove should remove the memory block at the given index from the list and return the pointer to the memory block. The resulting list should still be sequential with no gaps between entries in the list. If the index given to the remove function is not valid, the function returns NULL. The caller may free the returned task list.

task_list_lookup_rst_priority should nd the task_t memory block at the lowest index in the list that matches the specied priority and return the index position of the record within the list. If the task_id is not found, then return -1.

task_list_lookup_id should nd the task_t memory block in the list that matches the specied task_id and return the index position of the record within the list. If the task_id is not found, then return -1.

task_list_access_priority should nd the rst task_t memory block in the list that matches the spec-ied priority and return a pointer to the record. If the priority is not found, then return NULL.

task_list_remove_priority should remove the rst memory block from the list with a matching priority and return the pointer to the memory block. The resulting list should still be sequential with no gaps between entries in the list. If the priority given to the remove function is not valid or no entry exists, the function returns NULL and the list is not modied.

task_list_access_id should nd the rst task_t memory block in the list that matches the specied task_id and return a pointer to the record. If the task_id is not found, then return NULL.

task_list_remove_id should remove the rst memory block from the list with a matching task_id and return the pointer to the memory block. The resulting list should still be sequential with no gaps between entries in the list. If the task_id given to the remove function is not valid or no entry exists, the function returns NULL and the list is not modied.


task_list_determine_runable should return the index of the rst runable task. A task is runable if it is either QUEUED or BLOCKED and all the task's arguments and the supplied arguments agree. If no task is runable then return -1.

task_list_set_state sets the task_id task to the current state only if and only if that is a valid state (see Figure 1).

task_list_remove_nished searches the task list for all tasks in the FINISHED state and removes them. All removed tasks are combined into a new task_list_t and returned. The resulting lists should still be sequential with no gaps between entries in the list. If no tasks are nished then the function returns a new empty task list. The caller is responsible for freeing the returned task list.

task_list_schedule identies a task to run based on priority and task_id and sets the state to RUN-NING. If task_id is set and valid, always schedule that task. If this is not true, schedule the rst task whose priority equals the given priority. On success return the task that was scheduled. Otherwise return NULL. Note: FINISHED and RUNNING tasks can not be scheduled.

The driver le lab1.c provides the framework for input and output and testing the sequential list of task list information. The code reads from standard input the commands listed below. The driver contains prints to standard output, and will be used when grading your code. The driver code in lab1.c calls functions found in task_list.c. Based on the return information you will call the appropriate print statements. DO NOT INCLUDE printf statements in your nal submission of task_list.c. Doing so may impact grading as we look at the accuracy of standard output for our test cases. Four example input les and the exact output that is required are provided. Do not submit your code if your program cannot produce an exact match to the given output les. If your code is not a perfect match, you must contact the instructor or TA and x your code. These are the input commands:




UPDATE id state



SCHEDULE id priority




The INSERT command allocates a dynamic memory block for the task_t structure using malloc() and then calls the fill_task_record function to prompt for each eld of the record. After all the information is collected, an attempt to add the record to the list is made. The task_list_add function can insert or reject the record, and prints a corresponding output message. The FIND command prints the information for the task record for which the task_id matches. The REMOVE command removes the rst entry of the list that matches the provided task_id, but also removes the record from the list (and frees the memory for the record). The UPDATE command updates the state of the task_id task (if possible). The PRINT command prints each record if there are one or more records in the list. The STATS command prints the number of records in the list. The SCHEDULE command identies a task to schedule and sets that task's state to RUNNING. The DETERMINE command prompts the user for input to create input arguments that are used to determine if a task is runable. The CLEAN command removes all FINISHED tasks from the task list. Finally, the QUIT command frees all the dynamic memory and ends the program.


The task_list_* function prototypes dened above must be listed in task_list.h and the corre-sponding functions must be found in the task_list.c le. Code in lab1.c calls functions dened in task_list.c only if its prototype is listed in task_list.h. You can also add other private


functions to task_list.c, however, these private functions can only be called from within other func-tions in task_list.c. The prototypes for your private functions cannot be listed in task_list.h. Note we are using the principle of information hiding: code in lab1.c does not see any of the details of the data structure used in task_list.c. The only information that lab1.c has about the task list data structure is found in task_list.h (and any private functions you add to task_list.c are not available to lab1.c). The fact that task_list.c uses an array of pointers is unimportant to lab1.c, and if we redesign the data structure no changes are required in lab1.c (including PRINT).

Several of the functions you are asked to write will need similar operations. To reduce the volume of code you will have to write, leverage functions already designed or your custom private functions. Moreover, reusing existing debugged code helps to reduce the likelihood of introducing new bugs into your program.

Recall that you compile your code using: make

You can pipe my example test scripts as input using <. Collect output in a le using For example, to run do ./lab1 10 < testinput.txt testoutput.txt The code you submit must compile using the -Wall ag and no compiler errors or warnings should be printed. All students must verify that their code compiles with no warnings and runs correctly on the CES lab machines (* An example testinput.txt and expectedoutput.txt les are provided. When you run your code on

the testinput.txt le, your output must be identical to the le expectedoutput.txt . You can verify

this using diff testoutput.txt expectedoutput.txt

However, the tests in testinput.txt are incomplete! You must develop more thorough tests (e.g., attempt to delete from an empty list, or insert into a list that is already full). If you have access to a graphical display you can use meld in place of diff.

4. Be sure that your program does not have any memory leaks. That is, all dynamically allocated memory

must be freed before the program ends. We will test for memory leaks with valgrind. You execute valgrind using valgrind --leak-check=yes

./lab1 10 < testinput.txt

The last line of output from valgrind must be: ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed:

x from y) You can ignore the values x and y because suppressed errors are not important and are hidden from you. In addition the summary of the memory heap must show: All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible

Compress .c and .h les into a ZIP le, and submit the ZIP le to Canvas by the deadline. Your last submission is the one that will be graded.

Work must be completed by each individual student. See the course syllabus for additional policies.


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