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Project 5 Solution


The University of Florida English department has asked you to create an autograder for its introductory class. There are many types of students who are taking this class. Some are high­achieving High School students, some are University of Florida Undergraduate students, and some are Graduate students who need a refresher. They would like to create a parent (base) Class that can be extended to provide functionality for various kinds of students. The department has specifically asked for the ability to supply the name of the file containing a student’s essay (the student's’ ID number.txt) and have the program grade the essay, by listing all the misspelled.


Read in the file given

Store each misspelled word

List all misspelled words

Generate an output file that contains the student’s graded feedback

Your Assignment

You will need to create five files complete this project and name them exactly as follows:,,,,,,

The and files have been provided, and it’s your responsibility not to modify them. If you modify them, you will most likely fail the grading

program. Each of the .java files and their associated classes are described as below: (Do not modify, or you will fail the grading)

The Project5 Class will hold the main method of your program. We have already implemented that for you. Generally, it will:

ask you to input the dictionary name

load the dictionary

Grade the students’ essays (in a loop) based on the student ID (input from the keyboard).

Terminate when “exit” is typed in for student ID.

Do not modify this class. It provides you an entry point and a skeleton from which to start your project. If the other five required classes have not been correctly implemented, it’s highly possible that your program will fail to compile.

Also, you can add your own methods in addition to the mandatory methods and fields in the five required classes. Please do not change the method signature to handle exceptions. You should surround any code that may throw an exception in a try/catch block. The exceptions should not be raised to the main method.

The dictionary class will load the dictionary from a dictionary file, and be used to check misspellings. The class must have the following members with the exact same signatures:

A data field to hold the words from the dictionary

private ArrayList<String dictionary = new


A method that returns the number of words in the loaded dictionary

public int getVocabularySize()

A method which will load the dictionary file based on the file name. You may assume the dictionary file is in the same folder as the Dictionary class. If loading the dictionary succeeds (meaning that the file was found), return true. Otherwise return false.

public boolean loadDictionaryFromFile(String


A method which being used to check whether a given word is in the dictionary. If the word is in the dictionary, return true, otherwise return false. In the essay, a word is considered a series of letters, separated by spaces. As long as the word, exactly as given, is found in the dictionary, we will consider it to be correct. If a word is not in the dictionary, it will be considered as a misspelling. For example, if you pass in the word “cat’s”, you will see that “cat” is in the dictionary, however “cat’s” is not. In this case, “cat’s” will be considered as misspelling. Please follow this rule. DO not make up your own rule.

public boolean isWord(String word)

The Grader class will contain a Dictionary object and use it to grade a student’s essay from the essay file. The class must have the following members with the exact same signatures:

Fields for the following attributes

private boolean available

This variable indicates whether the student variable in the Grader class is holding a Student instance

private Student student

Variable which holds the graded student instance

private Dictionary dict

Variable which holds the dictionary instance

A constructor which will pass in a created dictionary instance, then initialize the local dict field

public Grader(Dictionary dict)

A method which will grade the given student essay based on passed in student file name. The grading criteria is explained in the Dictionary class. You should use the isWord() method in the Dictionary class to decide whether a word is misspelled. After parsing the original essay file, the you should instantiate the local student variable to an appropriate Class Instance.

E.g. after parsing the essay file, if you find out that the student is a Graduate Student, the student’s name is FName LName, id is 12345678, school major is Computer Science, advisor is Kyla McMullen. If you have stored all the errors in the variable errorList, Then you should instantiate the appropriate Student Object for the student variable. For example:



After grading the file and creating the appropriate Student object, the available variable should be set to false and the method will return true. Otherwise (e.g. IO error/exception ...), the method should return false and reset all local variables except the dict field by calling public void reset() method. Important:

you should handle all exceptions inside the method. DO NOT throw any exception throw the method, or the mandatory signature will be changed.

public boolean gradeStudent(String fileName)

A method to check whether the grader is available to grade next student. “available” means that the student field has been set to null and the available variable is true.

public boolean isAvailable()

A “getter” method to get the graded/generated student instance

public Student getStudent()

A method to reset the local variables, excluding the dict field. When the reset method is called, the student variable should be set to null and the available variable should be set to true

public void reset()

 (Do not modify, or you will have compilation errors in grading)

The Student class will act as your parent class from which the different types of students will be derived. This class contains the following members:
Fields for the following attributes

private String name \\ first last

private String id

private String essay

private ArrayList<String errorList

“Getter”/”Setter” methods for each attribute

public String getEssay()

public void setEssay(String essay)

public String getId()

public void setId(String id)

public String getName()

public void setName(String n)

public ArrayList<String getErrorList()

public void setErrorList(ArrayList<String errorList)

A method that will format and return all misspelled words in the error list, to be used for printing

public String getPrintableErrorList()

An abstract method being used to write the graded files to file system, which you are supposed to implement in all the subclasses

public abstract void writeToFile()

A constructor

public Student(String name, String id, String essay, ArrayList<String errorList)

The HighSchoolStudent class is a child class of the Student Class. The class must have the following members with the exact same signatures:

Fields for the following attributes

private String nameOfSchool

“getter” and “setter” methods

public String getSchoolName()

public void setSchoolName(String schoolName)

A method implements the abstract method in parent class, which will write the student’s grading information to the file.

public void writeToFile() ­

The file should be in the same path as all class files.

The file name should be named id+”_graded.txt”. e.g. if the

student’s id is “12345678”, the generated file name should be “12345678_graded.txt”

In the file, the content should be written as following sequence: (suppose the student’s name is FName LName, id is 12345678, school name is Gainesville High School)

High School Student FName LName

Student ID: 12345678

School Name: Gainesville High School



How to define error words will be discussed in Grader class.

