Starting from:


Homework #2 Solution


DO NOT COPY/SHARE CODE! We will check your assignments against this semester and previous semesters!

Download the Stony Brook version of MARS posted on Piazza. DO NOT USE the MARS avail-able on the official webpage. The Stony Brook version has a reduced instruction set, added tools, and additional system calls you will need to complete the homework assignments.

All assignments MUST be implemented in MIPS Assembly language.

All test cases MUST execute in 10,000 instructions or less. Efficiency is an important aspect of programming.

Any excess output from your program (debugging notes, etc) may impact your grading. Do not leave erroneous printouts in your code!

Do not submit a file with the functions/labels main or _start defined. You are also not permitted to start your label names with two underscores ( __ ). You will obtain a ZERO for the assignment if you do this.


In this assignment you will be creating functions. The goal is to understand passing arguments, returning values, and the role of register conventions. We will continue our exploration of IPv4 packets by calculating checksums and rebuilding the payload contents from an array of frag-mented packets.

You MUST implement all the functions in the assignment as defined. It is OK to implement addi-tional helper functions of your own in hw2.asm .

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If you are having difficulties implementing these functions, write out the pseudocode or im-plement the functions in a higher-level language first. Once you understand the algorithm and what steps to perform, then translate the logic to MIPS.

When writing your program, try to comment as much as possible. Try to stay consistent with your formatting. It is much easier for your TA and the professor to help you if we can figure out what your code does quickly.

Getting started

Download from Piazza in the Homework section of Resources. This file contains hw2.asm and multiple hw2_main files, which you need for the assignment. At the top of your hw2.asm program in comments put your name and SBU ID number.

Homework #2

name: MY_NAME

sbuid: MY_SBU_ID

How to test your functions

To test your functions, simply open one of the provided hw2_main files in MARS. Next, assemble the main file and run. Mars will take the contents of the file referenced with the .include at the end of the file and add the contents of your hw2.asm file to the main file before assembling it. Once the contents have been substituted into the file, Mars will then assemble it as normal.

Each of the main files tests the functions you are to implement with one of the sample test cases. You should modify these files or create your own files in order to test your functions with more test cases.

Your assignment will not be graded using these tests!

Any modifications to the main files will not be graded. You will only submit your hw2.asm file via Sparky. Make sure that all code required for implementing your functions ( .text and

.data ) are included in the hw2.asm file! To make sure that your code is self-contained, try assembling your hw2.asm file by itself in MARS. If you get any errors (such as a missing label), this means that you need to refactor (reorganize) your code, possibly by moving labels you inad-vertently defined in a main file to hw2.asm .

It is highly advised to write your own main programs (new individual files) to test each of your functions thoroughly.

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Make sure to initialize all of your values within your functions! Never assume registers or memory will hold any particular values!

Part 1: Basic Functions

a. int replace1st(char[] string, char toReplace, char replaceWith)

This function finds the FIRST occurrence of the ASCII character toReplace in null-terminated string and replaces it with the ASCII character replaceWith .

We WILL NOT test the function with an invalid string argument address.

The function MUST modify string directly in memory.

string : starting address of the character array (aka string).

toReplace : ASCII character to find in string .

replaceWith : ASCII character to insert into string .

returns: the address of the character in the string AFTER the replaced character, or 0 if no occurrence of the toReplace character was found in string .

Return -1 for error in any of the following cases:

toReplace or replaceWith is not a valid ASCII character, outside the range [0x00,0x7F].

V Your function may not modify string except as required to implement the above specification.


Sample input strings are provided in hw2_examples.asm . Assume the starting address of the string argument is 0x400 for each example.


Return Value



"Bunny Funny"

replace1st("Funny Funny", ‘F’,‘B’)


"Funny sunny"

replace1st("Funny Bunny", ‘B’,‘s’)



replace1st("FunnyntBunny", ‘nt’,‘_’)


"Funny Funny"

replace1st("Funny Funny", ‘t’,‘S’)


"Funny Funny"

replace1st("Funny Funny", 0x80, ‘A’)


"Funny Funny"

replace1st("Funny Funny", ‘F’, 0xFF)


"Funny Funny"

replace1st("Funny Funny", 0x80, 0xE1)

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Page 3

b. int printStringArray(String[] sarray, int startIndex, int endIndex,

int length)

This function prints out the null-terminated strings specified by the addresses stored in sarray in the range sarray[startIndex] through sarray[endIndex] (inclusive).

Each string is printed to the screen followed by two newline character "nnnn".

The function MUST NOT modify the array in memory.

We WILL NOT test the function with an invalid sarray argument address.

sarray : starting address of the array in memory (indexed by 0).

startIndex : index of array to begin printing from (inclusive).

endIndex : index of array to stop printing at (inclusive).

length : number of elements in the array.

returns: the number of strings printed, or -1 for error.

Return -1 for error in any of the following cases:

length is less than 1

startIndex or endIndex is less than zero or greater than or equal to the array length

endIndex is less than startIndex

V Your function must not modify sarray in any manner.


