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Lab 2 Solution

In this lab you’ll be working out some basic function definitions. We’ll work the first problem together as a class and then you can tackle the rest on your own.

Lab 3

All of your problems for this week come from the text book. Use comments in your code to label each problem with an exercise num-ber. For each function you should provide a brief description of the function’s purpose as well as several concrete examples. Write the statement of purpose as a comment above the definition and the examples as comments below the definition as seen in the pseudo-example given below:


2 ; Exercise 192


4 ; This function computes ... given ...

5 (define (foo x y z)



8 ; (foo 1 2 3) -- 14

9 ; (foo 4 5 6) -- 21

Do the following problems from section 2.1 of the text: 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17,19, and 20.