1. Declare the following:
A. An un-initialized data declaration for a 32-bit usigned integer
B. An initialized data declaration for a 32-bit unsigned integer with the value “1234h”
C. A null terminated string variable containing your name and favorite vegetable
D. A symbolic constant named “MinutesInMonth” using the equal-sign directive and assign it an arithmetic expression that calculates the total number of minutes in a month.
2. Show the order of individual bytes in memory (lowest to highest) for the following double word variable (use little endian order): var1 DWORD 2233129887h
3. Show the following using assembler directives:
A. How to declare a signed double-word array of eight elements and initialize the array with the following values: 43h, 32h, 25h, 12h, 99h, 44h, 77h, 88h
B. Using the array created in part A of this question, show how to calculate the number of elements contained and assign the value to a symbolic constant named “ArraySize”
4. Why is a string variable declared using the reserved word BYTE as opposed to WORD, DWORD or QWORD?
5. Using the AddSub program from the textbook as a reference, write a program that adds three word sized integers using only 16-bit registers. Please embed program code into your homework submission.
6. Write a program that prints War Eagle on your screen. You can use the following. Assemble and generate the output using MASM and Visual Studio. Embed your output in your submission.