Hint: use public String getPrintableErrorList() method in parent Student class to format the error words output.

Important: you should handle all exceptions inside the method. DO NOT throw any exception throw the method, or the mandatory signature will be changed. You should enclose the code that may throw the exception within a try/catch block.

A constructor

The constructor must initialize all fields of the Student object, using the constructor’s parameters

HighSchoolStudent(String name, String id, String essay, ArrayList<String errorList, String nameOfSchool)

The UndergraduateStudent Class is a child class of the Student Class. The class must have the following members with the exact same signatures:

Fields for the following attributes

private String major

“getter” and “setter” methods

public String getMajor()

public void setMajor(String major)

A method implements the abstract method in parent class, which will write the student’s grading information to the file.

public void writeToFile()

The file should be at the same path as all class files.

The file name should be id+”_graded.txt”. e.g. if the

student’s id is “12345678”, the generated file name should be “12345678_graded.txt”

In the file, the content should be written as following sequence: (suppose the student’s name is FName LName, id is 12345678, school major is Computer Science)

Undergraduate Student FName LName

Student ID: 12345678

Major: Computer Science



How to define error words will be discussed in Grader class.

Hint: use public String getPrintableErrorList() method in parent Student class to format the error words output.

Important: you should handle all exceptions inside the method. DO NOT throw any exception throw the method, or the mandatory signature will be changed. You should enclose the code that may throw the exception within a try/catch block.

A constructor

The constructor must initialize all fields of the Student object, using the constructor’s parameters

UndergraduateStudent(String name, String id, String essay, ArrayList<String errorList, String major)

The GraduateStudent Class is a child class of the Student Class. The class must have the following members with the exact same signatures:

Fields for the following attributes

private String major

private String advisor

“getter” and “setter” methods

public String getMajor()

public void setMajor(String major)

public String getAdvisor()

public void setAdvisor(String advisor)

A method implements the abstract method in parent class, which will write the student’s grading information to the file.

public void writeToFile()

The file should be at the same path as all class files.

The file name should be id+”_graded.txt”. e.g. if the

student’s id is “12345678”, the generated file name should be “12345678_graded.txt”

In the file, the content should be written as following sequence: (suppose the student’s name is FName LName, id is 12345678, school major is Computer Science, advisor is Kyla McMullen)

Graduate Student FName LName

Student ID: 12345678

Major: Computer Science

Advisor: Kyla McMullen



How to define error words will be discussed in Grader class.

Hint: use public String getPrintableErrorList() method in parent Student class to format the error words output.

Important: you should handle all exceptions inside the method. DO NOT throw any exception throw the method, or the mandatory signature will be changed. You should enclose the code that may throw the exception within a try/catch block.

A constructor

The constructor must initialize all fields of the Student object using the constructor’s parameters

GraduateStudent(String name, String id, String essay, ArrayList<String errorList, String major, String advisor)

Sample Essay Files

(saved as 11111111.txt)

Graduate Student

John Smith


Computer Science

Kyla McMullen

This esasy is not very long. I hope my advisor won’t be agnry with me.

Sample Essay File

(saved as 12345678.txt)

Undergraduate Student

Jane Doe


Mechanical Engineering

Writing an essay is hard. If I had a nickel for every misspeled word in this essay I would have exactly one nickel.

Sample Essay File

(saved as 99999999.txt)

HighSchool Student

Allen Anderson


Gainesville High School

Shall I compear thee to a summer day?

Thou art more lovely and more temparate:

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's leese hath all too short a date

Sample Output File (saved as 11111111_graded.txt)

Graduate Student John Smith

Student ID: 11111111

Major: Computer Science

Advisor: Kyla McMullen




Sample Output File (saved as 12345678_graded.txt)

Undergraduate Student Jane Doe

Student ID: 12345678

Major: Mechanical Engineering


Sample Output File (saved as 99999999_graded.txt)

High School Student Allen Anderson

Student ID: 99999999

School Name: Gainesville High School






Sample Run (input in red)

Please specify the file name (without extension) of the dictionary.


Failed to load dictionary. Please try again.

Please specify the file name (without extension) of the dictionary.


Dictionary load successfully.

Please specify the ID of the student whose essay will be graded.


Student 11111111 has been graded.

Please specify the ID of the student whose essay will be graded.


Student 12345678 has been graded.

Please specify the ID of the student whose essay will be graded.


Grading student pokemon failed. Please try another one.

Please specify the ID of the student whose essay will be graded.


Submission Requirements

● Zip all seven Class files,,,,,, and your extra classes into one single zip file without any folder hierarchy. For verbal and pictorial instructions on how to do that, please refer Project 4 submission requirements.

The zip fileshould be named where uflID is the alphanumeric portion of your ufl email account that comes before the part.

Submit on time using Canvas


When inputting essay files and generating graded output files, make sure they are in teh same folder as all your class files.

If your zip file is not named, your project will not be graded.

If you do not name the items above exactly as specified, where specified, your project will not be graded correctly.

Please convert both the dictionary words and essay words to

lowercase and remove all punctuation except the apostrophe (‘) and hyphen (­) during word comparison.

It is highly recommended that you test your program piece by piece before assembling your final code. You will have a much easier time if you build your program piece by piece rather than trying to write the entire program. If you have

more questions about the project, it is highly recommended to consult your TA at office hours.

Please make sure to mimic the output in the Sample Runs, and your output should be the same as the one in the Sample Runs. More importantly, your file output should follow the format described previously. The grades will be decided by those output files and the implementation of mandatory methods/classes.

Some, unit testing will be made available for this project. You will still need to compare your output file to the correct output.


100% of your grade will be based on your program’s ability to generate proper output (files) and using all of the mandatory methods.

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