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Digital Media and Society Final Exam Solution

This is a take home final exam.  The exam consists of 7 essay questions. You may use the information from our online course, on the web, or other sources to answer the questions. All answers must be in your own words and in APA or MLA format. Each essay question should have cited sources at the end of your essay response.  Type your responses directly into the assignment test area below each question.


This exam is worth 100 points and accounts for 20% of your final grade.


Submitting Exam




Exam must be saved as first initial, last name, underscore finalexam (ex. CRagan_finalexam.doc)


Submit exam at the Assignments tab under FINAL EXAM.


Verify your exam posted. It is your responsibility that your final exam is posted successfully and in the correct format. I highly recommend opening your final exam after you posted to make sure it is correct.


Submit early in case there are technical difficulties.


If you submit your final exam close to the deadline and experience technical difficulties and can’t upload your final exam within LEO, than you may email it to me at


Late Submission Exceptions


Late submissions may be allowed, on a case-by-case basis, for life situations (military deployment, medical illness, death in the family, etc.) IN ALL CASES, timely notification of a “life situation” is critical to approval of any exceptions.  All exceptions must be accompanied by official documentation, which is subject to inspection and approval. Work load, course load, vacations, bad memory, or computer malfunctions are not acceptable excuses.


CMST 301: Digital Media and Society





Essay Questions: 20 points each (Essay responses must be 200-400 words, this does not include quoted material.)


1.  Compare and contrast a specific company’s advertisement from 20-30

years ago with today. What has changed? How has digital media impacted their advertising? Include URL of advertisements.

2.  Research a current event (news or political) and give a summary and

analysis of digital media’s impact. Event must be recent (no later than

January 2016)

3.  Choose one of the TED Talks that was assigned in the “Read/Watch” section each week.  What was significant about this video? Give an example that supports the information discussed in the video. In your opinion, what impact could the information discussed have on society?


Essay Questions: 10 points each (Essay responses must be 100-200 words, this does not include quoted material.)


1.  Week 2 covered Communication Theory and content delivery. Provide an example of a company, individual or organization that has successfully used digital media for communication.  Explain why they were successful and what they effectively communicated.   Include an example of their communication (Tweet, Video, Infographic, etc) Cite resources.

2.  Give a brief explanation of E commerce.  What are some security concerns

that the public should be aware of? List and explain at least two.

3.  Choose and evaluate information found through digital media. This can be a website, video, infographic, etc.  List the URL, embed if you can, and explain the steps you used to evaluate.

4.  Give an example of participatory media and use this example to explain advantages and disadvantages of participatory media.

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