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Programming Assignments Chapter 6 Solution

1. Programming Assignment #1

1. Write a program that reads a file called DATAFILE2.txt (to be furnished),

performs the following taks, and writes the result of the tasks to an output file called ANSWERS.txt (open this output file only once; do not close it):

- Read the file and write all of the integers to the output file on one line.

- Reread the file and compute the average of all of the integers in the file. Output the average as a floating point number with 3 decimal positions.

- Reread the file and compute the average of the first 12 integers in the file. Output the average as a floating-point number with 3 decimal positions.

- Reread the file and compute the sum of every third integer in the file. That is, compute the sum of the third, sixth, ninth etc. integers.

- Reread the file and determine the range of the integers in the file. That is, find the smallest and largest integers.

- Reread the file and find the integer in the file that is closest to 200.

- Reread the file and compute the average of all integers on the first two lines. See page 247 for guidance on designing the loop structure. Output the average as a floating point number with 3 decimal positions.

- Reread the file and compute the sum of the integers in the file as long as the sum does not exceed 1000. Use a flag controlled loop structure.

2. Each of the tasks should be performed independently from the other tasks. Do not combine the tasks. I recommend that you code and test the tasks one at a time.

3. Each time you need to reread the input file you must close the file and open it again. The syntax of the statements to close the file are:





2. Programming Assignment #2

Write a program to read a file called QUOTES.txt (to be furnished). Your program will count all 3, 4, 5, and 6 letter words. Display the results int he following format:

3 letter words: xxx

4 letter words: xxx

5 letter words: xxx

6 letter words: xxx

The input for this program comes from a file; the output will go to an output file called NUMWORDS.txt

3. Please turn in the following:

- Printed copies of both the programs.

- Printed copies of the ANSWERS.txt file and the NUMWORDS.txt file.

- A USB device containing the two programs.

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