Starting from:



What should I submit, where should I submit and by when?

Your submission for this assignment will be one PDF (.pdf) le and one zip (.zip) le. Instruc-tions on how to prepare and submit these les is given below.

Assignment Package:

Deadline for all submissions: 23 November, 9:59PM IST

There is no provision for \late submission" for this assignment

1.1 How to submit the PDF le

The PDF le must be submitted using Gradescope in the group submission mode. Note that this means that auditors may not make submissions to this assignment.

Make only one submission per assignment group on Gradescope. Gradescope allows you to submit in groups - please use this feature to make a group submission.

To clarify the above, for example, there are, as of today i.e. Oct 30 2019, 47 assignment groups. We wish to have only 47 submissions on Gradescope, i.e. one submission per assignment group, not one submission per student.

URL link for groups material/assn_groups_16Oct2019.pdf

Link all group members in your group submission. If you miss out on a group member while submitting, that member may end up getting a zero since Gradescope will think that person never submitted anything.

You may overwrite your group’s submission (submitting again on Gradescope simply overwrites the old submission) as many times as you want before the deadline.

Do not submit Microsoft Word or text les. Prepare your PDF le using the style le we have provided (instructions on formatting given later).

1.2 How to submit the ZIP le

Password protect your ZIP le using a password with 8-10 characters. Use only alphanu-meric characters (a-z A-Z 0-9) in your password. Do not use special characters, punctu-ation marks, whitespaces etc in your password. Name your ZIP le Specify the le name properly in the Google form.


Remember, your le is not under attack from hackers with access to supercomputers. This is just an added security measure so that even if someone guesses your submission URL, they cannot see your code immediately. A length 10 alphanumeric password (that does not use dictionary phrases and is generated randomly e.g. 2x4kPh02V9) provides you with more than 55 bits of security. It would take more than 1 million years to go through all 255 combinations at 1K combinations per second.

Make sure that the ZIP le does indeed unzip when used with that password (try unzip -P your-password

on Linux platforms). If we are unable to unzip your le, you will lose marks.

Upload the password protected ZIP le to your IITK (CC or CSE) website (for CC, log on to, for CSE, log on to

Fill in the following Google form to tell us the exact path to the le as well as the password

Do not host your ZIP submission le on le-sharing services like Dropbox or Google drive. Host it on IITK servers only. We will be using a script to autodownload your submissions and if not careful, Dropbox or Google Drive URLs may send us an HTML page (instead of your submission) when we try to autodownload your le. Thus, it is best to host your code submission le locally within IITK servers.

While lling in the form, you have to provide us with the password to your ZIP le in a designated area. Write just the password in that area. For example, do not write \Password: helloworld" in that area if your password is \helloworld". Instead, simply write \helloworld" (without the quotes) in that area. Remember that your password should contain only alphabets and numerals, no spaces, special or punctuation characters.

While lling the form, give the complete URL to the le, not just to the directory that contains that le. The URL should contain the lename as well.

Example of a proper URL:

Example of an improper URL ( le name missing):

Example of an improper URL (incomplete path):

We will use an automated script to download all your les. If your URL is malformed or incomplete, or if you have hosted the le outside IITK and it is di cult for us to download automatically, then we will not bother to make any e orts to manually locate your le or else contact you for clari cations. We will simply give your group a zero in these cases.

Make sure you ll in the Google form with your le link before the deadline. We will close the form at the deadline.

Make sure that your ZIP le is actually available at that link at the time of the deadline. We will run a script to automatically download these les after the deadline is over. If your le is missing, we will simply assign your group zero marks.


We will entertain no submissions or mercy appeals over email, Piazza etc. All submissions must take place before the stipulated deadline over the Gradescope and the Google form. The PDF le must be submitted on Gradescope at or before the deadline and the Python le must be available on the link speci ed on the Google form at or before the deadline.


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