Starting from:


TDT4205 Problem Set 2 Solution

1    Top-down parsing


1.1     LL(1) form


Rewrite  the  following grammar into  LL(1) form, by left factoring  it and  elimi- nating  left recursion.

S → sC T |sC T wB C → c

T  → t|

B → Ba|a



1.2     Parsing table


Tabulate the  FIRST  and  FOLLOW  sets  of the  nonterminals in the  resulting grammar, and construct the predictive  parsing  table.


2    VSL specification


The directory  in the code archive ps2 skeleton.tgz  begins a compiler for a slightly modified 64-bit version of VSL (“Very  Simple Language”), defined by Bennett (Introduction to Compiling Techniques, McGraw-Hill,  1990).

Its lexical structure is defined as follows:


• Whitespace   consists  of the  characters ’\t’, ’\n’, ’\r’, ’\v’ and  ’  ’.   It is ignored after  lexical analysis.


• Comments  begin with the sequence ’//’, and last until the next ’\n’ char- acter.  They  are ignored after  lexical analysis.


• Reserved  words are FUNC,  BEGIN,  END, RETURN, PRINT, CONTINUE, IF, THEN,  ELSE, WHILE,  DO, and VAR.


•  Operators are assignment (:=), the basic arithmetic operators ’+’, ’-’, ’*’,

’/’, and relational  operators ’=’, ’<’, ’’.


• Numbers  are sequences of one or more decimal digits (’0’ through ’9’).


• Strings  are sequences of arbitrary characters other  than  ’\n’, enclosed in double quote  characters ’”’.


• Identifiers  are sequences of at least one letter  followed by an arbitrary se- quence of letters  and digits.  Letters  are the upper- and lower-case English alphabet (’A’ through ’Z’ and ’a’ through ’z’), as well as underscore  (’ ’). Digits are the decimal digits,  as above.


The syntactic structure is given in the context-free  grammar on the last page of this document.

Building  the program  supplied  in the archive  ps2 skeleton.tgz  combines the contents of the  src/  subdirectory into  a binary  src/vslc which reads  standard input,  and produces  a parse tree.

The  structure in the  vslc directory  will be similar  throughout subsequent problem  sets,  as  the  compiler  takes  shape.    See the  slide  set  from  the  PS2 recitation for an explanation of its construction, and notes on writing Lex/Yacc specifications.


2.1     Scanner


Complete  the  Lex  scanner  specification  in  src/scanner.l, so that it  properly tokenizes  VSL programs.


2.2     Tree construction


A node t structure is defined in include/ir.h. Complete  the  auxiliary  functions node init, and node finalize so that they can initialize/free node t-sized memory areas  passed  to  them  by  their  first  argument.   The  function  destroy  subtree should  recursively  remove  the  subtree  below a given node,  while node finalize should only remove the memory  associated  with a single node.


2.3     Parser


Complete  the  Yacc parser  specification  to include  the  VSL grammar, with  se- mantic  actions  to  construct the  program’s  parse  tree  using  the  functions  im- plemented above.  The  top-level  production should assign the  root  node to the globally accessible node t pointer  ’root’ (declared  in src/vslc.c).


program    →      global list

global list      →      global    |    global list    global global →      f unction   |    declaration

statement list      →      statement   |    statement list    statement print list      →      print item     |    print list    0 ,0       print item

expression list      →      expression   |    expression list    0 ,0       expression variable  list      →      identif ier    |    variable  list    0 ,0       identif ier argument list     →      expression list    |      

parameter  list     →      variable list    |      

declaration list      →      declaration   |    declaration list    declaration f unction    →      F U N C    identif ier    0 (0      parameter list    0 )0      statement statement    →      assignment statement   |    return statement




print statement   |    if statement

while  statement   |    null  statement   |    block

declaration list    statement list    EN D

statement list    EN D
assignment statement    →      identif ier    0  :0        0  =0        expression

return statement    →      RET U RN     expression print statement    →      P RI N T    print list

null  statement    →      C ON T I N U E

if statement  →      I F    relation   T H EN     statement

if statement  →      I F    relation   T H EN     statement   ELSE   statement while  statement    →      W H I LE    relation   DO    statement

relation    →      expression   0  =0        expression

relation    →      expression   0  <0        expression relation    →      expression   0  0        expression expression    →      expression   0  +0       expression





0  −0       expression

0  ∗0       expression

0 /0      expression expression    →      0  −0       expression

expression    →      0 (0      expression   0 )0

0 (0      argument list    0 )0



number   |    identif ier    |    identif ier

V AR    variable  list
print item

expression   |    string
identif ier  →      I DEN T I F I ER

number →      N U M BER

string →      ST RI N G