Starting from:


THE 1 Section 1 & 2

    • Overview

You are working for a large shipping company. Many companies work with your company to transport their goods to overseas. These companies are their customers.

The shipping company has a problem nowadays: it runs out of ships with ideal capacity when needed.

Sometimes ships move with overcapacity, sometimes capacity is wasted and ships go empty.

This is where your job begins. They hired you to solve their optimization problem. Since the shipping company wants to serve more customers, they want you to minimize the number of ships spared for each customer. When the company serves multiple customers, reputation of the company will increase and it will dominate the market more.

    • The Fleet

The eet is not stationary, many ships come and go. Ships at harbour are in di erent types. Each one of them carries di erent amount of load. The company representative told you that there are at most 10 distinct ship types in the harbour at any time. You can also assume that ships with 1 unit capacity are always ready for shipment in the harbour.

At any time, multiple customers can ask for company’s service.  When a customer comes, a captain among available captains in the harbour is assigned to the shipment.  At most 10 customers can come and ask for company’s service. The company representative also told you that they can accept maximum amount of load of 1000 units at any time for any customer.

Above upper bound restrictions are added in implementation template les. Check macros inside them.

NOTICE: Only important thing about serving customers is sparing minimum number of ships to them and having as much satis ed customer as possible. After you nd how many ships a customer requires, you need to assign captains among available captains accordingly. The company’s captains are highly-quali ed, they can lead any type of ship they want, ship type is not an issue for them. You are NOT responsible for nding which types of ships should be spared for each customer in this assignment.

    • Tasks

        1. Read input by implementing read input() function in the1 read input.c le. See Regula-tions section for input details. (10 points)

        2. Calculate minimum number of ships spared for a customer in \recursive" manner.

Implement min ships required recursive() function in the1 recursive.c  le. (35 points)

        3. Calculate minimum number of ships spared for a customer in \iterative" manner. Implement min ships required iterative() function in the1 iterative.c le. (40 points)

    4. Find out how many customers the company can serve. Implement serve customers() function in the1 serve cust.c le. Return the number of customers with their requirements satis ed. If number of available captains in the harbour is NOT enough for any customer’s required ships, return 0. Consider the notice in The Fleet section.

HINT: To serve as many customers as possible, you may use sort integer array() function in the1 serve cust.c. (15 points)

    • Regulations

Input-Output format: Input-output formats are given below. Output format is prepared for you in test cases (in the1.c). While evaluating your assignments, di erent main() func-tion implementation will be used for more testing.

Actually this is why you will implement this assignment in di erent les rather than a sin-gle le. With this way, your function implementations can be evaluated separately and easily plugged in and plugged out to the main code without touching your function implementations. Input Format:

<available_captain_count_in_the_harbour> <ship_type_count>

<ship_type_1> <ship_type_2> ... <ship_type_n> <customer_count>

<customer_requirement_1> <customer_requirement_2> ... <customer_requirement_n> Output Format (for testing purposes):

<min_ships_required_for_customer_0> ships required for customer 0 <min_ships_required_for_customer_1> ships required for customer 1


<min_ships_required_for_customer_n-1> ships required for customer n-1 <number_of_satisfied_customers>

ASSUMPTIONS that you can make about inputs:

{ Ship types will be given to you in ascending order. { There will be no repetitions in ship types.

{ There will be always 1-unit-ships among ship types in the input. { With above assumptions, ship type row can be:

1 3 7



1 x y z ...

Example 1:

There are 4 available captains and 4 di erent types of ships in the harbour. Types of these ships are ships with 1 unit, 5 units, 6 units and 9 units of capacity. There are currently 2 customers contacted with the company for its services. First customer (customer 0) wants to transport 40 units of goods, second customer (customer 1) wants to transport 30 units of goods.

Result 1:

Customer 0 = 40 units (9+9+9+6+6+1) needs 6 ships Customer 1 = 30 units (9+9+6+6) needs 4 ships

With 4 available captains in the harbour, the company can serve to only customer 1.






40 30


6 ships required for customer 0

4 ships required for customer 1


Example 2:

There are 12 available captains and 3 di erent types of ships in the harbour. Types of these ships are ships with 1 unit, 4 units and 7 units of capacity. There are currently 3 customers contacted with the company for its services. First customer (customer 0) wants to transport 35 units of goods, second customer (customer 1) wants to transport 45 units of goods, third customer (customer 2) wants to transport 25 units of goods.

Result 2:

Customer 0 = 35 units (7+7+7+7+7) needs 5 ships Customer 1 = 45 units (7+7+7+7+7+7+1+1+1)

    • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or (7+7+7+7+7+4+4+1+1)

    • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or (7+7+7+7+4+4+4+4+1)

    • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or (7+7+7+4+4+4+4+4+4) needs 9 ships Customer 2 = 25 units (7+7+7+4) needs 4 ships

With 12 available captains in the harbour, the company can serve to customers 2 and customer 0 later.




1 4 7


35 45 25


5 ships required for customer 0

9 ships required for customer 1

4 ships required for customer 2


Programming Language: C

Libraries and Language Elements:

You should not use any library other than \stdio.h", \math.h" and \limits.h". You can use conditional clauses (switch/if/else if/else), loops (for/while), arrays, 2D arrays. You can NOT use any further elements beyond that (this is for students who repeat the course). You can de ne your own helper functions, provided that you have implemented 4 functions given to you in Tasks section. Finally, please look at comments in the code for deep understanding about functions.

Compiling and running:

You should be able to compile your codes and run your program with following commands:

>_ gcc the1.c the1_read_input.c the1_recursive.c the1_iterative.c the1_serve_cust.c -ansi -pedantic-errors -Wall -lm -o the1

>_ ./the1

If you are working with ineks or you are working on Ubuntu OS, you can feed your program with input les instead of typing inputs. This is a feature of Ubuntu OS and an equivalent of typing inputs. This way you will test your inputs faster:

>_ ./the1 < inp1.txt >_ ./the1 < inp2.txt


You will compress the1 read input.c, the1 recursive.c, the1 iterative.c, the1 serve cust.c implementations and submit compressed le as e1234567 to the CengClass where 1234567 should be REPLACED with your OWN student id. Since submission is a part of the assignment, any error on submission le will be penalized. Late submission IS NOT allowed, it is not possible to extend the deadline and please do not ask for any deadline extensions.

Evaluation: Your codes will be evaluated based on several input les including, but not limited to the test cases given to you as example. If your program gives correct outputs for all cases, you will get 100 points.

Your \recursive" solution should work fast for small values. When values get larger, \recur-sive" function returns after some considerable time. This is the natural behaviour, do not worry. On the other hand, your \iterative" solution should work fast for both small and large values.

Cheating: We have zero tolerance policy for cheating. People involved in cheating will be punished according to the university regulations and will get 0. Sharing code between each other or using third party code is strictly forbidden. Even if you take a \part" of the code from somewhere/somebody else - this is also cheating. Please be aware that there are \very advanced tools" that detect if two codes are similar. So please do not think you can get away with by changing a code obtained from another source.