Assume the starting address of sarray_ex1 is 0x400 and each element in sarray_ex1 contains the starting address of the specified strings in memory.

sarray_ex1 = [ “Stony Brook”, “Computer Science”, “MIPS is amazing!!”,

“Innlovennprogramming”, “FarBeyond”]

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Return Value


printStringArray(sarray_ex1, 0, 2, 4)

Stony Brook

Computer Science

MIPS is amazing!!


printStringArray(sarray_ex1, 3, 4, 5)






printStringArray(sarray_ex1, 1, 1, 5)

Computer Science


printStringArray(sarray_ex1, 0, 4, -2)


printStringArray(sarray_ex1, -1, 2, 5)


printStringArray(sarray_ex1, 0, 5, 5)


printStringArray(sarray_ex1, 3, 2, 5)

c. int verifyIPv4Checksum(byte[] header)

This function verifies that the header of an IPv4 packet was transmitted correctly by adding all half-words of the packet header (the size of header is specified by the Header length field) together, including the checksum fi eld. If the summation is greater than or equal to 216, perform end-around-carry. Flip all the bits of the value. If the result is 0, the packet has no errors. If it is non-zero, an error occurred. See Homework #1 if you need a refresher of how an IPv4 packet is structured.

The function DOES NOT modify the bytes in memory.

bytes : starting byte address of the IPv4 header.

returns: 0 if the checksum in the packet is correct. Otherwise, if the checksum in the packet is incorrect, return the calculated checksum.

V Your function must not modify bytes in any manner.


These examples use the sample packets provided in the sample file.

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Return Value







verifyIPv4Checksum(invalid_header_ex2) 0xe612

Part 2: Handling a set of IPv4 packets

Each IPv4 packet begins with the IPv4 header followed by the payload (data to be transmit-ted). In Homework #1, we set the Total Length field of the header to denote the entire packet size in bytes, including header and data.

In this part, the goal is to extract the payloads from an ordered array of IPv4 packets to rebuild the correctly transmitted message.

The maximum IPv4 packet length is 65,535 bytes. For this assignment, we will assume that each packet has a maximum size of 60 bytes to keep things small and simple. The IPv4 header is 20 bytes. Therefore, the maximum payload size is 40 bytes (actual size is deter-mined by the Total Length field of the header).

A 1D array of IPv4 packets will be stored in the .data section of a main file.

d. (int,int) extractData(Packet[] parray, int n, byte[] msg)

This function extracts the payload of each packet in parray and sequentially writes the payloads into memory starting at the address referenced by the msg .

The Total Length field of each packet header must be used to determine the size of the packet payload. The Total Length field specifies the full length of the packet in bytes. To determine the length of the packet payload, subtract the size of the header (20 bytes) from this value. You do not need the flag or fragment offset fields.

The first packet’s payload is stored starting at msg[0] .

Each subsequent packet’s payload is stored starting at the byte after the last byte of the previous packet’s payload.

parray provides the starting address of the Packet array in memory. Each element of the array is treated as type Packet . Therefore, each element of the array is 60 bytes of memory, whether the bytes are used by the packet or not.

It is guaranteed there is enough space allocated in memory to store the full data-gram at the msg argument.

You may assume all n packets are provided sequentially in the array.

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Upon successful extraction of all payloads into the msg array, the function returns ( 0 , M ), where M is the total number of bytes that were written by the function starting at msg .

If any packet fails checksum verification, the function returns ( -1 , k ) where k is the first index of parray whose packet had a checksum error (i.e., 0 k n-1 ). Changes to msg upon failure are ignored.

Function parameter and return value summary:

parray : starting address of the 1D array of ordered IPv4 Packet(s).

n : number of packets in parray .

msg : starting address of the 1D array of byte for the msg .

returns: ( 0 , M ) upon success, ( -1 , k ) upon failure. M is the total number of bytes stored in msg . k is the first array index with a checksum error.

V The function must not modify parray in any manner.

V Your function may not modify msg except as required to implement the above specification.

V Your function MUST CALL verifyIPv4Checksum .


Return Value

extractData(pktArray_ex1, 1, msg_buffer)

(0, 32)

is modified to

This is a single packet!n

ex2, 2, msg_buffer)

(0, 27)

is modified to


ex3, 4, msg_buffer)

(0, 130)

see below table


extractData(pktArray_ex4, 4, msg_buffer)

(-1, 2)

is ignored due to checksum error.


I’m a shooting star leaping through the skynnLike a tiger defying the laws of gravitynnI’m a racing car passing by like Lady Godivann

Once you have extracted the data from the packet, the application typically parses the mes-sage for use. To experiment with this type of operation, we will parse the message into strings which can then be printed with our printStringArray function. We will ex-plore this functionality in the processDatagram function now.

e. int processDatagram(byte[] msg, int M, String[] sarray)

This function parses msg , replacing any occurrences of nn (if any) with n0 using


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Page 7
replace1st . The starting address of each null-terminated string created by the function is stored sequentially into sarray . The function also writes a n0 at position msg[M] .

msg : starting byte address of the message in memory.

M : total number of bytes stored in msg .

sarray : starting address of the array to hold the addresses of ASCII character strings in memory.

returns: The number of string addresses written to sarray , or -1 if M0

Your function MUST CALL replace1st .

Your function may not modify msg or sarray except as required to implement the above specification.

Ÿ It is guaranteed there is enough space allocated in memory to store all string ad-dresses into the sarray argument. It is also guaranteed that the length of msg it at least M so that there is space to write the null-terminator at index M .


Sample input is provided in hw2_examples.asm . Assume the starting address of msg is 0x400. msg is annbbnncccnnddddnneeeeennffffffnn for all examples. msg2 and msg3 can be found in hw2_examples.asm as well.







is modified to






is modified to






is modified to






is modified to






is modified to






msg is unmodified.

Part 3: Putting it all together

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